
Importing Photoshop gradients in PaintShop Pro

You might already know that PaintShop Pro allows its users to use or import several resources made for Photoshop. PaintShop Pro can open .psd files, and since version X5, it can import .abr brush files. In addition, Photoshop preset shapes can also be converted with a script. But did you know that it can also import gradients meant for Photoshop?

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Scrapbooking with big or small photos?

If you look in galleries, you might seek a variety of sizes used for the photos in layouts. Some of them will have huge photos used as a background, some will have photos taking half the space of the layout while others will have tiny photos barely visible. What is the purpose of those different sizes?

Although scrapbooking is perceived as an artistic memory keeping, some scrapbookers just want to create art and the photos are not the focus of their project. The importance of the photos and the memories might, in some cases, determine their sizes in a layout. However, other factors can determine whether the artist will use a large or small photo.

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Featured Resource – Tips & Tricks for PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro is a very powerful program that might take a while to learn. Even though each tool and command is, in itself, fairly simple, there are many little tricks that could make your life easier when working on your project. Those tips are often not part of any user manual, or if they are, they are spread over hundreds of pages, hidden in a short sentence that can easily be missed. Over the years, I have discovered many such tips and tricks and have shared them on a weekly basis in the store newsletter, but have collated them into a single book.

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Changing colors in PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro has a lot of common tools and photographers have the ability to tweak their photos in many ways. Those tools are not just for professionals, as everyone can use them to edit photos in creative ways. Let's see how you can change the color of a particular element with PaintShop Pro. Although there are several ways to change colors, we will look at the Change to Target tool.

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The Flood Fill Tool in PaintShop Pro

The Flood Fill tool is one of those tools that you will be using on so many projects that it will become second nature. Although it is a simple tool, and usually intuitive to use, it does have various settings that can make it even more powerful or turn into a headache for you. Let's have a look.

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Edit History in PaintShop Pro

Do you ever work on a project in PaintShop Pro, and after many steps, you are wondering what setting you used about 20 steps back? Or after trying many different commands, you wonder which one you finally chose? PaintShop Pro stores that information and you can retrieve that information!

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How to install scripts

PaintShop Pro has the ability to offer an automated process to perform various tasks. This feature has been introduced in PaintShop Pro 8, so, 10 versions ago! Scripts are a set of commands that are executed on their own, often with minimal input from the user. Scripts are useful as they will perform tasks faster than a user could replicating the tasks manually, and often add precision to the process since it will repeat the steps with pixel precision. Additionally, the script can do calculations, making it even faster to complete a process.

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