
With Paintshop Pro version 8, came a brand new feature: scripting. This will be a feature that would prove to help PSP users in many ways. It would help repeat exactly the same steps in different situations, speed up the process and make it more accurate for the user. Scripting can be as simple as recording your steps or can be more complex with programming more commands into the code. You can create scripts to edit photos, graphics, create buttons, add watermarks, manipulate images and layers, and much much more.

This course is self-taught, meaning you can follow the lessons at your own rhythm. It is not dependent on a schedule or a calendar; you can stop and restart at your convenience. Each lesson is very detailed, with practice exercises. Even if you do not have to hand in the practice activities, it is essential that you go through them (trust me, I went through this course myself).

Prerequisites: For this course, students should have a working knowledge of PaintShop Pro, version 8 or above. Each module is a prerequisite for all the following courses.

Requirements: Installed copy of PaintShop Pro 8 or above. You can download a trial version of the current release at the Corel site HERE.

About the instructor, Suz Shook:

“I have been involved with computers for over 20 years, having started as a large IBM mainframe programmer in the late 80’s and 90’s. I then turned my attention to the personal computer arena, and soon discovered Paint Shop Pro. I have served as a beta tester since version 8, and with the advent of scripting in PSP 8, my interest in programming again come to life, and I taught myself Python so I could go beyond simply recording scripts. Over the years, I have written hundreds of scripts, to automate lengthy or repetitive tasks, as well as to create frames and fun images like stamps and postcards and “blinkies”. After being asked the “how did you do that?” question over and over again, and wanting to share the intricacies and power of PSP scripts with everyone, I eventually developed a comprehensive course in PSP Scripting.”

Access this complete scripting course, for $60.

If you already have an account in the Campus, make sure you are logged in before making your purchase so the access will be associated with the correct account.

Scripting Module 1:

Lesson 01 – Exploring the Script toolbar and the Script Output palette, distinguishing between Restricted and Trusted Scripts, and recording and running a script.

Lesson 02 – Using the PSP Script Editor, introduction to the Text Editor, and printing scripts.

Lesson 03 – Becoming familiar and comfortable with the Text Editor, examining basic script format, adding comments to scripts, and changing dialog parameters using the Text Editor.

Lesson 04 – Adding “print” commands to Scripts.

Lesson 05 – Looking as some practical applications for “print” commands, introducing the concept of variables in scripts, and using “print” commands to assist in debugging problem scripts.

Scripting Module 2:

Lesson 06 – Examining the Python Dictionary structure and its use in Paint Shop Pro scripts, and introduction to using Materials in scripts.

Lesson 07 – Expanding knowledge of Python dictionary structure, and continuing to explore using Materials in scripts.

Lesson 08 – Continuing to expand knowledge of Python dictionary structure, and learning how to control colors in dialogs.

Lesson 09 – Learning how to use the PSP MsgBox command.

Lesson 10 – Learning how to use the PSP GetString command.

Scripting Module 3:

Lesson 11 – Learning how to use the PSP GetNumber command.

Lesson 12 – Learning how to use the “if-else” structure in scripts.

Lesson 13 – Continuing to expand skill with using the “if-else” structure, and introducing the return command.

Lesson 14 – Learning how to code and evaluate compound “if” statements, and learning how to perform mathematical calculations in scripts.

Lesson 15 – Learning what Python lists and tuples are, and how to access data in lists and tuples.

Scripting Module 4:

Lesson 16 – Examining and using the ReturnLayerProperties command, and introduction to the PSP Application Programmer’s Interface (API) documentation.

Lesson 17 – Examining and using the ReturnImageInfo command, and continuing to review the API documentation.

Lesson 18 – Examining and using the GetRasterSelectionRect command, and continuing to review the API documentation.

Lesson 19 – Examining several more PSP and Python commands, including GetVectorSeletionRect, ReturnVectorObjectProperties, PrettyPrinter, GetCommandInfo, SetMaterial, and SetMaterialStyle, and looking at some handy scripts, including CenterLayer, AutoTuber, DeTuber, Laminate, Delaminate, SimpleCaption, Thumbnail_150, GridMaker, PSP7PresetConverter, and ExploreConstants.

Lesson 20 – Taking an in-depth look at layer selection notation in scripts.

Scripting Module 5:

Lesson 21 – Introducing the concept of loops, and learning how to use “while” and “for” loops in scripts.

Lesson 22 – Introducing the concept of functions, and using them in PSP scripts.

Lesson 23 – Demonstrating and practicing using the Pause Script to control the execution of scripts.

Lesson 24 – Demonstrating and practicing using the ScriptData Communications Area.

Lesson 25 – Describing and using slicing in reference to strings, and describing some of the built-in methods used to change string or character case, test strings for content, or search strings for substrings or characters.

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starting October 21st