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  1. Lesson 7 done! Cassel, that you for offering us this free workshop. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable course to take and your explanations are clear and to the point.
    9 points
  2. Day 7 I changed the template completely (started with the Diamond Day 7 template). the little tag is where the journal spot was and the title is in the same spot as the template. I did add shadows but they arent going to be visible, except on the screwhead. I originally wanted to use a label to cover up the alligator clip but thought it would look more "specimen-y" with it. the title and the outer frame have an inner bevel. Filled with a gradient (all the frames) and a pattern called Black Gold for the fill in the title. Fonts used: Herkings (Creative Fabrica), and Arial (Windows) Tag: my tag from the Vector Workshop (highly recommend this workshop!) Thank you Carole for another wonderful workshop. I'm always so delighted to re-remember the things I forgot from the last time through. I saw so many beautiful and inspiring layouts and often thought; "that's awesome, why didn't I think of that"?
    9 points
  3. Well here goes with my number 7 It is rather busy but I like it anyway.
    9 points
  4. My son and grandson having fun on vacation in Mexico Summer of 2006
    7 points
  5. Good morning, here I'll show you my further progress in my PSP training in the new German forum. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to publish my own training tasks elsewhere (at the moment sign tags) despite many credits on the picture (the artists who gave permission to the forum can only be shown edited in the forum), but my own frames around my own photos, which can I show where I want. With frames you can easily get into a routine with PSP. Unfortunately there is no filter. With filters I always have to save in .psd and then insert the filters into PI. I can't even insert the "Filter unlimited" into PSP because many filters are integrated.
    6 points
  6. SUBSET. You know, JK likes mountains. I use pics he sends to me, I use right now a mask 'Send Me an Angel' created by me in PSP.
    5 points
  7. Here is my take on day 7. I kept hem hawing about what to do for this one. I got lucky and got the picks in my yard this morning. The squirrels were really active today. Yesterday we had freezing rain from about 3AM to noon. I did not go anywhere.
    5 points
  8. Template 6. Changed the layout by moving the title to the bottom, moving the pictures up, adding a journal sheet, and removing some of the elements replacing them with my own elements. I had fun – and learned something new – to put a paper on top of the textured layer and working with the blend mode and the opacity of the paper layer. Great stuff!! The title is Annie Tobin’s font (she was such a wonderful lady) which I glittered and innerbevelled. The heart in the top left corner is from CF and I innerbevelled it. The bow I made with Cassel’s Bow 2 script. The Santa sign is from my stash as is the poinsettia cluster in the bottom left corner. The star tube is from Cassel. The pictures are from scanning 1991 35m prints. They were in bad shape and I used every trick that PSP has (well almost). I had forgotten about fade correction, but Cassel reminded us of that tool and I used it and de-noised it to the max and sharpening it to the max. The difference is amazing. That trip was special and finding it was such a gift. You can't imagine - as we went down the road into the town, it was dark - everything was closed up tight - no lights - off to the left at a distance was an oil drum that seemed to have a fire in it - something that the people on the road in the depression might have used to keep warm or cook food - the scene was really eerie. Dolores really wanted to turn back, but I just felt we had to go further. And then, when we turned that corner it was like Judy Garland opening the door into Oz - from blah to radiant color. I will never forget it.
    5 points
  9. Wow, wow and another wow!😍
    4 points
  10. Lesson 6 done! We have a flock of about 10 Hadedas that visit us every day and most times spend the day in our garden. They are large birds (about 76 cm (30 in) long) and very noisy. Their call sounds like their name HA - DE - DA. When they make a noise, don't even try talking because someone standing in front of you won't even be able to hear you. I love these birds.
    4 points
  11. You are so lucky. I would love this! I had a Merlin in my yard on Sunday. I was most excited. He/She came, sat, pooped, and left. But we watched for about 15 minutes. I can never get enough of birds. Your layout is beautiful.
    3 points
  12. I have had a lot of fun with this Workshop and learned so much. Unfortunately, for the next week, I will be without a Windows computer. I will miss working in PaintShop very much, but my daughter has a full schedule of things to do in Fredericksburg. I am hoping to get some great pictures! I made a quick roadtrip template. Thanks to our vector workshop, I was able to make a little car that sort of looks like our Toyota. The map is from Google. See you in a week.😪
    3 points
  13. Lesson 3- Bit behind but it's what I can do right now. Font is Villanesia and Yoshieka. Flowers are made with cass-folded flower1 script. Caspian is the first child from my second daughter's son and wife, Connor and Whitney.
    3 points
  14. To quote the captain in "Galaxy Quest" - "Never give up! Never surrender!" Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies!
    2 points
  15. So far so good. I am dedicating Wednesday mornings to work on this book. Depending on how late I sleep in, or what else might be on my schedule, I still manage to get a few hours each week. My process is to go through all the content that is gathered from various blog posts, tutorials, and classes, and make them all in the same style. Blog posts and classes have different formats (with intro, links, etc.) so I am making those a bit more streamlined, removing some extras, shortening sentences, etc. Today, I was working on chapter 5, which had a lot of screenshots for tools and dialog windows for various PSP versions. I plan to limit the screenshots to 2023 (or whatever will be the current version when it is published if there are significant changes). I reason that although there are some differences, if someone uses PSPX8, and the screenshot is from PSP2023, it should still be easy enough to follow. I can therefore remove a lot of "unnecessary" screenshots to save space! For those who have purchased the Tips and Tricks book, that was in a 6x9 format. I feel that would be a bit small for a scrapbooking book that would include lots of images so I plan on a full-size 8.5x11 format. I don't know if it is new (on Amazon) or if I had not noticed it before, but I think it would give a better result for the reader. And I will be able to have it IN COLORS! (that was not available at a reasonable price when the Tips and Tricks book was published).
    2 points
  16. I did not purchase it either, mostly because I don't think I would use it much except for in these challenges, so I am glad Cassel reminded us how to do it the long way.
    2 points
  17. I just wanted to say Thanks to Cassel for this great workshop. I have learned so much. I never ceases to amaze me seeing all the wonderfully creative and different takes everyone has posted from the same few templates. Well done everyone. I will be sure to keep checking in for a few days too.
    2 points
  18. As this challenge will generate a new prompt every month or so and we had the Template Workshop to do, I only now had the time to make something for this new challenge. I liked what Bonnie did and made a page for the city where I was born and lived my whole youth. A little detail that is not mentioned in the layout is the black and white photo which is taken by my dad some time after the bombing of the city center of Rotterdam in WWII. The photo to the right is of the same church and I took that one on more or less the same spot a couple of year ago. My dad passed the love for photography on to me!
    2 points
  19. It's been a while since I had time to create a new one. (They've been repeating themes from 2017 so I've been repeating my layouts with a few adjustments.) The background paper is a chevron from PS/DS by Sheila Reid to which I added a Gaussian blur. I used the Andrea Bilarosa font I got in a free font bundle from CF and the flourish is from my collection of scrapbooking "stuff." 🙂 As you probably already guessed, the illustration is by Hayden Williams. The best part, and the reason I wanted to share this, is Cassel's gimp trims picture tube. I used one to frame the illustration and the layout.
    2 points
  20. My daughter found an afternoon tea event in Fredericksburg that we will be attending. Since I don't have any good teahouse photos, I created one using Canva for the table, tea tray and tea set. The brick background is from deeezy.com. The bird paper is also from Canva; the polka dot paper is my own, the parchment is from FF, the wood from one of my daughter's photos, the plaid is one of my own and the clock is from my build a kit. The font is Bravo from Creative Fabrica.
    2 points
  21. All of this sounds great and exciting! I think you are definitively on the right track.💜
    1 point
  22. I know, I feel the guilt too. At work one time (there is floor to ceiling windows in parts of the warehouse) we were working in front of the windows and there was rabbits with babies and we were so delighted at seeing it. Then, the ravens came and they were picking off the babies and dropping them from high. One staff ran out and picked up a baby but it passed in her hands. We were horrified. I love ravens and I love bunnies. I get the whole circle of life thing, but I don't have to like it or watch it unfold. I moved to where I couldn't see out the window.
    1 point
  23. Yes, once in a while, they wake up! 😉 When it happens, do you have the option to "Clear the window" (or some wording like that) at the bottom? I think that it sometimes, just remembers your last post and THINKS that you were not finished so it tries to help you. Check at the bottom of the box for a link to clear or delete.
    1 point
  24. I had to Google rolling pin rings, but now that I've seen how they work, it makes perfect sense to me. If you want to cook chicken breasts but are concerned that they will dry out, try this. Bread (I like to use Panko crumbs) and par fry them to get the desired color on the breading. Put them in a baking dish, add chicken broth, and bake at 400F for about 30 to 45 mins. When they're all done, the broth will have been absorbed and the chicken will be nice and moist. Since I don't usually like white meat because it's too dry for my taste, I was glad when my sister taught me this method.
    1 point
  25. Love the layout, Julie! I haven't been here for many days, so I am also trying to keep up with the layouts... Everyone has been so busy and has created great pages!
    1 point
  26. Hi here is my day 4, getting a little behind, I can't sit too long as I have been getting migraines. I am also on a time schedule to get my Granddaughters scrapbook finished which doesn't help, so today I have managed to use the given template for a double purpose. I wasn't sure if it would work because the book is smaller and not quite square, but its all good so happy me.
    1 point
  27. LESSON 7 - A classic scrapbook page, hoping to overcome some really lame photos clipped from a video. A little more involved than I usually do but I think it looks nice. All the elements and papers came from a kit called True Heart Digitals and the fonts are am-index and flora garden. The top cat is a mature female (I think) and the lower one is probably her nearly grown (possibly male) kitten. They seem to act as a bonded pair. She hides under a neighbor's car when I come out on the porch whereas he is bolder and comes running, meowing at me for food. I now have a Cat Cabin on the porch with straw for bedding. I've included a promo photo of it here.
    1 point
  28. I'm not happy (again) with this layout, but it is what it is! I haven't kept all the different techniques I used on each of the elements, pictures, font, papers; but, I did use different blend modes, and I began to take off when I changed the hue>saturation>lightness on the background paper (which was from a marisa lerin kit) and then played with the blend modes and opacity - which worked with what I was trying to do. I played and played and played around with trying to figure out what to do with the elements in the lower left corner and ended up with a doily since it is round to balance the round paper in the top right corner. Of course, you can see that I also played with the placement of the picture layers and placed the title at the top.
    1 point
  29. Day 5 done, I decided for this one just to focus on one seed, the Melon that I threw in just for fun and didn't expect to sprout. For just a few days it's doing really well. The font is Holiween one that I really like, all the elements are melon flowers hopefully I will get to see some one day and I added a tiny spider, just because. I used techniques from one of the earlier lessons to add a frame. I didn't like the ricrac so added a second ribbon instead.
    1 point
  30. Day 7 assignment done.... and not without some pain involved. I was concentrating on getting all the elements resized & placed between all the layers and I forgot to save a copy here and there while working. Near the end, my crop tool had a hissy fit and somehow cropped all the layers & I could not undo. There was nothing on the Corel website or forum except some instances of crop tools getting stuck. So, when in doubt, start again. The papers are from a kit by Aimee Harrison and also from Freepik. The top part of the text is part of wordart from Creative Fabrica but I substituted a real rolling pin with Minion font lettering on it. The photos are all snagged from the internet and I tubed several of them (sorry about that crappy shadow on the tarts but the picture was the last one that I tubed (for the second time) so I let it go since supper is now two hours overdue. Thanks to Cassel for a great workshop. I learned a lot (sometimes the hard way) but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    1 point
  31. Day 5. Felix was born this past summer. The pictures are some of "The Firsts" of his first year - winter (in Illinois), Halloween, and Christmas. The papers are from Annie Digital. The fonts are Lato Light and Belgium.
    1 point
  32. I worked around. Selected the pawprint paper, went to the background paper, promoted selection to layer and moved it directly below the pawprint paper. Added shadow to the promoted selection. Problem solved. There may be a simiplier solution but this is what I did.
    1 point
  33. Beautiful layout, Corrie... Love everything about it!... The top paper is so cute; is this the Linoleum Technique? ... I didn't resist and downloaded the font from Dafont. 🙃
    1 point
  34. @Ann Seeber THANKS!!!!! You have given me a new toy to play with. So much fun!!!! I guess I've never been to those effects before. NEW TOY!!!😂
    1 point
  35. Mary, I went to Effects - Distortion - Wavy and just played with the settings. I wanted something sort of like waves in water for my daughter on the California coast. Here's a screenshot of the settings I used.
    1 point
  36. @Ann Seeber I've just been going over the lot of pictures we've posted in this forum. How did you get that wavy effect on the striped paper in the kit???? It's so even.
    1 point
  37. I know I am a but late to do this, but it has been a very busy week. I know that is no excuse but I have decided that I am sick of doctor's appointments, x-ray, MRI's etc. This is my Day 2 attempt.
    1 point
  38. Day 3 template. Kit used: cpjess-tomorrow-folder-mini for the 3 patterned papers; I colorized and texturized the 2 small papers; the font I used was Brailganta Script (Creative Fabrica); I made the tag in back of the title from a preset shape which I texturized. The picture is from another Jessica Dunn kit. I did colorize the stitching and innerbevelled it.
    1 point
  39. Water plants by Jessica Dunn at Digital Scrapbooking, Coastal Spring. Sand dollars by Elif Sahin, also Digital Scrapbooking, Sand and Beach. Papers by Marisa Lerin, Coastal. Word Art by Marisa Lerin, Ocean. I cut and divided the word art to fit my space.
    1 point
  40. Day 3. Panicked a bit when I saw a different template in some of the members comments until I saw a reference to "diamond" so I guess that group is getting different templates, I hope, as I just did my day 3 using this one. Now that I have the use of papers and selections & deletes in the right way, I hoped to get to that wrap text that I missed in the previous lesson. PSPX8 is supposed to have a wrap text feature but I sure can't find it. I got into the Corel site and found it being demonstrated and I did what their video said but to no avail. PLUS, when I try and type in that selection area, the text defaults to a huge spacing between lines. I played around with the "leading" settings but still got huge spaces between lines. So, back to separate lines of text on separate layers and moving them around manually. At least I know how to do that..... tedious but less frustrating. The subject for the picture is shasta daisies, one of my garden favorites. I cut them to the ground in October and they were up and blooming again in early December (it helped that we had no snow yet).
    1 point
  41. Day 3 After the snow photos of day 1 and 2 I used 2 photos of the same Hortensia that was in my day 1, but here in full bloom. I used the extra template for this one and colored the leaves with the technique of the lesson. The papers are my one creation and I had them in my stash. The flower elements are by cpjess-old fashioned summer. The button is one I use often and recolor as needed. The butterfly I forgot where I have that one from. I have accumulated a whole bunch of butterflies. Last the front is Bastro.
    1 point
  42. Day 3 I used a kit from Ilonkas Designs It's Christmas. Font Anime and Bebas. I really like your hand outs with all of the information, Thanks
    1 point
  43. Day 2: I tried to stick to the template but I couldn’t get it to work for me without some changes. I suspect I could keep on changing my mind about the theme and layout for many days so time to stop and move on… The photos are copyright free from Freepik. The Papers are from a kit called Reach for the Sun by Jessica Dunn. The font is Santa.
    1 point
  44. Day 2, Moon and wolf from internet. Star paper from Natali Designs Dream 2022
    1 point
  45. Template Workshop #2 At first I thought this is a lot of work to achieve the same thing that I could a different way. But the more I worked with it and thought about it, I do see where using masks like this can have it's benefits. I do have a template that I started setting up with masks to save as a psp image to use later. Thank you for the lesson. 🙂 Oh, I used papers from my own kits.
    1 point
  46. Bonnie, my daughter has quite an itinerary planned including going to see Jersey Boys on my 81st birthday on the 26th. She and her husband are foodies so we will be trying out some of her favorite places to eat--Afgan, Indian, Mexican and French to name a few.
    1 point
  47. Lab 11 Mod 10. Requirements: argyle pattern: background paper; triple spiral: doubled it in the lower right corner and single one in upper right corner; slide frame: the 6 photos are displayed in the frames. I used the layout template (modified) from the module. the title font is Lionteen (I'm pretty sure it came from Creative Fabrica). Strange thing again in working with this layout: I tried to duplicate the "Houghton, MI" and put it on each of the frames, but it wouldn't work - I got a blank each time I tried to copy it and move the copy to the next frame, so I had to do a vector for each of the frames on the top and the bottom. Couldn't figure what went wrong.
    1 point
  48. Mary, I like very much your layout. It looks even better with the change suggested by Ann Seeber.
    1 point
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