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Sheila Hogg

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  1. Wahay...I got 15/15. Well done everybody, awesome work for quite a challenging workshop. Thanks to the wondrous Carole for all her teaching, generosity and dedication to keeping PSP alive.
  2. My Number 7. Used a cork texture for the background and some text, 2Peas Champagne on the paper.
  3. Lesson 6. It was a bit tricky and if I did it again I would label each layer for better reference. Interesting to do depth shadowing this way though.
  4. Ok, number 5 and it's the best I can do after many goes at it and deleting several times. Shadows are definitely not easy. Didn't really enjoy this one.
  5. My result for lesson 4. Making me think a bit...
  6. I really struggled with this one, mainly because my warp brush was a bit wayward and making balloons with the shadows so, gave up with that tool and used the pick tool instead which gave me more control and no bad behaving!! I put a texture on the background. I find shadows can be a bit of a challenge and can vary from time to time dependant on luck rather than judgement to make them look plausible. Could do better with more practice...
  7. My result for lesson 2. I gave the elements some texture.
  8. I thought about giving the rope shadow some more dimention but I guess that may be another lesson tut so didn't want to jump ahead if that is the case so just gave it a basic shadow that was pleasing to my eye.
  9. I am in too but when I accessed the first lesson page with the link, there is no attached lesson. Has anybody else got the lesson?
  10. Thanks Julie. I just flipped the page to the left and right because I couldn't get the font to work as I needed it too and it worked out for me ok.
  11. Had a go at this but nothing like the idea I had in mind. However, mine is side to side and quite vibrant which is out of my comfort zone. I used Carole's Admission & Laser Doily Scripts and a font called Bahnschrift SemiBold. The dog rose is from one of my photo's I extracted many moons ago. Other images are PSP tubes but unknown creators. I used some texture on the backgrounds to simulate fabric and tried to make some stitching effect. TFL.
  12. Number 7. Last one. Great challenge and wonderful results by everybody. Well done to you all and thank you Carole for exceding fabulous vids and ideas to stimulate the creative juices. Just a simple one to finish. I used a lovely image from Graphic Fairy and 41.TTF font from CF. TFL.
  13. Thanks Sue. Another group I used to belong to a long time ago now had a tut on how to make a lace strip using this lovely font and that oval was just begging me to put something frilly on it. A single layer was a bit skimpy so I duplicated and mirrored it to fluff it up a bit.
  14. Number 6. Took a while to get going but came up with this one. I made a vector shape from the oval and used the Vector tube script by SS to make the frilly edge using a font called Ruritania. I duplicated and mirrored one to make it look a bit fuller. Another image from CF. I made a ric rac ribbon to see if I could and I did. The wording font is called Wedding Samantha from CF. I used the Primus plugin from Flamming Pear on the font. TFL
  15. My number 5. I used a line art image from CF and coloured it in. I used some ribbon elements I have made some other time and recoloured to fit. I used some dotty texture at different sizes. The font from CF is called Christmas Love. TFL.
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