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Corrie Kinkel

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Corrie Kinkel last won the day on October 19

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  1. Wow everybody has been so creative! Here are my preliminary pages 01 and 02, I managed to get something done. My theme is mushrooms/fungi and therefore I used cass-CustomCalendar script to make little mushrooms with the datenumbers in them. For the backgrounds I used background/foreground gradients but there will be some sort of texture on them, but I still have to figure out what I will use. My date mushrooms also got a matching gradient otherwise it was too monotone for my liking. The font for the months is Prida01. I have that font for a while now and the video tutorial reminded me of it! I'm not sure if I will change the dates for weekends and special dates; I'll have to experiment if that is going to work with those small mushrooms. I see I still have a black line on Januari and a point on the right top of februari; I'll change that, I thought I had done but it is still showing.
  2. So far I have already seen great pages by you all, I'm becoming a bit jealous because just as this workshop started my week planning went topsy turvy and there are a lot of things coming my way at the same time which need my undivided attention. I know it isn't a contest and I have ample time to finish my calendars,
  3. Your observation had me curious because I am using that script for my dates as well and I thought: oh my haven't I noticed that..... But strangely/luckily my dates with the script are in their normal places. Have you tried to run the script again, I know it is a lot of work but maybe it was a temporarily hickup! Stranger things with computers have happened 😢
  4. A nice little present and so well made, I love how you used aA's papers etc
  5. Thank you, it was my first attempt using a lot of Anna Aspnes goods and I loved playing around with them. Not all got me what I wanted to make, but I was pleasantly surprised what I could do with an ordinary photo from our woodland park. A photo that I otherwise wouldn't have used as such; probably as a background with lots of blur and blend modes that makes it unrecognizable but keeps the colors.
  6. Thank you from me too! The other years I had to do it myself and last year I used your custom calendar script, but made a mistake in one of the month which had 31 days in stead of 30!
  7. Michele you made a gorgeous layout for your friend! The edge punches are a nice touch. Making something special for someone else brings the best out of us all.
  8. Cristina what a lovely layout and the rectangle format fits the frame with the mask so well. Nice to see you use Anna Aspnes' goodies too.
  9. I use postmarks quite often and I use either a script from Carole or I make them myself if I want something different. I had no specific layout in mind at this moment because the Calendar Workshop is starting tomorrow and today I had guests. However I probable will need some new postmarks for my Xmas cards and that is what I made, they are a bit different and with the festivities in mind.
  10. This week we had very mild weather but also rather humid. One morning when I saw that the garden table was moist which provided a nice backdrop for the vibrant cyclamen on it.
  11. Besides enjoying the mild weather we had this week I have been playing with the enormous amount of supplies from Anna Aspnes. First it took a while to sort through the whole bunch and watch the videos. She works with Photoshop and not all the techniques from the videos is 100% appliable to Paintshop but most of the supplies and PSD files can be used. I tried to make an artsy layout with some of the papers/overlays/ brushes and 3 of my photos from a walk in our woodland park this week. I'm not 100% happy with what I got but wanted to show it anyway before we start with the calendar workshop which will take most of my time in the coming weeks. I used a lot of blendmodes on the different parts of the layout. It certainly is another way to work and I'll have to do more of this.
  12. Great photo and great weather for a hike!
  13. Fantastic colors and the chapel makes it interesting too!
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