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Donna Sillia

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Donna Sillia last won the day on October 18 2024

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  1. I had to try out my new pattern script from Carole, and I love it. The flower is from Adobe Express and was in black. I locked the layer and painted it lavender. The background is a texture from Carole called cass-crystal.
  2. I agree, Cristina. All my other programs complement my PSP. Many of the techniques used in PSP can be used in my other programs.
  3. Susan, I finally got it to work after using I0bit uninstaller and the PSP cleanup file. Now, I am in the process of setting up my file locations. Since I had so many 2023 files saved, most were easy to locate. Loading the brushes, however, is a bit tedious, and I can't find where I saved the brushes that I made recently. None of the Corel programs that installed with the bundle that I bought are working either, so I will be uninstalling and reinstalling those programs, too. I had a $50 coupon from Dell, so I invested in Photoshop Elements 2025 with the 3 year subscription. Since I am 82 this month, I am not too worried about the length of the subscription.😄 Since I have the old PS 5 extended, I won't have a large learning curve. I am going to pass on Affinity.
  4. Today, I could not open my PSP2023ult. I have uninstalled it and now cannot reinstall. In addition, when I tried to open my 2022ult, I got a message that it was corrupted or illegally downloaded, so I uninstalled that one also. When I run the installation files, all it does is save files. It says it will open the installer after files are saved, but never opens. I have also run the PSP cleanup program. I will try again.
  5. Thank you, Christina. The kids were thrilled when they received them yesterday.
  6. My grandson and his girlfriend just received my printed Thailand calendars (made from their Thailand photos from last summer) and were just thrilled. Rachel is planning to hand some out to her family for Christmas.
  7. I just got my printed calendars, too. They look great and have mailed out in time for Christmas.
  8. Actually, I have downloaded it, but haven't had time to rewatch it.
  9. This year I used gnomes as a theme for my youngest grandsons' Christmas Cards. The backgrounds are from CF and Canva. The front letters are pngs from CF which were stacked using Carole's Alpha Stacking script and then entered into the Text Creator script. The candy cane frame is my own from my Build a kit 2. The purple belt Taekwondo gnome is from Adobe Express AI in honor of Thomas just receiving his purple belt. The inside gnome is from CF, and the candy cane letters are from my alphas in Build a Kit 2. I did not save the name of the inside font but it is from CF.
  10. I just downloaded the tutorial in French and opened it in Adobe Express which translated it into English, if anyone wants a copy.
  11. Last one - My photo of my grandson in HS when he finished 7th in the state of Virginia in the pole vault. The graphics are from CF. The blue moon texture is from FF. The background and polka dot ribbon are my own. The font is Cute Dot from CF.
  12. Day 6 - A photo of my youngest grandson fishing off the pier in Myrtle Beach. The fish scales are from FF, the boards are from my own photo. The embossed fish are from a CF dingbat. The fishing rod is AI, and the fish is from FF. The font is called "Aquarium" from CF.
  13. Day 5 - The photo is from my daughter's last visit to Las Vegas. Some of the backgrounds are mine modified with FF and some are straight from FF patterns. The font is from CF and called "Banner." The circle elements are from Adobe Express AI. Since the photo was taken in LV, I felt as if it deserved a "carnival" atmosphere.
  14. Day 4 - More photos from Thailand. The red background was modified in FF, and I made the flowers for my calendar. The scripts are all from CF: Modecque with an added pattern, Royal Thailand and Autumn.
  15. Day 3 - I love monarch butterflies and took a lot of photos when I visited the Butterfly house. The background is one of my own with a gradient on the other curve. The caterpillar, pupa and milkweed are from Canva. I made the arrow fasteners from an arrow dingbat font from CF. The first letter of "The" is Butterfly Monogram from CF, and the title is called MeLove also from CF. The word milkweed is from some png letters downloaded from CF and recolored. The gold circles are from my Build a kit 2. The crown is from AI, Adobe Express.
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