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Michele last won the day on July 26

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  1. While I would love to take credit for the text on a path, it was one of the elements I got made by Maris Lerin.
  2. Since Cassel went with Christmas for Day 2, I went with Hanukkah. We always had a big family get-together on the first night until my mother retired to Florida. December brought a plethora of presents for me...Hanukkah, my birthday, and Christmas. The rest of the year...nothing! I found some beautiful papers and elements by Maria Lerin from Digital Scrapbook/Pixel Scrapper. I also had some things in my stash. The font for the tag is Malgun Gothic, and for the story is Mandala Handmade.
  3. I wish Corel would fix the issues!
  4. I think my mother just spelled it wrong. I sometimes tell people we were too poor for a second L. Other times I say that my brother, Alan, used the other L. 😁
  5. I love how you created the date. I have to start thinking outside the box.
  6. Day 1, finally. I've been working on it a little at a time for several days. (I still have a bit of brain fog and the heat is still kicking my butt.) I used an arsenal of Cassel's scripts to create the background paper and all the beads. One of her edge fonts helped me create the edge of the yellow paper. The story font is Sugarstyle Millenial. I'm not thrilled with my shadows, but that's par for the course.
  7. I didn't learn Euchre until I was in my 20s. I was living in upstate NY then and loved the game! In Brooklyn, where I grew up, I only knew Rummy, Go Fish, and Old Maid.
  8. I really like this layout. If you made the starfish and birds smaller, I think it wouldn't look as busy.
  9. And Corrie wins the bragging rights! 🤩
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