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Susan Ewart

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Susan Ewart last won the day on July 25

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  1. Wow Michele, that text on a path around the candle is awesome. I laughed at giving your brother your second L in you name. My mom's last name was Sears, which people would of course ask...THE "Sears" and we'd say, yes, we are the poor relatives (compared to Sears at the time, now they are gone in Canada).
  2. Me too. I wish they'd spend less time making their uber fabulous resource hungry AI better and just make what used to work...work! The more AI stuff a program has the more power it needs to run properly. And the more money I have to spend on upgrades to my computer.
  3. I'll try this way, it's what I'm actually doing but soon as I go back to the original (to fix a spelling mistake) it goes to one line and especially when I duplicate the original goes to one line right away. Did you leave the selection selected before duplicating?
  4. Ditto for my family...my brother (2 yrs older) was the cheeky little devil. To this day I hate being poked and soon as someone knows that, they can't help but do it...even grown adult husbands!
  5. Jaws has ruined me for ocean swimming (I lived on the Westcoast in British Columbia, Canada). That's scary to have Great Whites where you are.
  6. I graduated the same year as your little brother (1983)
  7. Day 2 I'm behind, it's hard to come up with stories. My life is pretty plain and boring. I used 2022 for the wrapping and it's so nice to not have to fight with it. I wish Carole could write a script to make 2023 do text wrapping, or a script for 2022 to see all the blend modes as you scroll through the list, like in 2023. that way I could stick to using just one program instead of two.
  8. This is what my 2023 does too. I will start using 2022 for text wrapping, or not wrapping in a selection. It's a lot of work to have to re-type in which I've had to do. Now I'm typing my stuff in a Word Doc first in case I need it again.
  9. I like this one! But I love the color blue
  10. This is fabulous Daniel. I laughed at the cat. OMG. that is so funny. I love dobies too. well, all dogs, all cats, all birds...I could go on...
  11. My mom called me Suzanna when she was made at me (I am Susan by legal name). to this date I don't mind people calling me any derivative of Susan, but I hate being called Suzanna. Weirdly most guys like to call me Suzy Q and often I sign my name in various "susan" ways and many odd made-up ways too.
  12. In my second job, I worked at Zellers and on my first day I had to work at this special booth outside the store (in the mall) as it was the debut of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. And they had adoption papers you could fill out. But the term as I know it came from my parents. They would joke that I came from the Cabbage Patch (when I asked where I came from). They were way ahead of the times.
  13. This is me! when I first hear of "carrot cake" I though ewww, yuk. I was an adult when I first tried it and it's my favorite cake. Such a pretty and yummy layout. And BTW, I still use a box grater, seems easier and faster clean up.
  14. It's my last name most people stumble over. I just went with it, if it was anywhere close. A funny story, my mom was getting the washer fixed and the guy had the same last name. She phoned the company and told the receptionist she was Mrs. Ewart and could she please speak with (what ever his first name was). There was a loooong pause. Turns out the guy was not married and they thought my mom was an ex-wife or a new wife. Your work badge is fabulous!
  15. I love these too, but I'm so terrible at them. Your family sharing the same love is so neat. All the family games layouts finally jogged my memory and I finally have a story to tell...when i get to the layout (had to finish a Lab first).
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