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Mary Solaas

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Mary Solaas last won the day on July 6

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  1. Lab 12 Mod 10 (October - must be Halloween) - requirements: multi star pattern (background paper), bat vector item to be exported as a preset shape - did both preset shape and a brush. Tried doing the bat shape using the exploded cutout tut.
  2. Just playing around with a mask I made with a lace edging made in a previous lab module. The butterfly I made with Cassel's enamel script.
  3. My husband loved carrot cake. He and I used to make it together for special occasions after he retired.
  4. I'm so glad to see you back, Minka. Are you in Maine or Florida? Do you still winter in Florida and summer in Maine?
  5. Love is in the Air. Pink title is Billgates with layer styles: Emboss; green title is Arial with 3D Effects: inner bevel; background paper I made from a tile I developed from a CF item that I worked with; the 2 flower items in the bottom corners are a watercolor from CF. The silhoutte I got from someplace several years ago and they are in a flower frame which was a Cassel freebie several years ago. The exploded hearts cutout was the requirement for Lab 12 Mod 9. I also did one of dolphins but haven't used it in a layout and I may practice this on some other cutouts later. Seashells didn't work so that is why the dolphins - i used layer styles on them - inner bevel.
  6. So, I have the Title and the Table of Contents
  7. @Ann Seeber Thanks. I wasn't sure about the giraffes. It was so hot that day and I wasn't feeling well that week, but it was my daughter's and my staycation and I bullied through. But we didn't get to the aquarium or any further in the zoo. I bet I could do a whole alphabet from that zoo. But that will have to wait - too many sticks in the fire. That Aquarium alphabet that Carole gave us is so neat - I though about my pics from the Chattanooga Aquarium, but haven't gotten that far yet. And here it is the middle of July!!!!! I also have been looking at the P52 thread and gotten a few of my pics from the different weeks - both Canon camera and the phone camera. I might be able to come up with the 25 or so weeks that have passed. My - time does fly (think of Susan Ewart and her Time kit).
  8. Finally - Z is for Zoo. This is almost the completion for the 2022 Alphabet Challenge. My theme was alphabet soup since it was random choice for each letter. @Ann Seeber I'd appreciate your proofreading skills on this one.
  9. Spark is good, but you have to know what you want and be able to express it. Anja really has the knack to get something glorious out of it. With Spark, I got my Andy Warhol cat that I love, but I had to work at the wording to get it. Use Anja's wording with Spark and see what you come up with!
  10. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a candy store! Definitely can over-indulge! Gluttony?????
  11. This is the one from Anja's description (You are my sunshine)
  12. @Anja Pelzer Wow! I played around with that Bing Copilot. I started with your take and ended up with just typing boy and girl walking in a meadow beside a bubbling stream with mountains in he distance.
  13. Time to get back to the labs - also I have the final layout to do for the Alphabet Challenge from 2022. Those blue water drops are there only because it is required for this lab module. But I guess they are ok. The fish going in opposite directions on the background paper are also required. I made 2 fringe mats and used this one cause I like it better. The other one I'm not showing because the fringe is large - kind of reminds me of the fleece pieces that were fringed - something the fabric shops were promoting several years ago. I might put a baby blanket pattern on it and use it for a baby layout sometime in the future. I used some elements from Pixel Scrapper and my own elements created in a previous lab for the cluster on the mat. Used one of the labels made in the vector workshop from last year for the title tag. The brad is from Pixel Scrapper also and probably Jessica Dunn.
  14. Still playing with stuff from Vector workshop - Mickey at the Beach
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