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kasany last won the day on June 18 2023

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  1. Spooks/Halloween. You know it's not my festival, nor my time but I use APO and it works by random time to time. This time APO created a picture which I present you. Red spooks made by APO, white ones and spider's net created by Carole, red bricks-texture from my PSP.
  2. Thank you for these words Julie:))))))))
  3. Mary, glad you love my work:). I must say 'It's been a fast action' JK's walk, rain and sun in the same short time. Pics had to be presented;)
  4. Recent taken shots by JK and my recent PSP tools which I was playing with.
  5. Dear Ladies /Carole and Cristina/ I used PSP 2023. I found there SHAPE CUTTER and used this tool. A heart-shape was in PSP-SHAPE-PRESETS, Jacek's shot was in my folder PHOTOS. Do you need more explanation?
  6. Fall's colors. Shot taken by Jacek in a local park. Used recent described by Carole tool /BTW fine tool/.
  7. Last summer Jacek's trip. It's been a very early trip. Letters made by Carole.
  8. Jacek's trip, shots taken and super fun, you can imagine:)
  9. Photo taken by Jacek /left side of the pic/. Right part of the pic-the same picture - created with Halftone PSP to a bit change a photo and IMHO Haldtone-BW line hanged the photo and NOT...he he. BTW, once more I think PSP is realy fine program:)
  10. Fine idea. One pic, two different way created:)))
  11. Corel's cards are excellant IMHO but I would wait a moment for a real fall;)
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