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Cassel last won the day on June 1 2023

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  1. @Bonnie Ballentine That is quite a prank to do. Hopefully, it didn't keep going back and forth pranking each other! Fantastic that you have a photo of your mother playing sport!! @Michele I was in a similar situation when we chose the name for our daughter: we wanted it to be bilingual, so we spelled it Michelle (with one L it would have had an accent in French). @Daniel Hess Did you get my response to your email about the "broken link"? @Minka Glasier Are you referring to the accident that happened this week where a whale tipped a boat, and it was captured on camera? I typically am not fond of going in the sea (or the bay here), not for sharks, but for jellyfish! @Donna Sillia Ah, those shadows are really adding to the layout! @Ann Seeber I never thought of the fact that game birds might have pellets in them. Yuck! @Anne Lamp Those alphas are so cute. Do you happen to have any pictures left of a child in the middle of all those papers? That must have made for fun and colorful pictures! @Gerry Landreth "Are we there yet?" Quite a typical phrase for a kid!!! @Dan Greenwood Maybe you should try pickleball? You would have a few people cheering you up in this forum! @Corrie Kinkel Reading your story, I also thought you might have been caught for those seeds! Sh... we won't tell anyone! @Linda J Walker I can definitely envision that many kids with the same surname in rural areas. By the way, did you add shadows to your flowers or are they not visible due to the resizing? @Anja Pelzer It is nice to see that you have some photos of yourself. Often, at our age, we don't have as many as the younger generation!
  2. Can you try again? I had the wrong name on the updated file!
  3. It was brought to my attention that the quick-page for day 3 was only 600x600 instead of the full-size of 3600x3600. I have fixed it and if you wanted Day 3 quick-page, you can re-download it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. I am happy to see more layouts and stories! @Daniel Hess Great layout. I suspect you might have distorted some of the photos in your page. Check out this article about resizing to fit. It might save some headaches on your subjects. You have so much to say, you could easily create a whole book with all those stories! @Ann Seeber Yeah, I saw your Ice Baby layout but did not comment on it. @Corrie Kinkel Isn't that the case most of the time that parents would use the child's full name only when they "meant business"!? @Minka Glasier I am glad you got to revisit some of those memories. There are so many stories in our heads. Let's take the time to get them on paper! @Dan Greenwood I think you had a great idea to cover some of the lines under the text. If you still find them overpowering, you can lower the opacity of that layer and see how the page looks. As long as you still have a version in layers, you can tweak that and try. I think that both backgrounds look good. @Donna Sillia I don't know if it is only due to the resizing of the layout but I think the shadows could be a bit more important. But if it is only due to the resizing, just ignore my comment! @Julie Magerka If you don't remember what happened after that lipstick event, it might not have been traumatizing! @Gerry Landreth A Universal Birthday Party is such a great idea if you can gather everyone together! Will you still try again? @Bonnie Ballentine Yes, this is a known bug of the latest version of PSP2023. That is a fun idea to have a Celebration of Courts. You really got a great gift from the city!
  5. @Linda J Walker Isn't it interesting all the questions we never think of asking when people could answer us? @Susan Ewart I had never heard of the Cabbage Patch kids to mean adoptees. Something I learned today! @Corrie Kinkel So is your name Corrie or is that a nickname? @Minka Glasier That is a very appropriate theme for the topic! And great photos for your extra layout! @Dan Greenwood That is a fun club you had!!! I bet you had many great game nights! I only learned about Euchre after I met my husband as their family used to play that all the time. In fact, tonight, my son was over and that is what we played! @Donna Sillia That is an interesting way to use those presets. I would not have recognized them if you had not mentioned it. @Gerry Landreth I bet he just relied on what he HEARD when your name was pronounced! @Julie MagerkaHow old were you when you finally "liked" carrot cake? @Bonnie Ballentine Yes, I remember. I called them "weather-brellas". I had a few printed for my kids and myself. For those who don't know, it is a twist on the temperature blanket idea. Now, let's see more posters. I know you are there!
  6. Neighbourhoods often have playgrounds for kids. Some are old, some are new, some are very original, some are very traditional. I love to see kids play in their playgrounds, and find it fascinating how diverse those playgrounds can be. Is there a playground nearby? Do you happen to have photos? Let's share.
  7. I am glad to see these layouts. It will be an opportunity to learn a little bit more about each other! Welcome to newcomers who have not posted yet. You are allowed to lurk, but we would LOVE to see you post too. @Ann Seeber I don't know if I would ever call you Annie. You always will be Ann for me! @Julie Magerka It is ok if you want to create pages on your own. Templates are shortcuts for some, but not everyone! @Daniel Hess You are lucky to have so many photos to showcase! @Dan Greenwood Very resourceful way to add the wrapped text on an angle! Good work. @Donna Sillia Oh... you have a nice sample of your mother's handwriting. Have you ever considered turning it into an alpha or even a font??? Imagine being able to "write in her voice and handwriting"!!! @Minka Glasier Do you have any idea how your name went from Marita Ray to Minka? @Bill Pearson That is a great compromise for the name. With over 50 registrants, I hope we will read more interesting stories! Keep them coming.
  8. Here is a post from the user-to-user forum, that an admin had written. We have been advised by Corel/Alludo that their server for Corel.com is being migrated and this may cause some disruptions. It will happen on 24 July at 9 pm US Eastern Time and should take between 1 and 2 hours. They advise that users may experience the following: Affected products: PSP, VSP, CorelDraw, Painter… - Cannot launch the Welcome screen; limited number of users affected as we have the Welcome screen cached on Akamai. - Cannot purchase items from Welcome screen. - In-app purchase does not work or no purchase button available. - If purchase button is available, it will not bring up purchase dialog but display error, “We are unable to process your request at this time, please try again later.” So if something is not working correctly with your Home page or Welcome screen, don't panic and wait an hour or two.
  9. For those who will want to practice more with this technique, there will be one lesson in the upcoming Shadow Workshop, scheduled for August 🙂
  10. The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general. This challenge will allow you to practice some of those techniques or use some tools. This time, the Tut/Tech Challenge will be to create a lifted element on a project. It could be a photo, a paper letter, a tag, etc. Check this blog article for detailed instructions.
  11. Yeah, I was disappointed when I saw the price it cost to print a full-color book but I can't imagine this book in black and white. Not only is there the printing cost, but Amazon also takes a cut of the rest. Even for the Kindle books!
  12. That looks strangely familiar!! 😉 I got my copies today, even though their ETA was June 24th! Woohoo!
  13. Are you an avid reader? If so, do you still use printed versions of books or do you prefer the "newer" digital formats? Either way, why is it your preferred method? Let's chat about books.
  14. I hope it was an enjoyable duo!
  15. I ordered mine last week, and the ETA is July 24th!!! Go figure! (and I ordered from .ca too so no customs to cross!)
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