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Ann Seeber

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  1. Here is Layout #1 - Last Thistle Standing - I added a snowy owl I got from pngegg. The font is Bauhaus, the scatters are from AHA-Somewhere in time - the background is from the Iceland Mega Kit.
  2. Rene, I had that exact same table for many years. It started out as a piece of marble my folks brought back from a trip to Vermont which was then affixed to a wrought iron Singer Sewing Machine base (with treadle). I had it as an accent table for many years and upon moving to smaller quarters it has now been passed on to my daughter, Laurey, who has it in her entryway. Sadly, I don't have a photo. The sewing machine base was used by my Mom for many years with her wired-up Singer and a separate foot pedal. I do think in the years past it was not electric and the treadle was used.
  3. I'm looking into a different print house. I used Staples last year and it worked fine. This year, I can't go to the store and work it out in person; everything has to be done remotely. I would appreciate suggestions for anywhere in the USA, I guess.
  4. Ann Seeber

    Testing thread

    Testing -- Yay, it's fixed!
  5. Here is my Layers Lesson - Table and setting. I do like these components better than the PSP version. I played with my sandwich a bit... 😉 The table decor is from an African kit.
  6. While not exactly tech gremlins, my order for my Nashville Zoo calendar, which was intended as a gift for my granddaughter, Jackie, is going through the THIRD attempt to get the order printed correctly at Staples. I created it here in October when we had a calendar workshop and next time I'll send it out right away because of the delays I'm experiencing now from Staples having to re-do the print job over and over again. I created 14 pages (12 months + a cover and back page) which are to be printed edge to edge on glossy stock and bound at the top with a black plastic coil. The first delivery came bound with staples down the left side of 8 identical booklets! After speaking to their help desk they had me re-order it online and gave me credit for the first order. The second order arrived Monday and turned out to be 15 pages (they added a black final page, for some reason) and it was bound with black coil ALL DOWN THE LEFT SIDE! *sigh* As this couldn't be hung on a wall I spoke to a rep and she looked it up and agreed with me but requested I take a photo of the incorrect product and send it on to their print team. That was yesterday, so now I'm awaiting the next iteration of their attempt to fill my order. I messaged Jackie, who was here Sunday from Tennessee with her husband for another family Christmas (that makes 3 this year!). I had hoped to have the calendar for her but it was not to be. She answered me "no worries." I will have to ship it to her when the time comes that Staples actually produces a usable wall calendar. Cross your fingers for me, please? 🙏 (I've also posted the photo of the second wrong order that Staples asked me to send.)
  7. Those waves work perfectly, Mary. Glad you had a chance to play with them!
  8. Here's my Lesson One - Setup Affinity Photo 2 workspace. I prefer the dark background, and I toggled to the color and the layers palettes. I'm not sure what the Navigator at the bottom right is for.
  9. I experimented with Affinity for the first time in order to resize this photo for this forum. The first version came out as an .afphoto so I guess that's the default. A little tricky; I ended up using File/Export to create a .jpg. Here's Ed Frampton's thistle...
  10. Good question, Suz. I was wondering about file formats for layered creations in Affinity and what about .pspimage files, can they be converted to open in Affinity? For example, I have tons of templates that are layered as .pspimage @Cassel ?
  11. Here is my letter A - my oldest cat Adam looking regal. Using the cass-CustomPhotoCard script and the font is Algerian. I like the effect of the mirrored image.
  12. I love OneNote!
  13. I'm not a Gamer, with a capital "G" in the modern sense. My family, growing up, played card games like Canasta and Pinochle. To play Poker you needed to bet money and I shied away from that. We played board games, especially Monopoly. This was all pre-computer. My first husband played Poker occasionally but not as a habit. (We had no $$) My second husband and I visited casinos and played Black Jack and the poker game Texas Hold-'Em (both were card games, not computer games). We got interested in playing Ms. PacMan on a console at our favorite tavern. But we transitioned to a regional card game, German Pinochle, that we played seriously for money, in a tavern in Pine Island, NY, amongst the Polish/German onion farming community. Those people were intense! It was a LOT of fun! (PS-I was good at it and won constantly (at $2 per game). The mainstays of the game were older and are gone now. The farmers still play traditional Pinochle at the Polish/American Legion in PI but it's not the fast, exciting game that we played. I miss it, still. 😔
  14. They hold them each year in Sterling Forest, near Greenwood Lake, just north of Tuxedo (Rt 17). I've been several times; lots of fun!
  15. I'm interested in achieving that effect, Rene. Is there a dark brown textured background behind the photo? My mother used crochet to make blankets. She made one for me that was all white/textured in a wash and dryable yarn. It is as heavy as the "heavy blankets" that are popular in the stores now.
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