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  2. Lab 12 Mod 10 (October - must be Halloween) - requirements: multi star pattern (background paper), bat vector item to be exported as a preset shape - did both preset shape and a brush. Tried doing the bat shape using the exploded cutout tut.
  3. For day 4 I used the template from day 3; for day 3 I used the extra template for the diamond members. For a long time sports didn't play a big role in my life, my whole family had no interest in sports at all. Most of them, including my parents didn't have a car in those days and we all lived in Rotterdam, so we walked, used a bike or a ride on the tram. Maybe that is why I like to walk and I still use my bike almost every day, just to go get the groceries, go to the pool etc. I started swimming every week almost 25 years ago when there started aquafit and fiftyfit classes in our pool and I intend to keep doing that as long as I can. With a friend I go for a walk each week, although the weather is not playing along this year. For this page I made the title with 2 papers as was explained on day 3, where I didn't use that technique. The papers are from Wintermorning by DB Magnolia and the rest of the embellishments come from my stash. The title font is Bauhaus and the text is Bahnschrift.
  4. I'm sorry in the end it didn't work when I tried to correct a typo that I had specially made because I wanted to test it. We have to hope that Corel will fix it!
  5. Day 4 Momma was the sports star in the family. She's the one in the center of the front row. My sister tried to follow in the tradition but failed miserably. She swung at a pitch and almost hit the pitcher with the bat that flew out of her hand. That was her last game.
  6. here is day 4, I did not make the Title, because I loved the wordart from the kit more
  7. Day 5 - My signature "dish" is pizzelles. I used Carole's cookie alphabet for the title.
  8. I'm always trying to think of different ways to do anything. Not that I watch much telly, but when I do I look for interesting material that I can recreate and use, especially in adverts.
  9. Yes I did. Normally I do: make selection - type my text - deselect - duplicate - change to raster and at that point it goes to one line . So now I did: make selection - type text - duplicate - change to raster - hide vector - deselect. To my utmost surprise it worked. Later this evening I will try if I can go back to the hidden vector text to change maybe a typo, or just alter a word. I sincerely hope it will still works. I'll let you know, but firstly I'm going to watch the opening of the Summer Olympics on the telly.
  10. A Day late but took some extra time with the day 4 entry; trying to practice some of the "lessons" LOL. No real stories spelled out. I also played A LOT of baseball in my youth but although there are a lot of photos in my parent's photo albums, I somehow never actually scanned any of those. I'll be going back to IOWA for a wedding next month and if I get to spend some time in the old house, I might peek into all those albums and see about taking some more memories out of them. That's my granddaughter (who is now going on 17 years old) with the fishing pole, the first time she went out in the boat with me.
  11. While I would love to take credit for the text on a path, it was one of the elements I got made by Maris Lerin.
  12. Got it! Thanks. See the results in the Lesson 3-Mischief I just posted! 😁
  13. Corrie- that reminded me of a situation I had here at my condo. Some little girls from next door came over and rang my doorbell and ran away. I looked at my porch security camera and saw them run so I walked out on my patio and there they were. The littlest one bragged that she had rung my bell and I said, I know, I took your picture when you did it with my porch camera. They shrieked and ran home! 😆
  14. I did Lesson 3 - Mischief, using the QP this time as I thought it was very pretty. I used cass-Gradient dimension-Alphas for the title with a pattern I made from the sunflowers to colorize the letters. My text wrapping worked perfectly, no problems, knock wood! The font is Bell MT.
  15. Wow Michele, that text on a path around the candle is awesome. I laughed at giving your brother your second L in you name. My mom's last name was Sears, which people would of course ask...THE "Sears" and we'd say, yes, we are the poor relatives (compared to Sears at the time, now they are gone in Canada).
  16. Me too. I wish they'd spend less time making their uber fabulous resource hungry AI better and just make what used to work...work! The more AI stuff a program has the more power it needs to run properly. And the more money I have to spend on upgrades to my computer.
  17. I'll try this way, it's what I'm actually doing but soon as I go back to the original (to fix a spelling mistake) it goes to one line and especially when I duplicate the original goes to one line right away. Did you leave the selection selected before duplicating?
  18. Ditto for my family...my brother (2 yrs older) was the cheeky little devil. To this day I hate being poked and soon as someone knows that, they can't help but do it...even grown adult husbands!
  19. Jaws has ruined me for ocean swimming (I lived on the Westcoast in British Columbia, Canada). That's scary to have Great Whites where you are.
  20. I graduated the same year as your little brother (1983)
  21. I started this layout last saturday but with the story workshop and a very busy week I just finished this one. I wanted to make the lifted corner by hand, but I'm not entirely happy with it. Next time I'll probably go with the script that I have. However I used the cass-SlippedInCorner2 which I won last week! I tried all the different options but settled here for this one. Script is nice and easy to use, love it! For the background I made an overlay with raindrops. Somewhere on the net I saw an umbrella adorned with flowers and made this brolly myself, just as the watersplash. The cluster is by Jessica Dunn and the rain or shine text comes from my stash. The title font is Star Bright.
  22. Since Cassel went with Christmas for Day 2, I went with Hanukkah. We always had a big family get-together on the first night until my mother retired to Florida. December brought a plethora of presents for me...Hanukkah, my birthday, and Christmas. The rest of the year...nothing! I found some beautiful papers and elements by Maria Lerin from Digital Scrapbook/Pixel Scrapper. I also had some things in my stash. The font for the tag is Malgun Gothic, and for the story is Mandala Handmade.
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