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Anne Lamp

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Anne Lamp last won the day on June 7

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  1. I have done day one and two for my February page also
  2. I have done day one and two for my January page.
  3. Diamonds in the sky. I have been playing. I took this moon photo this morning and added a diamond circle around the moon with a cass diamond picture tube chain.
  4. Autumn magic. Font is today's free one from Creative fabrica . (Fire-Boys-28596705). The background is from CF - Watercolor Mega Halloween Midnight Blue Bundle from last year I think. The campfire is from Watercolor-Campfire-clipart-63727433. I liked it better without the shadows on anything for this one.
  5. I thought I had not seen any of your work for a while and was hoping you were OK.
  6. My Halloween themed 123 challenge.
  7. I know one of my cousins kids loved to get into the pots and pans stored under the kitchen cabinet. Lots of noise and rearranging and stacking etc. It might have been noisy, but at least she knew where the kid was while she was in there.
  8. O + Oahu The Hawaii Island where Pearl Harbor is.
  9. I have several of the KONG Classic Stuffable Dog Toys. I use some of Foxy's dry dog food and mix it with a little bit of leftover (usually) meat and a little water mixed together to stuff them with. I put them in the freezer and get one out every morning that I go to work and give her one. Freezing them makes it take longer for her to get all the goodies out. I started this when she was young and we were working a lot to keep her from being upset when we were leaving. Boy do I get a dirty look and told off if I almost forget to give her one. I guess that wouldn't work for a very big dog, but she is only about 15 lbs and not an aggressive chewer.
  10. For my 65th birthday a few years ago we went to the Florida Keys. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time. There a several tourist attractions in the keys, especially Key West,
  11. The challenge this week in the Paint Shop Pro Maniacs is path and this is what I did. It took me a while to remember how to do that glow thing that I knew Cassel had showed us how to do. I went to the blog - tips and tutorials - and searched Glow and found the one about using layer styles.
  12. I have been wanting to use this photo I took of my Foxy and thought this was a good place to play with it. She is a rescue and they said she was a Yorkie-Pom mix. I call her the harry beast most of the time because she has the Pomeranian undercoat and sheds all the time. I am just glad she isn't the size of a Great Dane. Oh well, I still love her to death.
  13. I really liked the inked edges and found them and tried one. I don't know what embellishments you tried, but I used the magic wand on one set to inside-tolerance 70-not contgious -no feather--and was able to flood fill that selected area with a gradient and it worked OK. It did take a bit of playing around to get it to select just the colored part with no white on the inside. Here is one corner of it.
  14. I adjusted some of those things and more and posted the edited one under the first one. Thanks, especially for catching the misspelling that I can't believe I didn't catch.
  15. The sunflower pick is mine. The background was done with balls and bubbles . the top text is Misha GergovalMas the other text is am_intex,
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