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Lynda DiGregor

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  1. Thanks Corrie. I wasn't to sure about the name Caspian as we are mostly Italian, little English but I thinks it's just fine now. The Grandfather and Son/Father are Scots but I'm not sure if they know the name is of English origin. Of Course Scotland and England do share borders.
  2. Lesson 3 My first Great Grandchild. Unfortunately the only photos I have are sent through messenger. The quality pretty much stinks. I just copied Carole's setup. The background was made according to lesson 3.
  3. Workshop Day 2 This is the place we stayed at for 7 months while waiting for our home to be built.
  4. Mask Workshop Day 1 Getting off to a slow start. Still moving in and figuring out what furniture we want to put into this place. Time is always short. The poem is an excerpt from a poet, Samantha Fernando. Her credit is included on the bottom of the page. If you would like to see the entire poem you can find it at https://starsafire.starrayz.com/wordpress/2014/07/a-touch-of-purple/ All the photos are mine.
  5. Lesson 3- Bit behind but it's what I can do right now. Font is Villanesia and Yoshieka. Flowers are made with cass-folded flower1 script. Caspian is the first child from my second daughter's son and wife, Connor and Whitney.
  6. I don't know if you found the "Winter Vibes" font, but I did find it at Creative Fabrica. I believe it's the one you are looking for. The cutouts look like snow on top of the letters. Here is the link: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/winter-vibes-12/ref/784652/
  7. Hi Carole, The font is called "Winter" . You can find it at Creative Fabrica here: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/winter-265/ref/784652/ It comes with Glyphs.
  8. Day 2- We haven't been out and about to much lately so I just went through some old photos. The kids are my son, Dominic, in red, my grandson, Tony, and his sister, Haley, my only granddaughter. When I say old, I mean old. Haley is now 20, Tony is 25, and Dominic is 36. It was a fun day in the preserve in back of our house in Crystal Lake.
  9. Very nice...enjoy your visit. Waiting on the photos
  10. Who doesn't love LEGOS? Very nice!
  11. Thanks Ann
  12. Thanks Mary. You are a sweetheart.
  13. Workshop 2024 Day 1 Finally in our house with the computer room set up. Yay! Still have much unpacking to do but took some time out to try to get back in the groove.
  14. Carole, Kudos to you! The whole book is fantastic. I love the photographs, nothing like a man who pays so much attention to his children. Not all are that lucky. I'm sure the family will cherish this forever. Thanks for sharing this very personal gift. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
  15. X-Xristos The Greek word for Christ also referred to as Christos
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