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Cristina last won the day on October 14 2024

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  1. Saara, yes, blend modes react to the layers below, and that's why I was surprised it had affected the upper layer. But I do not have time right now to check this and test where the culprit is. I'd be happy if you could find it. 😊 Affinity has different blend modes than PSP, and contrast negate is one of them, so I was playing with it to see the effect. Thank you for the tip about recolor adjustment. You have more experience with the program, and I very much value every tip you give. Taking notes! 🙂
  2. Carole, this is the paper under the photos in Project#3, but I added some noise to give a "glittered" effect. Another subject: I had some issues with the shadow appearing in the above layer (?), but I assumed at first it had to do with the different blend modes of the same paper. But learning two new programs at the same time doesn’t give me much time to look into that. I will test this after the workshop. I'll post the page and the original paper (without blend mode) for better understanding.
  3. Now, I am going to read the previous posts. There is always a lot to learn from the comments.
  4. Now, Project#4. This time, I included a Gradient Outline to the photos. The shadows and other effects were added from the Quick Fix tab. As there are no Picture Tubes or Carole's Scripts in Affinity, I included the ones I’ve created in PaintShop Pro. Fonts: BauhausCMedium and Beauty and Love Script.
  5. I created another layout for Project#3 to practice the "Layer>New Pattern Layer from Selection" that Carole showed in the video. I did it differently in the layout I've posted before. I also tried text with an outline. Fonts: Brandish and Typewriter
  6. Here is my Project#3 The layout is the same as in 2019, and the kit is again from "Kim Broedelet -Seaside Holiday," but I used different papers from then. I added Blend Modes (Multiply and Contrast Negate) to achieve different colors. Font: Canastra
  7. It's very good to be with the family, but it is also good to be at our home and sleep in our own bed. At least, this is how I feel when I travel.
  8. You are right, Rene. Sometimes, life comes in between, affecting our creativity, or we just need a break for any other reason. It’s a good tip to be satisfied with a basic page during this phase. The Bootcamp was helpful before, and also the Build-A-Kit Workshop.
  9. Sue, your tags are so unique. I love the idea of adding a cutout. I hope I remember to try this next time I create one. Good to see your work again here. 😊
  10. @Linda Rexford, I love this photo. The cats made themselves at home at this birdbath. 😊 The layout made justice to the photo; it’s beautiful.
  11. It's interesting to see how each program works differently. Once you know and practice it, it becomes automatic, but until then, we have to dig in to learn the new stuff. I agree it's easier in Photoshop, which also has this blue outline in a mask layer. You can choose to select the image or the mask.
  12. Here is my Project#2. As before, I am using the same kit (Kim Broedelet_Seaside Holiday) and layout from the 2019 Scrap Bootcamp. But this time, I used different papers, elements, etc. I had big problems, as I could not copy and paste the Selection. It was copying the whole layer. To make a long story short, after a lengthy examination of my layers and Carole’s video, I noticed that my layers differed, and then I got acquainted with Images and Pixel layers. Images layers are like Vector Layers in PSP, you cannot do anything with it. Once I had rasterized the layer, all went smoothly. I share the same opinion as many here. I like Affinity very much, although some things are easier in PSP. On the other hand, there are many other features that are better in Affinity. It’s a win-win situation to have both apps. Fonts: Bastro and Berylium
  13. I read a newsletter yesterday, and the designer said she was having "a little creative burnout". I liked the expression she used. lol I guess everybody has this "creative burnout" once in a while. 🙂
  14. I haven't gotten there yet, either. But I'm following this thread to see if anybody knows more about it.
  15. Wow, Julie, this is beautiful! Clean, elegant... just perfect!!
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