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Template Workshop 2024


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Woo whoo! Day 3 Done!

This was an accidental photo.  I had just photographed these and had them lined up on the table and thought they looked like "players" on a theatre stage, so I snapped them, even with their little stands showing (kind of like looking under a skirt *GASP*).  

Papers (all):  Riley B Graphics (hmmmm...a pattern forming here eh?)

Fonts:  title is Action Is and the written script is Adorable Mother Script - both from Creative Fabrica

It took me some time to find the right color to use with the blend mode to get what I wanted, but it was fun to see what the modes do.  I love in 2023 that is shows you as you scroll the modes.  

Onto Day 4 now...

I'm really enjoying all the forum posts, such beautiful and creative work from everyone.  

TempWS Day 3 - Merry Cast-600.jpg

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@Mary Solaas Fun image to use! You got good results with CF Spark!

@Harmony Birch Welcome! Are we going to see the progress of the experiment throughout the workshop?

@Carolyn Rye You don't have to justify working on a different layout at a different time. Everything in the Campus is optional and life happens to jump in the mix!

@Julian Adams Well, if you ever have dates that you can add, don't hesitate. It is the kind of information you CAN add later anyway. Keep those cuties' photos coming!!

@Barbara Caulton I am a little surprised if you reinstalled, that the DELETE key would not work. At least, you get an alternate way, and maybe later, you can reset the program without reinstalling it (it is faster, and MIGHT give a different result).

@Ann Seeber In the first instance, was the font used in that curved area slanted backward or was it just an optical illusion? It does not have the same look in the second try. 

@Lynda DiGregor I love that font on your Winter layout! What is it?

@Emerald Jay Nice to see that you replaced the greenery by something else you had. As the creator, you can take those liberties! Good work. Those purple flowers are gorgeous.

@France Rivest Beautifully pink! 🙂

@Sheila Hogg Now that you know how to do it manually, you will understand the process of the script!

@Donna Sillia That is a cut font. Isn't that great everything we can get on Creative Fabrica?

@Sharla It is impressive how the rays look curved!

@Corrie Kinkel Yes, it turns out to be a reported bug that others have experienced. It is very annoying! 

@franbvm@aol.com That is a beautiful AI-generated image!

@Bonnie Ballentine It is fun to see that layout serves two purposes!

@Louyse ToupinCute puppy! and nice layouts. 

@Gerry Landreth Those are such fun faces. It is great to show them!

@Randy Yes, some fonts have a very tall "spacing". In that case, you can change the Leading value to something like -0.2 or -0.4.

@Susan Ewart Better late than never. That wilted flower is still elegant with that black background!

Keep them coming!!! It is so much fun to see all the variety of projects posted.

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Thank you for all the pretty templates, @Cassel. I moved things a tiny bit. Fonts: Algerian and Massiva. I used a glitter style by Violet Irisovna and a shadow style by Sheila Reid. Both at digitalscrapbook dot com.


Edited by bina greene
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Hi, here is my Day 3. " Dining out"  We were  travelling around in our holiday bus, and stopped off to visit some relatives.  Looking at it, it looks like I  have missed a drop shadow.


Edited by Shirley
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2 hours ago, Carolyn Rye said:

Day 4 completed.  I found this a little harder because I did not have the script "Clip to it".  No worry I did learn how to do it manually.

Day4 Temp-Carol600.jpg

Good for you to do it manually, but the Clip-to-It Is a free script in cassel's store Creation Cassel. It saves you a lot of time!

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Actually, he's not so little. He's less than 5 months and already weighs 20 lbs.!

Title Font = Baby Olivia

Text Font = Over the Rainbow

Crown - Marisa Lerin

Background-color fill, blinds texture, noise, soft light


Edited by Ann Seeber
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13 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

Woo whoo! Day 3 Done!

This was an accidental photo.  I had just photographed these and had them lined up on the table and thought they looked like "players" on a theatre stage, so I snapped them, even with their little stands showing (kind of like looking under a skirt *GASP*).  

Papers (all):  Riley B Graphics (hmmmm...a pattern forming here eh?)

Fonts:  title is Action Is and the written script is Adorable Mother Script - both from Creative Fabrica

It took me some time to find the right color to use with the blend mode to get what I wanted, but it was fun to see what the modes do.  I love in 2023 that is shows you as you scroll the modes.  

Onto Day 4 now...

I'm really enjoying all the forum posts, such beautiful and creative work from everyone.  

TempWS Day 3 - Merry Cast-600.jpg

Susan glad that you have started!  I like all 3 of your entrees with those wilted flowers and they look their utmost best on the black background and the subdued colors of the rest of the layout. What do you use as background when you take the photos? Black paper, cloth, a painted surface and in a studio setup with lighting?

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Thanks for this gorgeous template @Cassel. There is soo much in it. I moved things slightly around and turned it since I wanted to feature my poem as well. Font is Beach House. The huge layered flower in the top right is by Marisa Lerin.


Edited by bina greene
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Day 4 - I created the background using balls and bubbles to make the golf ball, then cass seamless pattern script to make the pattern and grass texture from Paintshop. The circle is from a Marisa Lerin sport kit. The flag is from a font called Sports and Hobbies which froze my Paintshop so I had to use Photoshop and save it as a png. The font is Gomuno Bubble which is an oft font. I had to reduce the painted area in order to get the photo of dad and son to fit properly. After I merged the mask, I used the eraser to remove bits of black that remained. The photos are my own and may be a little fuzzy since I captured them from a video.


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1 hour ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Susan glad that you have started!  I like all 3 of your entrees with those wilted flowers and they look their utmost best on the black background and the subdued colors of the rest of the layout. What do you use as background when you take the photos? Black paper, cloth, a painted surface and in a studio setup with lighting?

I will use either black foam core or black Velvet.  Velvet is problematic as it wrinkles and it picks up all the dust, hair, threads etc.  But it so black that it's really good to use.  With foam core the trick to make sure the light is not lighting the background, so the subject farther away is better so you can have the light fall off faster, and I even use black foam core to block the light from spilling onto the background.  My set up is very "mickey mouse" (rag-tag) and not at all professional in any way (I dream of owning strobes, flashes, and light modifiers but they are too pricey at this time).  I am in a "studio" (aka: the spare bedroom that was once my hubbies office...now he is relegated to the "cat room" for his office).  It's small and I risk tripping over light stands and my camera on the tripod as I work.  But I am ever so grateful I even have that opportunity to have what I have and so I do the best I can and try to learn how to make the photos I want.  When I know better I'll do better work and when the time comes that I get the equipment I want I'll be ready for it (and the huge learning curve that goes with it).  

The photos I'm doing with the aged plants don't look great in my layouts as they really need to be shown bigger to see the beauty in the line, form and color of them.  I'm also still learning about my newer camera.  I had being using assisted manual focus but still not happy with the sharpness I thought I should be getting.  Well, I learned that I could zoom in BEFORE I take the shot (as well as after like I had been doing) to make sure what I want in focus is in focus.  I only just learned that two weeks ago.  Yeesh!  Why didn't I look that up before.  So these shots aren't as focused as I like.  It's a learning curve isn't it?.

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Day 4 Template. St. Augustine, FL in June, 2017. I did increase the opacity of the lower right photo layer as directed (I originally forgot that little trick but the picture came out dull, so I then remembered and did as directed). The picture I used Adjust>Depth of Field in order to focus on the bird Anna was feeding on her arm.  I used Adjust>Brightness and Contrast on both the main picture and the picture of the fountain of youth. The background paper is a double layer each a paper from PS-marisa-lerin-change. I treated each of the layers (including the white layer included on the template) with different blend modes: the white layer is normal, the green layer is luminance, the cream color layer is color and an opacity of 38.  The title font is Violenty Script (CF) and the St. Augustine, FL and the 2017 are Arial Rounded MT Bold. All the fonts were duplicated and changed to raster layers, then I inner bevelled each of them. The layout frame I colored, then selected it and modified, expanded it and then colored the expansion too.  Then I innerbevelled it.

2024 Template 4_600.jpg

Edited by Mary Solaas
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8 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Good for you to do it manually, but the Clip-to-It Is a free script in cassel's store Creation Cassel. It saves you a lot of time!

Actually the Clip-to-it is a paid for script and $6 may not seem like much but I am actually in a month where I simply don't have $6 to spare

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Day 5 My cat, Rocky, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge many years ago. Rocky was a rescue and already named when I got her. She was named by children. I also had a male cat, Misty...also a rescue and named by children. Carole, the white circle inside the stitching...I achieved the brown pawprints using a blend mode...white paper, black pawprints, background paper. I had to hide the original white circle but am unable to add a shadow without changing the colors...the blend mode works with the layer directly underneath.


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Just now, Bonnie Ballentine said:

Day 5 My cat, Rocky, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge many years ago. Rocky was a rescue and already named when I got her. She was named by children. I also had a male cat, Misty...also a rescue and named by children. Carole, the white circle inside the stitching...I achieved the brown pawprints using a blend mode...white paper, black pawprints, background paper. I had to hide the original white circle but am unable to add a shadow without changing the colors...the blend mode works with the layer directly underneath.


I worked around. Selected the pawprint paper, went to the background paper, promoted selection to layer and moved it directly below the pawprint paper. Added shadow to the promoted selection. Problem solved. There may be a simiplier solution but this is what I did. large.2024118Rockycass-Template5600shadow.jpg.b2b878e1c33f444f23895afff1f51f88.jpg

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Day 5. Felix was born this past summer. The pictures are some of "The Firsts" of his first year - winter (in Illinois), Halloween, and Christmas.

The papers are from Annie Digital. The fonts are Lato Light and Belgium.


Edited by Gerry Landreth
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16 hours ago, Cassel said:

@Mary Solaas Fun image to use! You got good results with CF Spark!

@Harmony Birch Welcome! Are we going to see the progress of the experiment throughout the workshop?

@Carolyn Rye You don't have to justify working on a different layout at a different time. Everything in the Campus is optional and life happens to jump in the mix!

@Julian Adams Well, if you ever have dates that you can add, don't hesitate. It is the kind of information you CAN add later anyway. Keep those cuties' photos coming!!

@Barbara Caulton I am a little surprised if you reinstalled, that the DELETE key would not work. At least, you get an alternate way, and maybe later, you can reset the program without reinstalling it (it is faster, and MIGHT give a different result).

@Ann Seeber In the first instance, was the font used in that curved area slanted backward or was it just an optical illusion? It does not have the same look in the second try. 

@Lynda DiGregor I love that font on your Winter layout! What is it?

@Emerald Jay Nice to see that you replaced the greenery by something else you had. As the creator, you can take those liberties! Good work. Those purple flowers are gorgeous.

@France Rivest Beautifully pink! 🙂

@Sheila Hogg Now that you know how to do it manually, you will understand the process of the script!

@Donna Sillia That is a cut font. Isn't that great everything we can get on Creative Fabrica?

@Sharla It is impressive how the rays look curved!

@Corrie Kinkel Yes, it turns out to be a reported bug that others have experienced. It is very annoying! 

@franbvm@aol.com That is a beautiful AI-generated image!

@Bonnie Ballentine It is fun to see that layout serves two purposes!

@Louyse ToupinCute puppy! and nice layouts. 

@Gerry Landreth Those are such fun faces. It is great to show them!

@Randy Yes, some fonts have a very tall "spacing". In that case, you can change the Leading value to something like -0.2 or -0.4.

@Susan Ewart Better late than never. That wilted flower is still elegant with that black background!

Keep them coming!!! It is so much fun to see all the variety of projects posted.

Hi Carole,

The font is called "Winter" . You can find it at Creative Fabrica here: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/winter-265/ref/784652/   It comes with Glyphs.

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Day 4 (running a day behind).  YEAH!!!!!!!!  Finally got text to wrap around. Thanks to Cassel for that extra link to another video. I had my curser in the wrong place..... such a simple thing to learn the hard way. Got to use it in this lesson though. Paper is from a kit by ETD, font is Victoria Cat (free from DaFont) and the photos were snagged from the internet.  Having all those layers makes it easy to change things but I have to label everything before I start scrambling them. And a bonus, now I know what to do with all those large grunge and watercolor brushes that I have - when in doubt, use them like masks. 


TP4 sharon (small).jpg

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