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  1. Day 11 Project 5 I’m late. Life has had its challenges just recently and power cuts caused by Storm Éowyn yesterday didn’t help. Anyway here is project 5. I’ve kept it very simple just to be able to practice the techniques. The photo is one of mine. The papers are by Meagan Johnson (July Kit) and the pngs are from Freepik.
  2. Day 9, Project 4. I enjoyed this one. For me, it felt easier to do in Affinity than in Paintshop. The photos are from Freepik as are the two png flowers. The papers are from a kit by Meagon Johnson called January.
  3. Project 3, Day 7: I felt quite comfortable with using Affinity for this project. Yes, things are different to Paintshop Pro but it feels like quite a smooth program and it hasn’t crashed once since I’ve been using it which is definitely in its favour. I appreciate the videos Carole - they are nice quick way into the learning process. Thank you. The photos are from Freepik. The papers and elements are from a mini kit called Dandelion wishes by Jessica Dunn. The glitters are from a kit by Marisa Lerin.
  4. Okay, so I have got as far as Project 2, Day 5. This is a photo, taken by me, of Saltburn Pier (Saltburn is a seaside town in the north of England) covered in snow one wintry December day. The papers etc... are from a kit called Winter’s Day by Elif Safin.
  5. My Day 3. The photo is from Freepik and the papers re from a kit by Gina Jones.
  6. I'm a bit behind but will try catch up. It feels strange working in Affinity but okay. Here is my sandwich, I've kept it simple just to learn the techniques.
  7. Here's the card I created for this month's font challenge.
  8. I had a think and I wonder if more than one option would be a good idea. Perhaps we could start with 3 different year long challenges. Maybe something like: 1. Weekly. The P52 because it works great for people just wanting to showcase a photo as well as giving the option for a project like the one Susan did this year with the teacups. 2. A monthly scrapbook one like the one suggested by Rene that could focus on each month – people could personalise it or make it about the month. 3. Fortnightly. Something like the A-Z challenge but with a specific theme like PLACES. The somewhat neutral theme of places would allow for as much or as little personalisation as anyone wanted. Each person could choose their specific theme such as a local area, region, country, a continent, rivers, waterfalls, lakes, temples, cathedrals, villages, oceans, cities, castles, tourist attractions, holidays travel, home, space, parks, historical properties…
  9. Congratulations Susan - you have done amazingly well and been a constant source of inspiration with your creativity.
  10. E = Eating
  11. I’d love to do something else that lasts a year. I’d probably do the same challenge again but I’m not sure there’s enough interest in the idea. Perhaps it would need to be something different that might attract more people – wish I had some suggestions but, sorry, I haven’t. Maybe someone else will have some ideas.
  12. 52 weeks... Thank you everyone who started and didn’t stop throughout the year. Thank you to those of you who joined in for a while. Thank you to those of you who came to look and encourage us on. Thank you for all the kind comments. Thank you to Carole for making it possible and to Suzy for the original suggestion. Thank you
  13. Week 52 A Holly branch on a young tree in my garden.
  14. B = Burns Night (25 Jan) A Scottish celebration, in theory it is a celebration of the life and poetry of Robert Burns but locally is often seen as a good excuse for lots of eating and drinking.
  15. Z = Zestful
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