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@Rene Marker Thank heaps for your information on how to add the .abr brush files to Affinity. It was so easy to add these. @Cassel I also loved the Affinity Bootcamp Cheat Sheet that you provided to us. It is so helpful.
I found a tool that works a lot like the Magic Wand. Pays to watch youtube videos.
It is called the Flood Select Tool. Keyboard Shortcut = W. Its icon is just above the rectangular selection tool on the tools sidebar. The icon is hard to see but it does look like a wand, only it is blue instead of yellow like PSP's magic wand.
It enables you to select pixels of a similar color. It has 4 modes (new, add, subtract, and intersect), tolerance and contiguous just like the magic wand tool in PSP. I played with it using a template and it works just like the magic wand tool in that I can select for example, the outside of a rectangular paper layer. Then if I add a paper from a kit, I can just hit delete on the kit paper and I'm left with the portion that matches the rectangular selection.
I'm much happier now!
Project 2, We have a feral cat colony outside and have had them for years. This birdbath, which is heated, used to serve a lot of birds in the winter until the cats moved it! This was in January and they were quite cozy, but I have no idea what they were watching!
Yes, I got to see the lobby. Visitors were not allowed in the actual working areas of the building. I have some photos, probably should do a layout. Maybe I'll use those in boot camp.