
The Magic Wand in PaintShop Pro

This tool is called "magic" because it is powerful, but those powers can be intimidating when you don't understand all the intricacies of what can be done. The Magic Wand is probably one of the most commonly used tools by many PaintShop Pro users, are they using it in the best way possible? Let's look at the many settings that can make this tool do magic.

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Importing Photoshop gradients in PaintShop Pro

You might already know that PaintShop Pro allows its users to use or import several resources made for Photoshop. PaintShop Pro can open .psd files, and since version X5, it can import .abr brush files. In addition, Photoshop preset shapes can also be converted with a script. But did you know that it can also import gradients meant for Photoshop?

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Changing colors in PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro has a lot of common tools and photographers have the ability to tweak their photos in many ways. Those tools are not just for professionals, as everyone can use them to edit photos in creative ways. Let's see how you can change the color of a particular element with PaintShop Pro. Although there are several ways to change colors, we will look at the Change to Target tool.

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Edit History in PaintShop Pro

Do you ever work on a project in PaintShop Pro, and after many steps, you are wondering what setting you used about 20 steps back? Or after trying many different commands, you wonder which one you finally chose? PaintShop Pro stores that information and you can retrieve that information!

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Text on path in PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro, like several other popular graphic programs, allow the user to add text along a specific path, to create various effects. The path could be a simple circle, but it could also be the contour of an element. Although the process is very simple, there are a few tips that could help you make the most of this feature. Let's have a look at this process.

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Converting handwritten text into an elements for digital scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is all about expressing your creativity in various ways. Creating your graphics with Paintshop Pro to use as elements to add to your story is one way to do it. But how about personalizing your titles with your own text? Not using fonts or alphas, but actually making use of handwritten words and phrases and using them to decorate your digital scrapbook pages.

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