
From single page template to double page template

When creating a scrapbook page, we might start with one, and realize that we have more photos or more of the story to tell. That is when we would like to turn that single page into a double page. And if we plan a whole album, maybe we would like to start with double templates from the beginning. However, double-page templates are much less common than single-page. That is when we might need a little bit of work to create our own. But it is easier than you think using these five tips.

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Resizing scrapbook templates

Most scrapbooking templates that you can find online will be square. Sometimes, you might want to create your page in a rectangular format to fit your printer or to match other albums you have. Although it is possible to find rectangular templates, they are harder to find, and what if you find a template you like, in a square format?

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5 ways to reuse a template

Templates can be great time-savers. Having to search for new templates all the time, however, could waste the time you hope to save. Why not reuse the same template more than once? Although you might be ok reusing a template more than once, you might want a little more variation. Let's see what you can do, starting with a single template.

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What’s new in PaintShop Pro X9?

Today, August 16, 2016, is the official release of PaintShop Pro version X9. Whether you have version X8 or an older version, what will you find in this one? Of course, everything that was in X8 is also included in X9, but it also has some new features. Let's look at some of the most obvious ones.

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Creating a layered template from a flat image

Layered templates are very convenient ways to shorten the time it takes to create a layout or a way to beat the blank canvas syndrome by giving you a starting point. Even though some scrappers will like to use the layered template as is, it is more common to use the basic shapes and ideas and then change them to suit our photos, supplies, and mood. If you have already created a layout and still have a layered version of it, it is easy to transform it into a layered template (check this tutorial), however, maybe you don't have that version anymore, so what can you do? Although it is a little bit more work, it is still possible to create that layered template "from scratch". Here is how.

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Creating a card with a layered template

During the Creative Christmas Bundle 2015, there were 12 complete sets of cards and matching envelopes. They are in a jpg format (sketch) and in psd format as layered templates. Using templates with PaintShop Pro is a great time saver. It allows to create fun cards that you can customize the way you want, with the supplies you have, and surprise everyone.

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How to Create a Template from a Layout

If you have made a layout, mostly from scratch, you might want to turn it into a layered template, either for selling, or giving away as a freebie, or simply to reuse later for a similar project. This is a very simple process, although it could take a while, depending on the number of layers you have on your current layout.

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Templates for storytelling

Are you joining the journey of “Remember when…?” Great. If you are familiar with scrapbooking (digital or traditional), you know that it is fun to start with templates or sketches, simply to get the inspiration going. But you might wonder where to go in order to find templates that might be suitable for story telling, instead of photo displaying. Let’s look at a few possible options.

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starting October 21st