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  1. Project 3 I used elements from the Best Mom Ever kit. I swapped out the papers at the last minute and forgot to make of note of the details. These are pictures of my mom and Amelia, who has recently been deposed as the reigning "Baby of the Family." She was always fussy until she was in her great-grandmother's arms. Later, Amelia stayed close to her when they were together, even guiding her walker and eating cake. NOTE: I forgot to credit the quote. It is from that wise sage, Anonymous. Sorry for the oversight.
    9 points
  2. Font: Lobster. Giraffe stamp by Marisa Lerin, Draw It Templates Kit #7 Giraffe sticker: Jessica Dunn, Inner Wild Mini
    7 points
  3. Project 3 We love the ruby throated hummingbird, which is the only one we see here in Georgia. We put up feeders all around the house, and in with some of our flowers. They become adjusted to us, and will hover near us "checking us out." They're very curious birds. They also have incredible memories and will remember what flowers and feeders they've been to in previous years, and return again the following years. Papers came from THD-SweetSummer-Aug23-DSSS-CC Also ps_marisa-lerin-245722-the-good-life-june-2020 THD- BestMomEver-May23 ( flowers) ChineseOrientGlitter Kit (glitter)
    6 points
  4. Just a simple layout using stuff from my ever-growing stash. I love autumn and want to use the colours as often as I can. Just clipart and several elements, no photo, and nothing I made.
    6 points
  5. Did someone mention Northern Lights!!!!!!! September and October is the best time of year to see the Northern lights, although they dance throughout the year. At this time of year they are overhead in my area. Only last night, I was out watching the lights. They weren't green, but white, still a mesmerizing sight to behold. Prior to moving here, I had only ever seen them on the telly. Photo taken 20th September , looking north, out back amongst the trees. It's a good idea to take shots with something in the foreground. Manual, F2.8, aperture mode, shutter speed varies, 1000 plus. It is imperative that you use a sturdy tripod, with weights, to maintain absolute stillness. Taking loads of shots, to get one half tidy one. Sounds like you live in a lovely area Michele, and happy where you are.
    5 points
  6. Ladies you make me so envious; to have all that nature at your doorstep. I live in the Netherlands and we are a small country where it is impossible to find a spot without light pollution. Noise is another issue because we have roads and railways almost everywhere and our nature is more like a big park. Of course it isn't all bad and I can hear the little birds sing early in a spring morning. And the sparrows have their evening coming together for spending the night in the trees. I was born and spend my youth in Rotterdam, a big city. Nowadays I live in a nice enough village with the possibility to go for a walk outside in a bit more rural setting of farmland and a small woodland park. But it isn't advisable to go there on your own as soon as it is getting dark or in the twilight. I have been to visit my family in the States 3 times now and while there we did a couple of short roadtrips that at least have given me a glimpse of the vastness, when you are riding for hours without seeing very few cars, only grassland and some farmbuildings in the distance. Hopefully next year I can go there again and if I come somewhere near one of you it would be great to meet in person. At the moment I don't have concrete plans, it depends on my daughter when it will be a good moment to come over and my home situation must allow it too. In the meantime I enjoy all the stories, the photos and layouts that are posted here.
    5 points
  7. I recently watched a PBS program call "World on Fire" which was about WWII and decided to try to replicate an image that I made several years ago. No matter what I tried, I couldn't remember what I had done, so I made a new one using Balls and Bubbles effect. The earth is from CF Spark. I tried to use it as a Bump map which didn't work and ended up using it for the surface.
    5 points
  8. I take it and the next word is Roses used a few scripts by Cassel for the buttons, Sequins and confetti, and the glitter. picture tubes by Corel and Cassel
    5 points
  9. It's wonderful to see all the different layouts here is my project 4 Kit Ciel Bleu by Regina Falango this is from January
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. 3 points
  12. I have been to Rotterdam, only the once, over 40 yrs ago. I suspect it has change a lot since then. From what I can remember it's a beautiful city. I have also flown over the Netherlands countless times, at various times of year, to land at Schiphol airport, to catch the sky hopper for Caerdydd airport. My favourite time of year is when the rows and rows of every colour imaginable of Tulips are in flower, waiting to be harvested. It's certainly a spectacular splash of colour, looking down from above. I think I may be just a little to far north for you to pop in for a cuppa, when you are over next. We shall never say never will we meet in person one day.
    3 points
  13. You create delicate, fine pages, they are simply quite exquisite. You have rather a unique creative style.
    3 points
  14. A delightful page. The plight of the hedgehog hangs in the balance. I would say road kill is the number one cause, then pesticides. At home there are now tunnels under roads for the hedgehogs to get from one side to the other in safety. I haven't seen one for several years. I have photos of my children when they were young feeding hedgehogs. At the bottom of our drive we had a cattle grid. Hedgehogs used to fall into it. Quite often the kids would rescue one or two, on their home from school, from the cattle grid. Giving them a feed before letting them go out in the hedgerows.
    3 points
  15. And now to the Garden of the Gods.
    2 points
  16. I can tell when a hawk has entered the airspace near my backyard. The birds go silent while they're feeding and then burst out in flight, all at once. Sure enough, I look out and there's that predator sitting nearby. He's pretty amazing to see, but I'd run too if I were a wee bird.
    2 points
  17. Michele, your words paint a beautiful image. It's sounds like a wonderful place to live. When I lived on the Westcoast (British Columbia) I lived on thoroughbred breeding farm and we were on zero avenue....that was a gravel road that separated US from CANADA. There is even a marker ( 3 foot high obilisk) that says USA on one side and CANADA on the other side. it's in the shallow ditch between the two roads that you can literally straddle (which i did) with your legs. One of my legs was illegally in the USA for the time it took to take the picture (less than 30 seconds).
    2 points
  18. Good morning, Everyone 🙂 This is Lesson 7. I did use a glitter I had to flood fill the rectangle selection. It's not so glittery. lol I used to use the guides and snap to guide all the time. And I kept trying to pull a guide down from the top of my canvas, but it never worked. Thanks for telling me about the ruler! I forgot all about that. Now I have them all checked and will use them always. The name up at the top was an alpha set and the guide came in very handy to position the letters. I had trouble with my cropping tool which made the resizing of the photographs difficult. The little tool bar on the bottom of it kept disappearing so at first I could not finish the crop. I found I could double-click inside of it and it cropped the image. But then the handle was gone too and I couldn't move the image. I would have to close PSP and reload it again. I find the 2023 version a little clunky to use, but i'll manage as best I can. I have nothing but time. 🙂 I really enjoyed this lesson, I learned a lot. 🙂
    2 points
  19. Day 5, layout 2 A fun filled day with friends. We drove to Front Royal, VA which is to the west and offered a little more Fall color that we have at home. We shopped a flea market, had lunch and ice cream, shopped a thrift store and visited a local park. The park offered some color and photo opportunities. Title font is Script MT Bold. Journaling font is You All Everybody. Squirrel Stamp by DigiDewi, Kit: Autumn Day on Digital Scrapbooking. Leaf in the title block is by Brooke Gazarek in the kit Crisp Fall Air, 19815. The very small leaves in the center were extracted from a scatter by Jessica Dunn, Kit, Orchard Traditions, Leafy Scatters.
    2 points
  20. here is now my project 3 I used a Kit named Life captured by Karen Schultz - Snickerdoodles, Made the glitter with a script by cassel, font is Beckett -Kanzlei used also reversed shadows
    2 points
  21. Project 4 I have more flower beds than I can keep up with, but the flowers I plant are for the purpose of attracting and feeding butterflies, bees and hummingbirds--and most of them have to be perennials. : ) The 3 butterflies shown here (top: yellow eastern tiger swallowtail, bottom right: American painted lady, bottom left: common buckeye) are only a part of what we have fluttering around our yard, but I thought more than 3 photos would be too much. I did not include the narrow "ribbon" as I thought there was enough color already. Papers: ps_jessica-dunn_363770-vintage-blooms-solid-paper-04_pu (sky blue) ps_marissa-lerin_367656_a-touch-of-delight-solid-paper-07_pu (dark blue) ps_jessica-dunn_240239_around-the-world-plaid-paper-05_pu (plaid) ps_,arosa-lerin_367836_a-touch-of-delight-sta,[-flower-4 (flower stamps)
    1 point
  22. Sorry Anja, ich sehe beim erneuten Hochladen des Scraps diesen Voreinstellungsbalken bei mir nicht mehr für den Zauberstab und den Fülleimer. Vielleicht habe ich was verstellt und muß unter "Ansicht" nochmal etwas anklicken? Edit: Ich habe meinen Fehler entdeckt, ich habe unter Ansicht>Paletten> Werkzeugoptionen( F4) keinen Haken mehr gehabt. Und in dem Voreinstellungsbalken ist ganz rechts ein kleiner Pfeil, auf den muß man klicken, dann werden die Einstellungsoptionen sichtbar. Manomann, jetzt bin ich aber geschafft. War ein stressiger Tag mit schlimmen Nachrichten. Ich mach morgen weiter🤪 Gute Nacht ( in Deutschland)
    1 point
  23. Should you ever get the opportunity, take it. For more detailed info on shooting, use the widest lens you have.(for better colour) For crisper shots of the sky, focus on something in the foreground, in manual. I have trees, or buildings around the yard. Use the lowest aperture number you have. For more crisp shots use 3-15 seconds shutter speed. It's important to remember that the night sky is moving at a fast rate, which the naked eye can not see. Keep your ISO as low as possible, by adjusting it. Adjust the settings to suit your camera. At this time of year, and on into winter, the sky has less debris, producing sharper images. I also recommend you wrap up warm, take extra batteries, as the cold weather drains batteries quickly, especially when it's 20 or 30 below. PS. Woke to a blanket of snow this morning. -8c Winter has arrived!
    1 point
  24. Great shot. I love photos taken of Northen Light:)
    1 point
  25. Fabulous shot! Thanks for the settings. I've never tried shooting them before.
    1 point
  26. Ann, what a beautiful thing you are doing. Such a shame these cats have to end up in a life like that. thank goodness there is sanctuaries for them. Probably not enough though.
    1 point
  27. Just finished Day 7. I am still highlighting our Scandinavian trip because it was so special to us. I have always wanted to go to Denmark and Norway because my grandmother was from Denmark and my Grandfather was from Norway. As I was born in Australia, it was definitely on my "bucket list" to visit these countries. This certainly exceeded my expectations. Thanks to Cassel for all your tips on each of the projects I have delivered so far. This is so appreciated as it helps me to learn.
    1 point
  28. BOOTCAMP 7-SANCTUARY -The title font is Belisha treated to a Chisel effect. The text font is Franklin Gothic Semi. The background is a photo of a local field treated with the Luminance layer effect. The bird is from "cpjess-tomorrow" kit and the top and bottom elements are from "ID-Face in the Photograph" kit. A bit of explanation about the center photo: It was taken by my security camera which is mounted on a pole at the corner of the porch. You can see the pole's shadow on the left of the photo. Those stray cats are very skittish and hard to photograph.
    1 point
  29. Melanie, I love the Indigo Bunting. We rarely see them here in Virginia. Doska, my neighbors have a bald eagle nest on their property. Once, I got to go there and watch. I had always wanted to see an eagle in flight...and I did! Here a younger buck wanted to challange an older, larger, more experience buck. The big guy wanted nothing to do with this little one but finally had to stand his ground. It was no contest. The little one was pushed all around. They never fought for real but it was obvious which one would be victorious. Red Stars: Amanda Brown, Digital Scrapbooking, 129333 Stars in text: Brandi White, Digital Scrapbooking, Chromies Stars Font: Cookies and Milk Antlers: CleanPng Day 3, layout 1
    1 point
  30. I grew up in Brooklyn, went to school in a small college town upstate, and then lived in Rochester, NY for a while. I moved back downstate to Long Island to be near my family. While the convenience in the city or the suburbs is great, I've often longed to live a quiet life on a farm. At the very least I could see the sky without all the bright lights hiding it.
    1 point
  31. Sue, if you would kindly refrain from political opinion statements in these rooms. Julie nicely just asked for peace, which many can agree on. It hurts my heart to see my country being bashed. It may not be perfect but, by gum, we're trying....😥
    1 point
  32. Day 5 is now completed. On the second page the top photo on in a beautiful little area near Lillehammer. The bottom photo is Copenhagen. Everything is so beautiful in this area. The little photo on the top right is of a yummy shop that sold the most wonderful chocolate - my favorite sweet.
    1 point
  33. Scrap boot Camp. Day 5. Project 2 Hi everyone .I think I have posted this in a couple of places as I got a bit confused, and just when I thought I was navigating the site quite well!! .I think I am in the correct place now. My apologies. The raindrop papers were from my subscription to Creative Fabrica and the graphics were a purchase from the web site Nitwits. The very dirty pup Jodi was having a great adventure in the rain at our holiday caravan. I have struggled to get to grips with layers but since doing the sandwich project it has fallen into place so easily. Thank you so much Carole. I am so enjoying this workshop.
    1 point
  34. My great-nephew Noah requested a baby sister. It took him about a day to adjust when he was told that it would be a brother instead. He takes the responsibility of being a big brother quite seriously.
    1 point
  35. I have a little time to scrap so I made another one for this bootcamp I used again a Kit by Lynn Anselc - Autumn Harvest font - Denim and A day in September
    1 point
  36. here are storks in our little zoo in Aachen fonts are Daisy and DomBoldBT, I made a cutout from one photo and used the second in my LO kit is Let Life Bloom by Fayette Design
    1 point
  37. Project 2 Exploring our Solar System.
    1 point
  38. Lesson 5 repost. Staples scaled down as suggested.
    1 point
  39. Ho provato a farne un altro ma non mi riesce bene. Non so usare il forum aiuto.
    1 point
  40. Thank you for the tips on adding drop shadows etc to my page 1. I think it looks a little better.
    1 point
  41. 5° giorno questo è un viaggio fatto tempo fa in Grecia nell'isola di Corfu è stato bellissimo ci simo rilassati e siamo tornati ricaricati. Questa foto è un ristorante dove abbiamo cenato, il panorama era fantastico.
    1 point
  42. My first attempt of creating a mist overlay. I used luminance legacy with an opacity set at 83.
    1 point
  43. The poem is the the first two verses of ‘Haunted Houses’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (full poem at https://poets.org/poem/haunted-houses) The background is a paper I made. The central image from freepik and the ghost are Caroles ghosts picture tube.
    1 point
  44. I posted this in the Oct working on posts but forgot to post it here. It better be a really good party because full moon is the 28th. I guess if you are ghosts and sprites etc a few days is no problem. LOL
    1 point
  45. My poster to everybody be ready; ) I used here only my fractal and a fine font
    1 point
  46. Halloween is something I don't celebrate. It's not new to the British. All hallow's Eve comes from many Pagan traditions. Introduced in to America by the Scots and and the Irish, who then commercialized. I used a photo of a Welsh Church and churchyard, used effects photo effects time machine, added the cats and lady, added glow to them. Bats and a moon.
    1 point
  47. Great minds must think alike. The second image was a freebee from Tiny Turtle Designs and the green sunglass wearing scarecrow is from a screenshot of a VRML model I made.
    1 point
  48. Today I was visiting a garden center, a very big one and they had already opened their yearly Christmas show. There are always many displays of different winter scenes with little villages, snow scenes etc. Among them were a couple of Halloween scenes that I took photos of. So the background of my layout is my photo with a cobweb overlay, some ghost tubes, the freebie for this theme, and 2 skulls. I didn't change the colors of my photo because I think it came out nicely; the cobweb was white and that was a bit too white so I made it a bit darker with the saturation and lightness.
    1 point
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