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Julie Magerka

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Julie Magerka last won the day on January 8

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  1. What I find interesting is that I was able to download & activate the trial version WITHOUT using the activation password they sent to me. Once I logged in to my account at AFF there was no request to enter that code. Perhaps that's why I got a 7-day trial. I rechecked what I downloaded and it said "90 day trial", but when I open the app it still says 7 days. This problem is definitely at their end.
  2. OK, so I just now downloaded the Affinity Photo2 for Windows. Before I could activate the trial, I had to SIGN IN to my Affinity account. It IS a 7-day trial, but perhaps that will change soon or maybe that's just the message we get for the trial version and it will actually last 90 days....?
  3. I already had an account with them (from 2020), so I didn't have to create one. I have not downloaded the trial yet, but it is my understanding that you need to have an account with them, the same as we do for Microsoft, or Apple, or Google, etc. to get the full service. Your account will be your email and a password not the same as the code they sent to you. I will be trying either later today or tomorrow .
  4. Ik vraag me ook af waar deze naartoe zullen gaan. Niemand anders is zo geïnteresseerd in het verleden als ik. (I wonder where these will go too. No one else is as interested in the past as I have been.)
  5. You're a good woman, Janette, to take care of the dust! Mine is lingering. Je bent een goede vrouw, Janette, om voor het stof te zorgen! De mijne blijft hangen.
  6. T = Tilt-a-Whirl (a ride at the fair)
  7. The first thing that came into my head when I thought of the letter A: my dad's photo album. That was the easy part. The challenge was to choose the layout I would want to use for all letters of the alphabet. I think this one is generic enough to allow me colour changes and element placements to mix it up a bit. I chose B&W this time b/c of the subject. That album is a treasure, but it contains images of unnamed people (from the 1930s or so) whom I know are somehow related to me. But there are no identifiers on so many pictures. I call it "Dad's Mystery Album", and so it will remain despite my best research efforts. The threads are there to show very tenuous connections that exist.
  8. Just a question: is it necessary to present the finished layouts in alpha order? Or can they be as we think of an object for the letter, even if out of alpha order?
  9. Corrie, the problem might be that you need to have an Affinity account before you can use the download links. Have you created one yet on their site?
  10. Well the conversation must've gone very well. I just received all the info from Affinity in my inbox!!!! But I have to go out so can't download yet! Hooray, and thanks Carole.
  11. Q = Queen of the Fair
  12. Oh my, he is a regal fellow, very handsome.
  13. O = Odours
  14. Some time last year they had a six-month trial offer! I can't believe I dithered on that!
  15. I too have been delaying on a decision, so the 90-day offer is great! I also am not the most patient person!
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