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  1. Project 4. Kit used: PS - Gina Jones-Pretty bird. Font: AR Julian. Fun.
    6 points
  2. BOOTCAMP DAY 9 - #4 - FROST MOON Background paper: StarWarsMayTheForth kit Title: Bauhaus93 font filled with white glitter Button: SNU_1-2-BuckleMyShoe_Emb-Marble Journaling font: Century Gothic Journaling info: The Farmer's Almanac Frame: Inner Bevel #7 @ 43 Clip + Flower: SNU_1-2-BuckleMyShoe Photo: Fred Coffey-Photographer
    4 points
  3. This is my 5-year-old great-nephew, Noah, who loves dinosaurs. The shadows on the dinos were an experiment. I guess I could have treated them as stickers, but it gave me a chance to try something different. The papers and elements are from a collaborative kit called Boy of Mine. The font is Unicorn Express from Creative Fabrica. Carole: The buttons from the previous layout were "as is" from the designer. After your observations, I probably wouldn't have used them. I did try to flip them, but it didn't work in the space I wanted. After this, I will never look at a button the same way again. I'm having trouble with brushes loading. It takes almost two minutes before they are loaded and ready for use. I seem to remember that you had addressed this for someone else before. Would you refresh my memory? Thanks!
    4 points
  4. This is the adjusted image with frames around the images. I kind of like the effect that it did however the colour fill did not go all the way around the images. Thanks for the reminder of not having to put shadow on paint text or splashes.
    4 points
  5. This is my 4th project. No long story for this one. I really didn't come up with any "fun" way to do the title. Papers were from Janet Kemp's Pond Life kit and the elements were from Jessica Dunn's kit Swim with the Fishes. Both kits available at digitalscrapbooking.com. Photos taken at a local pond.
    4 points
  6. Fonts used ----Copper Alt Caps-----Jellyka Jellyfish-----A&S Heartbeat Papers are from Pixabay Elements are from years ago...... Paw prints is a Picture tupe
    3 points
  7. Here in the United States, the Bald Eagle is our national bird. A hundred years ago, it was on the brink of extinction. But it has recovered. There are areas where the birds are known to nest. And I had heard they could be seen on our local creek, but never saw one. One day in July last year, I drove out toward the creek to run an errand. I saw a large bird on the edge of the road. I slowed and expected it to fly away. But it didn't. As I drove past, I realized it was a Bald Eagle! I had to turn around, and get my camera out of my purse! It was very concentrated on eating lunch, which was roadkill in the weeds. I have not been feeling well the past 3 days. I realize now I didn't do anything with the title, and I may have missed another step or 2, but I just don't feel up to it now. Since I had it halfway done, I felt I needed to finish it. I hope to work on Project 5 tomorrow, praying for a better day.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. I have just taken a gander through all the pages, as it is currently snowing. What an array of wonderfully creative pages posted. I thought I'd make a start on general ecards. Here are two that I have started, no doubt before they are destined for their intended recipient, they will be tweaked. Currently working on an Easter card. Many of you will know that I keep my pages simple and minimal. Maintaining focus on the photos. I'd better get back to it.
    2 points
  10. Carole, the photos in Project3 have been corrected a bit in PSP9-OneStepPhotoFix. I cannot do anything in JK's cellphone. I'm glad I have shots from his cellphone:)))))) I've corrected a little bit photos in my Project4, but it was impossible to add SUN, sorry. I'm happy it was not snowing when JK has been there.
    2 points
  11. Thanks for these. I will have to go back in later to see if I can edit the frame around the images. For now I just used another layer.
    2 points
  12. My Project3. With three shots taken during a short, great trip (600 km by train, 20 km by pied-walking) by JK.
    2 points
  13. Now it works - Thanks, Carole ?
    1 point
  14. This is a known "bug" that was introduced with Patch 1. Your version number is A corrected version of the patch has been released in November 2022. However, since it is a CORRECTED patch and not a new patch, you cannot install it like other patches. The ONLY way is to uninstall your current PSP2023 and reinstall it. The installation process will pull the correct version from the server and it will solve that problem. That Patch one also had MAJOR impact on running scripts. Now, it is fixed. I wish there was another way around than uninstalling/reinstalling, but there isn't.
    1 point
  15. @kasany Great work so far. I have to say that those stripes are a real "eye-catcher"! @Steve Kovacs This is just the beginning. And there are more workshops and lessons to come for those who want some! The "error" with the owl pictures frame is actually interesting as it shows the birds sticking out of the frame, somehow. It is a bit similar to the out-of-bound technique, but just more subtlely. If you have a hard time filling the selection, check this article. @Lesley MapleI see you nicely used the pinked edge technique. Great. @Gerry LandrethAfter this "button" issue, I am sure you will notice those details in future elements. Cast shadows are a bit challenging, but you got a good start. Have a peek at the Advanced shadowing with PSP class for more details. @GabrielaThat is a beautiful layout to showcase great photos! That dog is definitely photogenic! Tomorrow, you will get the last lesson with a project tutorial. Then, you will have several days to catch up if you are still behind (or if you have not posted yet). Looking forward to seeing them.
    1 point
  16. Superb Anne. Great moody shot with the clouds.
    1 point
  17. I had this idea in my head and this is what I came up with. We have all heard of something on happening 1nc in a blue moon, well here it is. The photo is one I took several years ago.
    1 point
  18. I love the picture with the trees. And I really like your title, it looks really neat. Also the frames are a really nice touch and the background paper is beautiful. Oh man, should I have just said I like the whole layout.
    1 point
  19. Having fun with Lab13 Lesson 1 for Stencil effects, I decided to turn my disaster cake icing efforts in the kitchen to an advantage by creating a ribbon to go around the cake in an effort to hide the disaster. I created a new star shape image by making a 3D cut out effect* for the contours as in the lesson and then applied cass-enamel script for the metallic contour effect. I made selections for the background and filled them using two of cass-glitters papers, whilst open in my workplace (using the Pattern mode in the Materials palette). I have also used those love fireworks from cass-fireworks Picture Tube, to celebrate the New Year. * I did note that with the Cut Out option under Effects/3D Effects/Cut Out, that there was no option to place the shadow on a new layer. I am using PSP Ultimate 2021.
    1 point
  20. January word Challenge in the campus. START. I didn't clock up the miles yesterday, as I had intended to do. The wildlife had other ideas for me. Before I even set off, I encountered a small flock of black capped chickadees close by. I spent more time being inconspicuous than actually hiking the trails. Either way it was a great afternoon to be outdoors. I haven't done a magazine cover for a short while. My very first page to be be added to the campus since the changes. I forgot to add it to the campus, after posting it on facebook on Sunday. Yearling bull moose. Male Snowy Owl. Black-capped Chickadee.
    1 point
  21. Wonderful lesson! This is my fourth project. Again, this was a lot of fun. Joseph became a big brother a little over three months ago ?
    1 point
  22. I changed the font to Arial, but it still seems to look like there is a shadow on the journaling. Not sure, but it is when it is resized to 600 that this happens. Could it be because I textured the paper it is on?
    1 point
  23. DAY 9 #4: Anna Loves Dante - My granddaughter has a new cat named Dante. I got a kit from Digitalscrapbook.com by Gina Jones called Every Day is Caturday. The plain papers, the heart and the scatters are from my stash. The patterned paper, word art and cat accessories are from the kit. The fonts used are Gill Sans Ultra and Birdy.
    1 point
  24. DAY 9 #4: Anna Loves Dante - My granddaughter has a new cat named Dante. I got a kit from Digitalscrapbook.com by Gina Jones called Every Day is Caturday. The plain papers, the heart and the scatters are from my stash. The patterned paper, word art and cat accessories are from the kit. The fonts used are Gill Sans Ultra and Birdy.
    1 point
  25. Not too happy with this one, it just will not come out right. All the elements of Lab 6 07 are there but it just doesn't look right, but hay ho.
    1 point
  26. My project 3. This time the papers are mine and the elements are all from different picture tubes. The pictures were taken in Memphis when my daughter and I did a Sunday tour of the sites in Memphis to use for my "M is for Memphis" alphabet book. The font used is Arlington Script. Most of the extra scripts I get are from Creative Fabrica.
    1 point
  27. The Boys are now 12 and almost 15. I first met them seven years ago. The elements in the layout are a hodgepodge of stuff. I couldn't decide on what I wanted to do, so I scrolled. And scrolled some more. The fonts are Paladise for the title and Dear Friend for the quote. Both are from Creative Fabrica. The glitters was created using Creation Cassel's script, Glitters-C.
    1 point
  28. Project 3 This was a lot of fun! My drop shadow is terrible on the rope around the flower. I have to try and redo it, but I think I saved it as a jpg. Trying to improve working with drop shadows.... soon as I resized the rope it looked more ugly lol ? (Sorry Carole, my internet was weak due to the snow/rain where I am, but it appeared on my end..so I reposted )
    1 point
  29. Full disclosure...I've never done any scrapbooking! However, I do create photo books which I believe I can incorporate the scrapbooking skills that I am developing! A win-win! I am not a big glitter person, but I had fun seeing how to use it. I was pleased that I could flood fill the hearts with a 3rd glitter color after creating the "2-tone" glitter to go under my photos.
    1 point
  30. BOOTCAMP DAY 7 - #3 Photos: Fred Coffey-Photographer Setting: Albany, NY Background paper: ps-THLD-Iceland Flowers: ps-Studio4-Iceland Journaling: Poem "Midnight Snow in the City" by James Marshall Goff Journaling Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Condensed Title Font: Belisha Glitter: ps-AHA_somewhereintime_glitters10 @ 25% Stripe pattern created from center photo - jpg in Files on Facebook
    1 point
  31. Project 3 Fonts used are A&S Heartbeat..&....Chocolate Box Used Paper & some Elements from Scrap Kit ....Autumn Breeze ..& ..Autumn Dreams a got years and years ago Some Elements from PNGTree
    1 point
  32. I knew exactly what I wanted to do when this project was given to us. About 10 years ago I quit my job as a lawyer and decided that I really wanted to work with and for dogs. I became a dog walker and pet sitter by day and in my free time I volunteer at my local animal shelter and smaller rescues from time to time. Oh and I'm mom to three dogs. The dog on the left was rescued by the ASPCA along with approximately 300 other hounds in a cruelty/neglect case in Vermont last winter. Our shelter took in about a dozen of the adult hounds and about 20 of the puppies. The rest were sent to various shelters around the country. His new mom & dad sent the shelter an update and a picture. He's living the life and a healthy weight now. The middle dog was transported from Texas to Massachusetts and ended up in our shelter where he quickly found a home. The third dog was on a cross country trip thanks to a Great Pyrenees rescue organization to meet his parents to be. I drove him on one leg of his trip. Sometimes it can be soul crushing but these are three success stories. As for the papers and elements, all came from MarissaL's Pets kit except for the Love element which came from Gina Jones' Fido kit and the glitter which came from the link that Cassel gave us for glitter in the email.
    1 point
  33. The quote is one that my wife has used over the years many times. This looks like a perfect spot to do just that.
    1 point
  34. My scatter brush paper made with script in shop Creation Cassel.
    1 point
  35. I got started really late for this daily pic so I relied on my scrapbooking supplies. Found this gorgeous photo on Unsplash which is a wonderful resource; the photographer is Lane Jackman. I used a paper from the ALFLT Jan 2021 Blog Train for the background and another one to make the ribbons. The flower was also in the blog train. The layout was inspired by one of Marisa Lerin's templates from Digital Scrapbook, formerly Pixel Scrapper. The font is Sugarstyle Millenial free from dafont.
    1 point
  36. Lab 6-6 Dingbat Riboon (vertical edges of frame) Measuring Tape (left vertical edge) Multicolor Ribbon (top/bottom of frame) This layout didnt take to resizing well. I had noise on the backgound and it came out really light. The full size jpg is darker and the pspimage file is even darker still. The text is much clearer in the full size versions as well. I will post the larger one on FB. The fonts for the Title and the Quote are Abiyah (Creative Fabrica) and Arial Bold for the rest. The quote is a Zen Proverb. My photo of a recent hoar frost day that was also very cloudy and foggy. The city is putting a new water reservoir in this park (where the trees are) so this might be the last time I got to photograph them. I also had a big help from the blog post (July 18, 2016) "Text on a path in PaintShop Pro". And I loosely used ideas from the "Masterclass Scrap by Numbers". The ribbons have the blinds texture added but it's hard to see in the small version. Edmo is Actually Edmonton (Alberta, Canada). My friends who just moved here have taken to calling it "Edmo" and it has kind of stuck with me. I live in the city of St. Albert at the North west corner of Edmonton, we are separated only by streets.
    1 point
  37. Another iFLY...one more to do...not sure when. This is my friend, Michelle. Template 122 by Lady 22, Bourcio Casper.
    1 point
  38. iFLY was great fun. I am looking forward to going again. Inspiration Template A...Carole gave all 26 to us for Christmas. It was my turn to fly.
    1 point
  39. Marie-Claire - do you realize your Palette Maker2 has been at the top of the charts in the store for 10-12 weeks now? Surely that is some sort of record! It was such a good idea and is such a pretty end product!
    1 point
  40. Yummy Toes Melo Vrijhof: The Guys; Nutcracker fonts: Segoe Print & Alfa Slab One photos: personal
    1 point
  41. Spend Clematis flower head in my yard, representing 3 days in my work life...especially the Christmas season.
    1 point
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