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Lesley Maple

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  1. But that's what I want to get away from, the one by one. I'm looking for a script that will "finish up" all my groups at one time.
  2. I'll give it a try. I looked at that one in the shop but for some reason I thought it wouldn't work for me. But I'll give it a try and will be super happy if it does. I'll report back. *fingers crossed* Edited to add: It is a little faster but it appears I have to run the script for each group. Is that correct or is there a way to select more than one group at a time?
  3. Yes, absolutely each photo group on their own layer.
  4. Yes, I want to merge them all. I have various pages like this. Each photo is in a different group and I need to merge all the groups before I can do shadows on the pictures. So after I have all the pictures placed and I'm happy with it, I will want to have a script that will merge each one of these groups.
  5. There are about 25 pages with 8 - 10 groups per page. I can certainly do it manually but I was hoping to speed things up a bit. I could do them as I go along, but I don't want to merge until I know everything is all set and I don't want to move things around or change photos.
  6. I'm looking for a script that will merge each group on a pspimage automatically. I'm working on a project that uses pocket templates with photos in them and I want to merge each group so I can apply shadows to the photo. There are 9 to 10 groups on each page and I was hoping to find a script that will merge each one of them automatically.
  7. There was some talk of how to increase a margin on one side of a page that will be printed in a book. I think it was in one of Carole's workshops. Does that ring a bell with anyone? Background info: I'm a pet sitter and my holiday gift this year for my human clients (and probably from now on if it's well-received) is going to be a photo book, separated by months, of the animals I took care of in that particular month. But I know that there is going to be some offset on the edges that will be in the binding. Thanks, Lesley
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  8. Oh I must have been thinking of something else. Because now that I've actually used some text and paid attention, I, too, use fill. Please ignore me. I've obviously had a long week.
  9. Thanks. I'll have to pay more attention to that.
  10. O.M.G. Several years ago, maybe 10, I needed to know how to do the text on the top and bottom of a circle. I did end up finding instructions on YouTube that got me the results I needed but they were convoluted. Maybe PSP has changed a lot since then, but your instructions are so much more clear and more understandable and I sure do wish I had known you all these years. Only one question. For your text, you use a fill instead of an stroke. Why did you make that choice? Whenever I have used text, unless I want some sort of fancy fill, I've always just chosen stroke and then increased the size of the stroke if I needed to. I'm curious about choosing to use a fill and no stroke instead of the other way around. Thanks.
  11. You can leave it at 1200 pixels for the width and then go to File | Export | JPG Optimizer and it will cut the size of the file down quite a bit.
  12. I did. It seemed like we skipped winter this year. Spring arrived fast and furious.
  13. I live on the other end of the state, over near Springfield. I would love to move to the coast but my husband prefers a more "rural" area.
  14. Finally done with Lesson 2. I needed to ruminate on the idea and then get the pictures on my dog walks.
  15. Thank you for showing us pictures of Switzerland. I've been doing my genealogy and I've found out that my great grandmother was born and spent the first 19 years of her life there before moving to the states in 1892.
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