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mireille last won the day on March 13

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  1. I love them because they have personality.
  2. Phew, finally completed !
  3. Christina. Thank you. Originally the Tatting Lace 08 tube is dark grey. I used Brightness/Contrast settings at 255-0. For the mesh, I made a simple cross on an image of 50x50 pixels and saved it in patterns in PNG file.
  4. I used the tube Tatting Lace 08
  5. Hi Mary, The fish is very nice! I like it.
  6. Hi Fiona Oui, votre Français est correctement écrit. Yes, your French is correctly written.
  7. Hi I found what you’re looking for : https://scrapbookcampus.com/2020/02/theme-indoor-plants/
  8. Hi Colin Me too I dread. We are slipping slowly but certainly towards a world war. Ukraine is taking its orders and we are carrying out its orders. You have to start saying NO. Voices are rising in France where I live.
  9. Hi Cindy As a francophone, I did not understand your question.
  10. Hi Michele Contrary to my habit for creating my papers, I used the script on a 12" 3600x3600 image so that the script could put more pattern then I resized to 1000x1000 so that the texture of the patterns is visible and again resized to 3600x3600.
  11. Patience, patience, spring will arrive but another 2 months to wait. ☺️
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