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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Manassas Park Community Center is my gym and this Autumn I stopped on the way home to photograph some trees showing off their Fall color. Template by International Word Art.
    7 points
  2. I had my alphabet printed and this is what it looks like. It arrived saterday and the company we had for my husban's birthday loved to see it, because in the beginning of last year I talked about this undertaking and asked for ideas.
    6 points
  3. I'm not happy this time. I tried to make a folded napkin, but it's not pretty! lol! I am also not really happy with the cutlery as I would really like to make it look like metal not plastic. I am drinking hot chocolate with those tiny marshmallows. I added cheese this time to the sandwich. The placemat is from Rush Ranch- Helpful kit. I like the dark oak table.
    6 points
  4. Day 2....I see I need to up my game and add some personality into my lunch!
    5 points
  5. After repeatedly placing and repositioning the elements, I am finally somewhat satisfied with this result. Paper : Melo Vrijhof on Digital Scrapbook Font: Magneto For the Windy and Rainy I used the script : cass-ShapedText On the circle vector I used the vectorTube script with a raindrop tube (don't remember where it comes from) Photos of my own
    5 points
  6. I love to decorate a table. As you can see, I've done this before a few times. The tablecloth is a paper by Jessica Dunn of Pixelscrappers. I like to keep my pickles separate from my sandwich, unless it's a hamburger.
    5 points
  7. I'm really happy with my creation for the DIY Challenge so I thought I"d post it in here too, so more could see it. It's my grandson, Will, and his wife and daughter, Magic, on the Mendocino headlands. My daughter, Debbie, took the photos. Aside from the ones with my family, the background is a composite of 2 photos taken at the time of the flowers on the headlands and one of the cliffs and the sea. Scallops were used liberally. ?
    5 points
  8. I created this starting with one of the papers from Pixelscrapers freebee today (Watercolor-Time-Travel-Backgrounds-51580778) and cut out the center of the clock and added a background from Fire-in-Wonderland-Backgrounds-54289383 (also from creativefabrica but not a freebee) & I added swirls to it.
    4 points
  9. here is my sandwich, I love darker bread and meat, I used 3D-cutout on some elements tablecloth - made with psp gradients - 1 layer flipped 90 degrees and blended
    4 points
  10. Mary I love every bit of it.... and its looking to yummy I am using my 2023 Psp, if I use any scripts I will switch to my Psp 2022. The picture is my last rescue dog he became mine after many homes fell thru, turns out he was meant to be with me. And I love this doggie he is a mini jack Russell with a terrible story but he made it, and I helped him and I named him Bruce Lee he is tough and so much like me its weird.
    4 points
  11. I just finished project 1. It's always about my kids.
    3 points
  12. Well, it looks like you're the only one who is actually EATING the lunch. Good job! ?
    3 points
  13. Hi! Late to Day 1, and realize we're on Day 3 already!
    3 points
  14. I don't know if it's the colours or the beautiful pooch, but this is just outstanding. Love the little details you added to make it so unified.
    3 points
  15. I rarely use a tablecloth. And watching the carbs, so only one slice of bread ? I need to get some of Ann's tomatoes, they must be fresh from the garden! It is too cold here for growing tomatoes now. Wood paper is from Marisa Lerin at digitalscrapbook.com
    3 points
  16. I used the sandwich to help make my grocery list. Fun and practical. The tablecloth is from a kit by Jessica Dunn, Reach for the Sun.
    3 points
  17. I too had a difficult time choosing what I wanted to do, changing some aspects etc. But in the end I have something to show; I used all the elements but rearranged them. My topic is bridges; here in the Netherlands we live partly in a delta area and have a lot of rivers and waterways. Which in turn provide us with a lot of bridges and here are just a couple that I managed to take a photo from. The water background I made using a small part of the water in one of my photos, gave it a slight blur and a blend mode. The sky is also a photo that I put on top of the water to create a less sharp edge.
    3 points
  18. This was my enjoyable club sandwich. Although it does not look like it, it is toasted but the toaster was not working properly. There is a side plate of extra crunchy pickles.
    3 points
  19. Hi Ann Please, what is the name of the Pixelscrappers Jessica Dunn paper collection you used. It is very beautiful.
    2 points
  20. Late sign up hopefully get caught up! Just waiting for the link to begin!
    2 points
  21. Welcome, Leslie. I expect we'll have fun in this class.
    2 points
  22. Our favorite group camping site in Northeast California.
    2 points
  23. My sandwich (with a blue plate under}. BTW, Carole. your free staff is great:)))) I'll check it out to the end when I have my spare time;)
    2 points
  24. I ended up quite pleased with this, though it was a struggle at first. This is my grandson, Will, and his family in California, on the Mendocino headlands. Luckily, no rivers to flood with the deluges they are having right now. All 5 photos were just taken by my daughter, Debbie. I combined two of the small rectangles to accommodate the journal card on the lower right from Elif Sahin at digitalscrappbooking.com, adding circles and some flowers clipped from the large photo. I took the scallops and did a clip-to-it with the flower photo and then used the torn edge technique on the scallops. Maybe I went overboard with scallops because I continued and created the white framing with them on the photos, also! I tucked a little beach grass behind, so the photos look like they're waving in the sea breeze. I have to complement everyone's work. You all inspired me!!
    2 points
  25. Hi, Have to take things easy so have time to work through some of the Lab exercises so her is the latest offering number 6 06. The background is a more a spring paper, I downloaded from somewhere, with the theme of cupcakes and baskets of daffodils. The ribbons are made following the instructions in Lab 6 06, using the Webdings text the bicycle is the letter "B" and the tape measure is also from the Lab 6 06. The photo's came from a night out over 20 years ago, so we all look a little different, my son is now 30, I won't tell him I used that photo of him.
    2 points
  26. here is my project 1 , day 3 ein Besuch in Berlin, I blended the photo into the background
    1 point
  27. Susan thank you and I like the futuristic bridge in Dordrecht best. In many of our older cities you can find bridges like the one in Amersfoort. How to do the water and sky was just a try out, but it turned out well.
    1 point
  28. Wow! That's really eye-catching, Anne. Nice blending job. To me it looks sort of Victorian.
    1 point
  29. Hi Mirelle, The file is called: ps_jessica-dunn_279398_naturally-curious-nature-paper_pu.jpg - It made me think of Spring, which is a good thing right now. ?
    1 point
  30. Poncho is just stunning. He looks so proud. Beautiful layout, the colors are perfect.
    1 point
  31. Welcome, Suanne. I hope you have fun with this!
    1 point
  32. Marie-Claire: That's Poncho, isn't it? Really outstanding layout!
    1 point
  33. Mostly from Google Image searches. The main one was the tomato slice. The others you provided, though I did doctor up the bread using Effects/Texture/Texture + Add noise and colored it using Adjust/Hue and Saturation
    1 point
  34. @Ann Lovely quilts to showcase! Looking forward to seeing them in your projects. @Thomas Willis Glad to hear you managed to get those settings. You will know how to get them next time! @Steve KovacsYou managed to get those images side by side? Did you already drink your coffee/tea or you didn't pour it in yet? @kasanyYou better not spill any coffee since you don't have a saucer ? Nice plaid placemat! @Gerry Landreththat placemat is full of sunshine! @Ann SeeberWhere did you get all those ingredients again? @Linda J Walkerit looks like you are having lunch on a picnic table. Why not? @Mary SolaasMaybe the challenge with the napkin is that it is "too white"? That does not give as much room to show the folds and the texture. @cindy harrisDid you post a picture? I don't seem to see it. Keep those sandwiches coming. I love the variety and mostly the stories!!
    1 point
  35. We had some freezing rain this past weekend. it was a very thin layer of ice over sidewalks and it was super slippery, but it only looked wet so it was deceiving. We are having very mild weather, near 0 celcius when it should be in the -20's or -30's. January and February are normally the coldest months in Alberta. Your snow looks very pretty. I can imagine ice pellets though, YIKES! We've been getting hoar frost too, but only had one day (only a few hours) with blue sky to go with it.
    1 point
  36. Hi Cindy, I thought of something that really helped me. When I first started with the Campus I would watch the tutorials (or labs etc) and i would have to go back and forth between PSP and the tutorial. I'd watch the tutorial, stop, maximize PSP (that is open) and try to follow the instruction from memory. That never went well for me, I'd forget the instruction and have to tab back to the tutorial and then tab back to PSP...it took forever! So I started to watch the tutorial and make notes. that also took forever and I found I would miss key things in my notes, like what layer I was supposed to be on, what settings for the tools etc. Learning this way was very slow for me. Here's what I did to change how I was able to follow a tutorial AND work on PSP at the same time. I had an older laptop. I put that on the desk (or even on a chair when my desk was really small) and I'd have the tutorial playing while PSP was open on my desktop computer. I could then watch a step in the tutorial and hit the pause button, then go to my desk top and do the step in PSP, and continue back and forth. Having both the tutorial watchable at the same time as I had PSP open meant I could follow along and do the steps as Carole says them in the tutorials. Sometimes, i find it's more what Carole says that really helps as well, and i had to look very carefully at the steps as she did them, and pay attention to settings and what layer she was on. I did A LOT (and I mean A LOT!) of rewinding and replaying. But I got there in the end. I understand though this requires you to have a desk top and a laptop (or two laptops). Another option is two monitors (which I have now) where I can watch on one monitor and do the instructions in PSP on the other monitor. If you have acces to an extra laptop that can go online this could really help you do the tutorial one step at a time at your own pace. Believe me, some tutorials took me hours to get through. Remember the 3 P's. PRACTICE. PATIENCE. PERSEVERANCE. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  37. I got it now. I had to check the Advanced and AI-Powered checkbox to get to the lock aspect ratio checkbox.
    1 point
  38. I got 'er done! No words. Mother nature speaks in visuals. These are trees on my street or down the road in the park (the little one second from the right side). And no, that's not an upside down tree in the big photo. that's my favorite of the trhee trees in front of my house. It has a big wide canopy and i always look at it when I'm stretching after my workout. I was standing under it shooting straight up. I added more scallops, not sure why, it doesnt really add to the design. When I lined up the boxes on the bottom I thought, "Yikes! they look like gravestones", until I added the pictures then it started to come together. The ring was the hardest to fit into the design. So I made many duplicates and lined them up on the bottom to make a design pattern with them (between the small pictures). I used the blinds texture on the scallops and a texture on the background that might be too small to see. Photo's are mine from Dec 31, day two of the hoar frost days. That was actually the day it was more crystally type frost (I cant remember the name tough).
    1 point
  39. iFLY was great fun. I am looking forward to going again. Inspiration Template A...Carole gave all 26 to us for Christmas. It was my turn to fly.
    1 point
  40. I have no resolutions for this year! I never make them anymore because it turned out useless. But now I'm almost finished with rehab training after my hipreplacement, I plan to visit my daughter and her family a little later in the year. They recently moved from Washington State to California, work related. So a whole new area to see, although at the moment it isn't fantastic there with all the bad weather, luckily their new house is on higher ground. Now I'm able to go for longer walks I hope to take new photos of flowers as if I haven't yet enough And use them in many projects and challenges. I have a whole list of Labs and Elements I want to explore besides Masterclasses to watch. It always seems I do not have time enough, my normal social live must continue and last but not least I want to spend time with my husband. As we are not that young anymore you never know how long that will last. For this week: we celebrate my hubbies birthday on friday and because it is possible again there will be visitors friday and in the weekend; so that means shopping, cleaning, cooking etc.
    1 point
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