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Marie-Claire last won the day on February 20

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  1. Thank you! I tried using the search function but couldn't find it.
  2. I didn't really know where to post my question. I thought it would be fun to look at the map to see where we all lived on this globe, especially now with everything going on with the climate. I can't find it on the new forum, only in the archives There is also a thread somewhere about what language we speak. Maybe, if we were to pick this up again, these could be pinned somewhere at the top?
  3. ok, so you always have to do this via the preferences - file locations menu
  4. What is the best way to temporarily load a series of bruches, so that paintshop does not have to upload a whole bunch of bruches every time that you know you will not use this time. Because eventually you will have a lot of bruches after a while Maybe the explanation about this is already somewhere in the Campus?
  5. I listened to the podcast, very good!! Really explained so well what you can do with Paintshop Pro, and what you can find and learn in the Scrapbook Campus and in the store. So so much! I enjoyed listening to it. Everything clearly explained, as always, as we are used to from you Carole 👏
  6. I found out why it didn't work yesterday. It's the size of the image you start with that's important. in psp 2023 it can't be bigger than 2000 pix, but in psp 2022 it does work on an image of 3600 pix. What's the reason for that?? Why so big you're going to think, I just wanted to try something with a photo At smaller dimensions like for a tag, which the script was made for, it works without any problems. I should have thought of that from the beginning. Sorry! 🫢
  7. no, unfortunately not, I can't make it tonight
  8. yes I have tried with different fonts, but I will try again tomorrow. It may be that I have chosen this one that does not work. It is now 22:30 here, I will look further tomorrow 🙂
  9. Could it be that the cass-WordTag script is not working correctly in PSP 2023? The top text does not appear, the bottom text does work. I then tried the script in PSP2022 and it works correctly there
  10. i love how you made your name 🙂
  11. Lesson 4
  12. They are logical to me and a good base to start with. Sometimes an adjustment is needed depending on the size of th element of course.
  13. Lesson 3 I still have to practice a lot !
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