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Vector Workshop 2023


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Lesson 6, part 2 or 3, not sure...that last one, with the text!

I fought with this last night-I'm not sure if there is a glitch in PSP, or in the script, or in my laptop. Carole and I will look at it later today. But for now, I will post my 2 attempts that I saved. I had many empty layers, multiple times ? On the one with the balls, I edited the nodes first...maybe that sent PSP into a tantrum ?



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3 minutes ago, MoniqueN. said:

In lesson 5 Carole selects the nodes (at 2.06 sec. in the video) and makes them symmetric, but when i do that I still keep drawing nodes. What am I forgetting to do?

Make sure the Mode didn't change. Often, if you "miss" the right point, it will change Mode thinking you want to draw some more. Make sure it is still in Edit mode.

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Yes, Carole, thank you so much!

I have two questions yet. Why does that edit icon look like a half-eaten fish from a Tom and Jerry cartoon? What is it supposed to be?

and what does that tilde (wavy line) sign mean when editing?

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1 minute ago, Suzy said:

I have two questions yet. Why does that edit icon look like a half-eaten fish from a Tom and Jerry cartoon? What is it supposed to be?

It is a curved path, with a node and cursor pushing it.


2 minutes ago, Suzy said:

and what does that tilde (wavy line) sign mean when editing?

I am still wondering that myself!

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1 hour ago, fiona cook said:

Thank you Carole for a very creative workshop with all your valuable help (and for everyone's inspirational and varied ideas and comments).

The Picture Tube reminded me of embossing so I tried to make my surname look like it was made of gold metal.

I presume that the VectorTube script knows to run with the settings for the last selected Picture Tube. Is that correct?


I have had another look at my gold' Cook' and have been inspired by others using cutouts so I have made another version.

I made an outline of the text with no fill as the basis. Duped the layer & filled to make a cut out using Selections From Vector Object. Then created the Picture Tube, bevel outline & shadow effects.


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lessons 3 a lotus flower and 4 a mug. k heb flink geoefend, ik had de nodes op groot gezet maar toch maar week op klein. en dan flink vergroot. Bij les 4 ging het einde niet zoals het hoort.  Ik kreeg steeds de verkeerde swatch om het te vullen. dus veel geprobeerd en toen opeens was die leeg. Goed uitgesneden en gevuld nog wel. Maar er zitten wel witte streepjes lijntjes op. Dus ook deze les moet ik over doen. IK begin het steeds beter te begrijpen wat ik aan het doen ben. Alleen één vraag: Er komen heel vaak GEEN bezier handeltjes aan de nodes????? Hoe komt dat en waar kan ik ze nemen???Ik vind ze nog niet mooi genoeg om op te slaan.


Image beker.jpg

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12 hours ago, Cassel said:

@Mary Solaas That made sense since it was no longer a vector shape!

@Bonnie Ballentine You are catching up! How did I know there would be some pickleballs at some points!?

@Dorothy Donn I changed the links to the videos so they will play normally. I am still looking for a permanent solution.

@Royanne Hewko You combined that text on path with another technique, the multicolored text! Great result! That Thank you banner looks fantastic! When you will add those effects to a layout, you will see how they will pop out when you add a shadow.

@James BradyThose picture tubes can give such great results in the end. I hope you will use that again!

@Suzy I wonder if a script can be coded for the  CRAC-Paste effect. Hum...

@Susan Ewart Nice composition with the letter on the banner. I will answer the questions in a separate post.

@Michele Did you increase the step for the Gimp tube? It usually is "tighter" than that. Sequins are so much fun to use. Did you know there is a script to make sequins in the color of your choice?

@Jnet AllardIt is funny how I never expected participants to draw the designs on the mugs, but only the outline, yet, many did include the design. You are all going overboard, and I love it!

@Corrie Kinkel I love that spiral!!!

@Cristina Beautiful initial. Maybe we'll see that in a layout soon?

@Sheila Hogg yes, that script is a great time saver. I use it extensively when I create directional tubes too. I would not be able to do it without that script.

@Lynda DiGregor I am a bit puzzled how you get that partial outline. Did you move the stroked layer below the text layer?

@Natalie Spooner That card is a great way to use those shapes you will be creating!

@Deana Davis Glad you are learning something in those lessons. Your results are great.

@Anita Wyatt You got it!!! You will catch up! If you dream about vectors, it might mean more practice!

@Gerry Landreth Now, you HAVE to go see that movie!! No excuse! For the fringe, if you try with smaller step, the strands will get closer together.

@Marvin FojtasekThose two colors (gold and navy blue) go very well together.

@rjay segura I am glad to hear that you found some faster or more effective ways to do things with vectors.

@Donna Sillia Beware, that script can become addictive! You ended up with fantastic effects in the end!

@Theresa Di Cesare You will get there. The lessons will stay available for another week.

@Linda J Walker When you have tubes that overlap, be very careful as if you look on the bracelet, the beads on the left side overlap "in the wrong way": the beads further from the viewer appear on top of the nearer ones. Do you see what I mean? It creates a sort of optical illusion.

@Leslie Gifford CookThat is a great new logo. And you did it all on your own!

@Connie Collier Great assignment. You are getting better and better.

Again, I have to say that the results I see posted are fantastic. Keep them coming. They are inspiring everyone else.

Carole, thank you so much for a wonderful workshop. I am going to repeat it so that maybe some of it will stick for future use. The directional tube script is addictive, and I love playing with it. I need to make some more elements to use with it. All your workshops are great but this one was outstanding because the subject is so difficult for me.

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Well, I took the entire weekend off so I didn't get to lesson 6 until this morning.

Here is my Lesson 6 result - a sailboat with VectorTubes applied to the outside edges of the sails and the top edge of the boat.  These paths were not enclosed since I drew 3 separate lines to make the paths.

Sailboat Clipart.jpg

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I watched the first three lessons and played with them a bit.  I have downloaded the links to the others and hope to be able to watch and do them soon. I have had to much going on to keep up. Helping my Sister move to a different city about an hour away, and more importantly dealing with my husband getting a pacemaker .  (he is doing fine),  I am grateful for this workshop and know I will be going back to it often. Thanks Cassel and others that have added some tips in this forum. 

Edited by Anne Lamp
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18 minutes ago, Anne Lamp said:

I watched the first three lessons and played with them a bit.  I have downloaded the links to the others and hope to be able to watch and do them soon. I have had to much going on to keep up. Helping my Sister move to a different city about an hour away, and more importantly dealing with my husband getting a pacemaker .  (he is doing fine),  I am grateful for this workshop and know I will be going back to it often. Thanks Cassel and others that have added some tips in this forum. 

Good to hear your husband is doing fine.  That must be a relief.  Hope you enjoy the Vector workshop.  It was a real eye opener for me.  I loved it...even the hard parts.

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Great new additions to this thread. It's a joy to scroll through all the creative work posted.

Here is Lesson 3, extra practice.

It is a screenshot of the workspace, as creating the shape was already a lot of work... This was a good practice, but I am not keeping the preset.

Now, onto Lesson 4, extra practice... I still have to figure out how I will do the "dots as cutouts and have the large piece underneath."... But I am closing up shop for today. ? 



Lesson3 Extra-screenshot.jpg

Edited by Cristina
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12 minutes ago, Donna Sillia said:

Carole, am I missing something?

When I do directional tubes, especially for ropes and such, I have to carefully measure exactly the step that will give the best result (to the pixel). In your case, you might have just used a longer step. Try to reduce the step when you apply it and see where it works best.

It also will depend on the starting size of the tube image.

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I have really enjoyed this class...I hope I can remember it later.

Here is my Lesson 7 result.  I found out when you convert a letter B to a path it makes one path for all 3 parts of the B.  I had to cut 3 paths to get just the straight parts, but it was more practice doing it.

Cap B.jpg

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1 hour ago, Cassel said:

When I do directional tubes, especially for ropes and such, I have to carefully measure exactly the step that will give the best result (to the pixel). In your case, you might have just used a longer step. Try to reduce the step when you apply it and see where it works best.

It also will depend on the starting size of the tube image.

I found that I have been skipping the step size. I started using 50 for the starting size, 5 across and 3 down, which seems to be working ok. I going to try increasing the rows across and down and see if that makes a difference.


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I had to go back to a lesson 1  ?

Part of the reason is my monitor stopped working so I can’t do anything but re-listen to the videos because I can’t get past Lesson 4 CRAP-P. I’m doing it right, but I’m using a vector from a font, no stroke, so maybe that has to do with it. I just feel like I missed the boat.

On Lesson 1, At the 1:00 mark, which is the ONE minute mark, LOL you can see I didn’t get very far!, Cassel talks about a layer effect for vectors. Is there anywhere on the campus that talks more about those? In which version of PSP did they show up?

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