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Connie Collier

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Connie Collier last won the day on July 25 2023

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  1. PSP 2021. I did download the Creative Content, in this case your lovely seed bead tube. Thanks so much.
  2. Phew, Lesson 7! All the way through this course, I was having a heck of a time selecting a vector object. I just couldn't figure out how to do it. So I looked it up on the Corel site, tried a couple of keyboard shortcuts (notably Ctrl-Shift-B) and suddenly my PSP 2021 sort sprung to life and worked properly. Yay. Persistence pays off, I guess.
  3. Lesson 6: I can see I need some more tubes. But I made do with what I had. What a lot of fun this has been and I've learned a lot. Thanks, Carole!
  4. I'm still beavering away on Lesson 5. I love everyone else's work!
  5. Back at it after a bit of a break - here's my Lesson 5 practice. Practice, practice, practice ...
  6. Goodness, I finally managed to finish Lesson 4. When I did C-R-A-C-Paste, I still ended up with filled in shapes, so I added "Reverse Contour" after I'd pasted the cut-out shapes onto the main cup. That worked, but I'm not sure why! I must have been messing up a step.
  7. I must have started the video and ploughed ahead before going back and reading the instructions! No problem with the download AFTER the fact. ?
  8. Lesson 3 homework - I missed the zip file, so I used a picture tube as a start.
  9. This is my Lesson 2 homework - I can almost taste the old fashioned glue on the back of these.
  10. Yes, thanks - I guess I was doing the right thing after all.
  11. I can't figure out how to select two nodes and change them together as shown in the first part of Lesson 2 (red label). When I do select them and change the type to "Symmetric" and "Cusp" they don't stay that way and I don't get any handles to manipulate. I can do them individually without a problem. Curious.
  12. Another piece of homework: I made the colourful arrow first, then changed a copy to black for the shadow.
  13. I've always loved using the vector tools in PSP, but I could sure do with a ton of practice. Onward!
  14. Thanks Carole - I wanted to try the hexagons to see if they felt a little too theme-y, but I liked them. Funny, I forgot the drop shadows at first, so I redid the page before I posted it, but didn't like the effect, so I took them out again!
  15. My Day 2 spread - the photo is from pexels.com.
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