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Vector Workshop 2023


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Vector Workshop

Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?

Are you intimidated by vectors? Are you at a loss when you need to use them?

The challenge will start on July 17th. This challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.

Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/workshops/vector

Let us know when you are registered, and share what is the biggest challenge or fear you have about using Vectors.

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Yay! I’m first to post! This is one class I really want to start and really want to finish, too.

I’m having trouble using those handles to make a smooth curve. It seems I grab one and make the crimp I’m trying to fix even worse! I think I’m probably move it too far in, or out too far, or to the side too far, and only need to nudge it a bit, but maybe the class will show me exactly what to do. 

the other thing is that there are a LOT of little buttons with indecipherable icons on them on the vector palette (the vector dashboard), and I would dearly like to know what those icons supposedly represent because they totally miss the mark. The edit icon looks like a fish, or a half eaten fish, maybe? But why!?

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4 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

I registered. Been waiting for this one. Those darn nodes.....! Practice will help.

I'm very sure, Juie, it will help ? 
Carole made 3 Masterclasses about vectors. last week I began to go through the oldest one "Playing with vectors".

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I am in too.  The nodes for sure and how to grab hold, for example in the last lab I did (6-11), I was to "hold" the control key, THEN go to the node and I was doing the opposite which didnt do what it was supposed to do.  So I guess first and foremost, I must listen to directions and follow them correctly.  If I didnt have a tutorial I wouldnt know where to start with vectors, so that's also something I want to know.  And in that, I dont know when you need to right click and go to such and such in the drop down menu and then go to another one.  Suzy said it, there is lots in the menus and it's overwhelming.  I have watched all the Vector classes but realize I work best in a workshop setting, so this will be good for me. Then I'll go back over the Vector Masterclasses afterwards.


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I too have registered for this workshop. I’m also going to put in my two penn’orth.  Whether you are schooling/training a young  horse, or training a  border collie for sheep dog trails, the key for success is to be consistent and repetitive, until a particular discipline has been mastered. When I was in school I was taught by learning everything parrot fashion, which paid off. I suspect Carole will be using the techniques used in  her masterclasses, with possibly a different approach to some techniques.  I’ve said it many times before to many newbies, learn  one technique at a time,  until it is mastered, and not dive in  to try and learn everything at once. That just creates an overwhelming confusing feeling.   Using vectors isn’t any different.  In my experience it's best to  zoom in  to have a good view of the handles, and to   not to  move to quickly, when  using them.

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Hey! In the lFurther Vectors” Masterclass, Cassel references “free vase preset shapes in the Campus” …..does anybody know where those are? I don’t have a date for the class, so I’m not sure how far back to look, and I don’t know if it’s in the forums or elsewhere. I need more preset shapes!

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16 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Hey! In the lFurther Vectors” Masterclass, Cassel references “free vase preset shapes in the Campus” …..does anybody know where those are? I don’t have a date for the class, so I’m not sure how far back to look, and I don’t know if it’s in the forums or elsewhere. I need more preset shapes!

Go to the Blog and in the Drop down menu choose Themes, from there you'll have to find the correct blog and at the bottom of each "theme" blog there is a link to put your name and email in and get the shapes sent to you.  I just did that, there is incredible ideas and inspirational pages in the theme part of the blog.  I cant remember exactly which one had the vase preset shapes, I did download them.  Sorry, I couldnt be better help.


Edited by Susan Ewart
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1 hour ago, Suzy said:

Hey! In the lFurther Vectors” Masterclass, Cassel references “free vase preset shapes in the Campus” …..does anybody know where those are? I don’t have a date for the class, so I’m not sure how far back to look, and I don’t know if it’s in the forums or elsewhere. I need more preset shapes!

This is the post on Indoor Plants

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Yay! Thank you both! I need vases, I always need vases. I should scrap my vases drawers, cabinets, shelves, and now on the floor I have so many. Now there is a way to use the Hanging photos script! 

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I’m doing the Vector master classes called Further Vectors and Vectors in Action.

Are there any other labs, workshops or master classes I need to watch to brush up for Monday?  I think I have seen Vectors in Action 3 or 4 times, but this might be my first time watching Further Vectors!! And it had the answer[s) to my question about handles at 38:27, so I’m a little embarrassed.  (But it also went too fast at 2:37 where Cassel makes a flower by twisting the symmetric shape.)

I’m not sure how that happened, so I’m asking in case my education is lacking anywhere else for the big class on Monday. ?

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6 hours ago, Suzy said:

I’m not sure how that happened, so I’m asking in case my education is lacking anywhere else for the big class on Monday. 

Edited by Suzy
Lab 11-08 has three good vector segments
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Just tried experimenting with the cass-preset shapes-vases. Actually figuring out how to set up the Materials Palette so I get what I want with a vector. It finally sank in that Vectors are really very similar to the Text Tool!  Here are my 5 vase shapes:


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OK, Ann.  You tweaked my interest in the vases.  So, I downloaded them and will have to work with them.  

What did you mean that you set up your materials palette in order to work with vectors?  Is there something special I am missing????

I'm in too for the workshop.

Edited by Mary Solaas
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