
Creativity – Splatter plugin to create papers

Years ago, I discovered an interesting plugin to use with PaintShop Pro, even though it is advertised as a Photoshop plugin. as you know, most plugins in the .8bf format will work with PSP. Although Paintshop had the ability to create seamless patterns, any tile generated would still show a definite repeat that might not be wanted by the user. The plugin Splatter was a fantastic option to create a full-page design without the need for a seamless plugin applied on a smaller tile.

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File types you can use with PaintShop Pro

Whatever program you are using in your everyday activities on the computer, you probably know that each one seems to have their own native file types that cannot be shared with another program, even if they are for similar purposes (graphic work, video editing, text, etc.). Occasionally, products might be available online and look exactly like what you want, but after downloading them (or worse, purchasing them), you find out that it is a file format you can't use with your program. Let's have a look at what file types you can safely acquire to use with your PaintShop Pro.

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5 reasons to add PaintShop Pro to your graphic toolbox

Graphic designers often consider Photoshop as a standard in the industry. Is it because it is better? I am sure that Adobe users will say yes. Often, whoever will argue their program is better, tends to be very familiar and comfortable with the one they use and will always find the second one less intuitive and less convenient to use. That is normal. If someone works with a particular graphics program for their daily work, they will keep using it outside work, because of their familiarity with it.

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14 Color tools to pick colors from your photos

Choosing colors to use in your layout can be done in many ways, one of which is to start with the photos you want to use. As the poll on last week’s post indicated, most people do exactly that: they base their choices on the photos themselves. You can often pick colors with the color picker in Paintshop Pro, but with most photos, there are so many colors at the pixel level that it might be hard to find harmonious color combinations. That is why various tools have emerged on the net. This first post on the subject will look at 14 tools that you can use to pick a palette based on your photos.

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