You might already be familiar with the Gaussian Blur that we often use in PaintShop Pro, but there are other types of blurs too. What are they? What can we use them for? Let's explore this command a bit further.
How to add shortcuts in PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro comes with a lot of tools, settings, and functions. Although they are all available through the tools palette or the different menus, there are already some shortcuts to access them too. Let's look at the existing shortcuts and how you can even add your own.
How to blend two images together
Since PaintShop Pro allows users to work with layers, we can get some impressive results with a very simple techniques. Let's see how you can blend two images together to get a dreamy effect.
Using frames in digital scrapbook layouts
You can often find scrapbook projects using frames. They can come in a wide variety of shapes, types, and colors. And furthermore, you can use them in many different ways. Although you can use frames from within PaintShop Pro, let's have a look at frames that come in digital kits.
Featured Resource – Backup File Locations
When working with PaintShop Pro, you might use just the default settings to store, save, and use the various supplies. That is fine, but it has some limitations. You can read more about organizing your supplies in this article. In some situations, you might need to reinstall your current PaintShop Pro or reset it to factory default. In this case, any custom File Locations would be lost and you would have to redo them again. But there is a little-known tool to help you.
How to run scripts in PaintShop Pro
Scripts are tools that can execute various steps and apply different commands automatically. Some scripts come with PaintShop Pro and you can also download or purchase some in online stores. Let's look at how you can run scripts to make your life easier.
Scrapping off-theme from a kit
Often, you could find some wonderful ready-made kits. You can purchase, download, or earn them. Kits will commonly have a general theme that you can identify with the colors, the designs, and the name. This is great when you want to scrap in that theme, but sometimes, you may want to scrap photos that are off that theme. Can you do that?
Featured Resource – Auto-Tuber script
Creating picture tubes using a series of images can be tedious, especially if you have many of them to copy, paste, and arrange. PaintShop Pro added scripting capabilities with version 8. In that first version, the installation included a series of default scripts. Among those, you could find Auto-Tuber.
How to remove glare on glasses
Whatever you do to set up a photo, if someone wears glasses, you will often capture some glare. That is just to be expected. Whenever you have lights (natural or artificial) and anything reflective, you will see something appear. If it is on someone's face, you want to see their eyes better. Can you do it with PaintShop Pro? Of course!
Using Layer Styles in PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro offers one feature that is not often used. Did you ever use the Layer Styles? This feature was added with version X2. It allows you to apply various effects in a non-destructive way.