Ways to customize the workspace in Affinity Photo

Many programs allow you to customize their interface to suit your individual needs. Affinity Photo also has some options for you. Maybe you use some tools more than others. Maybe some panels are useless to you and just take up space. And what if you have a lower eyesight and need some adjustments? Let's look at how you can customize your program.

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Workspaces in PaintShop Pro (2019 and up)

With PaintShop Pro version 2018, Corel introduced the concept of different workspaces for users. They started with the Essential and the Complete workspaces. Over the years and different versions of PaintShop Pro, the interface has changed and more workspaces have been added. For anyone upgrading from an older version, it can be confusing. Let's have a look at the workspaces you can encounter with PaintShop Pro.

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More advanced settings for your PaintShop Pro

We have seen, in previous posts, that you can set up your PaintShop Pro in different ways, depending on your needs. You can set it up with larger displays if you have low vision, you can clear the clutter when you first start your program, you can set it up in the same way I do when following the Campus tutorials. But there is still a lot more you can adjust to suit your own style.

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Fixing your workspace

When you work with PaintShop Pro, you have the option to use one of the default display for the workspace or customize it to suit your own needs and preferences. Once you are set, it is important to SAVE your workspace. Follow this tutorial to learn how to do so. However, once in a while, some palettes or toolbars seem to disappear or misbehave. What is happening? And how do you fix that?

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4 Ways I Set up my Workspace

Whether you are following a tutorial from the DIAMOND membership, attending a live class in the Campus or watching a YouTube video where I demonstrate various techniques, you might be wondering if we are using the same version, because my workspace and tools seem to be different from yours. Don't worry. The reason they look different is that I have customized it to suit MY preferences. If you want to recreate the same workspace, you can follow the steps below. If you prefer your own, it is totally fine. Neither one is better than the other.

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Workspaces in PaintShop Pro

When Corel developed the version 2018 of PaintShop Pro, in 2017, one of their goals was to make the program and its interface easier for the users. Newcomers would have a simpler workspace with fewer tools so they would not be overwhelmed. Did that work? To some extent it did, but at the same time, it surprised many regular users who upgraded to that version. Even newcomers might be a bit lost if they try to follow some tutorials that use commands or tools that they can't seem to find.

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Saving your workspace in PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro has a unique feature which is the ability it gives the user to customize the way the interface looks and works. Since every user's need will differ, and each user's workflow is also different, assuming they can be happy with a single static interface is asking them to adapt to the program instead of the other way around. But that is where PaintShop Pro gives control to the user.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.