
Featured Resource – Character Map UWP

In a previous blog post, we looked at ways to use "fancy fonts" with extra glyphs that are not natively accessible in PaintShop Pro. We explained that using the Character Map, available in Windows gave us access to those glyphs. This is a great option, however, that character map is quite small, and the display of the glyphs can be even smaller. So, let's look at a better alternative.

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Saving images from the net

If you are working with PaintShop Pro, it is very likely that you will be looking for some graphic resources and images on the internet. You might be looking for photos or extracted elements to add to your composition. There are different ways to "save from the net" but there are optimal ways to get those images in a usable format.

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Theme – Covid-19

Covid-19 is a respiratory illness caused by the new type of coronavirus. It was called Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS‑CoV‑2. The virus appeare in Wuhan, China in 2019 and was said to originate from bats. Since its emergence, it has impacted the lives of millions of people on every continent. From the way we dress up, to the way we go to work or do our school stuff, there was definitely a massive change.

But despite it all, the government officials, the medical frontliners, and our other modern-day heroes worked hand-in-hand to find solutions and make things better for us. The pandemic may not be over yet, but looking back over the past years, we did a great job. Everyone tried their best to follow the rules imposed and help fight the spread of the life-threatening disease. A lot of people showed compassion towards each other by going above and beyond their call of duty.

In honor of the progress we have made so far while battling this global epidemic, we decided to make Covid-19 our theme for this month. Here are some inspiring layouts that hopefully will make all of us appreciate our journey more during these times.

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Troubleshooting – My Brush is not working

When working with PaintShop Pro, there are so many settings that can influence how a tool works! Occasionally, a tool is not behaving the way we expect and it can be frustrating. Let's have a look at various explanations of why the Brush tool might seem to not work.

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Theme – Shopping

Shopping has always been a part of our day-to-day activities. From buying foods and other necessities, to picking new outfits for ourselves, to purchasing gifts for our friends and loved ones, we had to do this kind of thing. While there are people who see it as a common practice, some find it as an excellent way to relieve some tension and stress. They believe it has therapeutic effects as they find themselves constantly entertained, excited and happy whenever they go shopping.

Typically, people visit some stores to buy the goods they need or want. But after so many years, a lot of things have changed and that includes the way we shop. Now that technology has become more advanced, sellers have gained the power to reach out to their potential customers in an easier way through online marketplaces and platforms. So aside from their physical stores, they can offer buyers another hassle-free shopping experience that does not require them to go out of their homes or offices.

Are you one of those people who loves to shop? Do you prefer to go shopping alone or with somebody else? Are you a fan of purchasing products over the internet? Why not tell your shopaholic stories by creating a scrapbook layout just for them!

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10 picture tubes for Christmas projects

PaintShop Pro comes with a variety of picture tubes that can be used to embellish your projects. There are many themes and one of them is, of course, revolving around the holidays. But you can grow your collection of picture tubes by others too. Let's have a look at 10 picture tubes you can use for your next Christmas projects.

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How to cut out a vector

Vector shapes have a great advantage as they can be resized without losing resolution. And since you can also create your own custom shapes, you have a valuable tool at your fingertips. Alth0ugh various shapes and lines can be added to create a "vector composite", sometimes, you will want to have a cutout in that shape. Here is how you can do it.

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