
6 Ways to add journaling

Whenever you are working on a scrapbook project, it is important to add some information about the page. Including a story will make that page that much more engaging than just looking at pictures. The way you include journaling can be simple and traditional but it can also be unique and creative. Let's have a look at ways you can include your stories.

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Creating lifted photo effect

In traditional scrapbooking, photos can naturally appear lifted since corners can come off the paper. In digital scrapbooking, there are various ways to achieve this effect, however, it often uses frames. This might only create a partially realistic effect. Let's see how you can recreate that effect on any photo, with your PaintShop Pro.

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Ways to use map papers

When creating your next scrapbook project, you will be using a variety of papers. You can use solid papers, ombre, patterned, or textured papers. But another type of paper that is a bit less common is maps. You can use map papers in different ways. Let's have a look at some of those.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Paper

Unlike newspapers,

People all over the globe use millions of metric tons of paper every year. Luckily, it is one of the most recyclable materials. Paper, typically made from wood pulp, is a sustainable product because it can be easily reused, recycled, and renewed. Although not all paper products can be considered recyclable, there are still a whole lot of them that can be reused such as magazines, newspapers, and office papers.

Have you tried recycling papers? Do you collect paper scraps simply because they’re too pretty to throw away? Or maybe you keep some papers because they hold memories you don’t want to forget? Whatever it may be, we hope that the layouts featured here will spark your interest to put those papers into good use and flaunt them in a scrapbook project.

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10 minutes to scrap – Papers

Creating a complete layout could take some time and feel overwhelming, especially if you have many photos to use and several pages you plan on doing. Did you follow the previous tutorials to work for 10 minutes at a time? If so, you might already have several projects on the go, so let's see what you can do in the next 10 minutes.

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Adding texture to papers

Whatever project you want to create, sometimes a perfectly even background paper would look "fake" so you might want to add some unevenness to it in order to give a more realistic look. There are different ways to create such variations. Whatever approach you use might depend on your supplies and your own preferences.

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4 Common paper patterns

Digital scrapbooking, like many graphic projects will tend to use various patterns as backgrounds or accents. Digital kits you can download often include solid color papers but also various patterns. There are many different patterns you can find but there are some common types, which can be then modified to create even more designs. Many of them are fairly easy to reproduce with your own graphic program, like Paintshop Pro.

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