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Lynda DiGregor

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Posts posted by Lynda DiGregor

  1. 14 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Lynda congratulations and due to the fact that the photos for the campus are compressed it looks fine to me! He is a cutie!

    Thanks Corrie. I wasn't to sure about the name Caspian as we are mostly Italian, little English but I thinks it's just fine now. The Grandfather and Son/Father are Scots but I'm not sure if  they know the name is of English origin. Of Course Scotland and England do share borders.

  2. Lesson 3

    My first Great Grandchild. Unfortunately the only photos I have are sent through messenger. The quality pretty much stinks. 

    I just copied Carole's setup.

    The background was made according to lesson 3.

    Mask Workshop 3-Caspian-sm.jpg

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  3. Mask Workshop Day 1

    Getting off to a slow start. Still moving in and figuring out what furniture we want to put into this place. Time is always short. 

    The poem is an excerpt from a poet, Samantha Fernando. Her credit is included on the bottom of the page. If you would like to see the entire poem you can find it at  https://starsafire.starrayz.com/wordpress/2014/07/a-touch-of-purple/

    All the photos are mine.


    Masks Workshop 1-sm.jpg

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  4. Lesson 3- Bit behind but it's what I can do right now. Font is Villanesia and Yoshieka. Flowers are made with cass-folded flower1 script.

    Caspian is the first child from my second daughter's son and wife, Connor and Whitney.


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  5. 37 minutes ago, Mary Solaas said:

    To all - WHERE is that font with the cutout on top called Winter Vibes.  I checked with Creative Fabrica and the only Winter Vibes (which I downloaded to see if there was anything such as a cutout to place on top of the letters - which it didn't).  I searched through Creative Fabrica and couldn't find but one which had a cutout group that went on top of the font but wasn't anything like what you have shown.  I also checked with DaFont, but it didn't recognize Winter Vibes.

    I don't know if you found the "Winter Vibes" font, but I did find it at Creative Fabrica. I believe it's the one you are looking for. The cutouts look like snow on top of the letters. Here is the link: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/winter-vibes-12/ref/784652/

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  6. 16 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Mary Solaas Fun image to use! You got good results with CF Spark!

    @Harmony Birch Welcome! Are we going to see the progress of the experiment throughout the workshop?

    @Carolyn Rye You don't have to justify working on a different layout at a different time. Everything in the Campus is optional and life happens to jump in the mix!

    @Julian Adams Well, if you ever have dates that you can add, don't hesitate. It is the kind of information you CAN add later anyway. Keep those cuties' photos coming!!

    @Barbara Caulton I am a little surprised if you reinstalled, that the DELETE key would not work. At least, you get an alternate way, and maybe later, you can reset the program without reinstalling it (it is faster, and MIGHT give a different result).

    @Ann Seeber In the first instance, was the font used in that curved area slanted backward or was it just an optical illusion? It does not have the same look in the second try. 

    @Lynda DiGregor I love that font on your Winter layout! What is it?

    @Emerald Jay Nice to see that you replaced the greenery by something else you had. As the creator, you can take those liberties! Good work. Those purple flowers are gorgeous.

    @France Rivest Beautifully pink! 🙂

    @Sheila Hogg Now that you know how to do it manually, you will understand the process of the script!

    @Donna Sillia That is a cut font. Isn't that great everything we can get on Creative Fabrica?

    @Sharla It is impressive how the rays look curved!

    @Corrie Kinkel Yes, it turns out to be a reported bug that others have experienced. It is very annoying! 

    @franbvm@aol.com That is a beautiful AI-generated image!

    @Bonnie Ballentine It is fun to see that layout serves two purposes!

    @Louyse ToupinCute puppy! and nice layouts. 

    @Gerry Landreth Those are such fun faces. It is great to show them!

    @Randy Yes, some fonts have a very tall "spacing". In that case, you can change the Leading value to something like -0.2 or -0.4.

    @Susan Ewart Better late than never. That wilted flower is still elegant with that black background!

    Keep them coming!!! It is so much fun to see all the variety of projects posted.

    Hi Carole,

    The font is called "Winter" . You can find it at Creative Fabrica here: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/winter-265/ref/784652/   It comes with Glyphs.

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  7. Day 2- We haven't been out and about to much lately so I just went through some old photos. The kids are my son, Dominic, in red, my grandson, Tony, and his sister, Haley, my only granddaughter. When I say old, I mean old. Haley is now 20, Tony is 25, and Dominic is 36. It was a fun day in the preserve in back of our house in Crystal Lake.


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  8. 1 minute ago, Anja Pelzer said:

    here is day 2

    I used again the QuickTile scripts to make patterns for the papers, fonts are Campanile and Fette Steinschrift, 

    the Lego Blocks are a picturetube by Cassel

    I made the masks so -- I turned the grey and black photospots to white and used the new masklayer in black, so no need to invert the image.


    Who doesn't love LEGOS?  Very nice!

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  9. Carole,

    Kudos to you! The whole book is fantastic. I love the photographs, nothing like a man who pays so much attention to his children. Not all are that lucky. I'm sure the family will cherish this forever.

    Thanks for sharing this very personal gift. 

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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  10. On 12/1/2023 at 5:42 AM, Ann Seeber said:

    Welcome to December. Here is the December calendar featuring the Amur Leopard this time. Enjoy. I even used a little Out of Bounds on this one.  I have posted a full size version on Facebook that will print 11"x8.5" I feature mine on my desktop. The leopard information is from the Beardsley Zoo in Connecticut, where they have successfully bred some new members of this endangered species. 

    Edit: forgot to name the Amur Jaguar font - Sedalia and the journaling is Arial Narrow.



    This is beautiful. A very good use of the "Just Out Of It" masterclass. 

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  11. On 11/17/2023 at 10:28 PM, Cassel said:

    I don't know where yesterday's post went (there must be gremlins again).

    @Shirley What breed are those boys? Siamese? I notice that when you put their names with a script font, the characters don't align properly on a couple of pages. Are you using PSP2023? I noticed that it does that with SOME fonts when there is an outline. You can tweak that by adjusting the Kerning or skipping the outline if you want. And don't worry about the order of the images. We can read!

    @Julian Adams That is a lovely picture you used for February. And the gradient for the background is very well set.

    @Michele I like to collect fonts, but I am now limiting myself to those layered fonts or with extra glyphs. I have enough of the other "ordinary" ones!

    @laurie solaas The only "fast" way to set guides to multiple pages is to code a script. It is easy when you know, but you can't RECORD setting up guides, so you need to code it (or copy/paste it from another one). So you are likely stuck having to set them manually. As for making more than one calendar, you will see that it is still easy to do. The biggest time-consuming part is choosing the photos! I love all those "quotes" that go with the months. Very unique!

    @Cristina I am working on a blog post for this coming Monday so it will still be soon enough for anyone to get it and use it for these calendar pages if needed. I am recoding it to adjust for PSP2023 (and an additional feature too).

    @Leslie Gifford Cook Don't worry. Nobody has actually finished ANY page yet since the tutorials will be applied one after the other on the same page so I would not be surprised if some people might be waiting to show their finished pages.

    @Donna Sillia That is an interesting tweak to add gems to the month!

    @Ann Seeber We are always going on a safari with your photos!

    @Corrie KinkelI apologize for giving you more work since my calendar dates started on Sundays and yours start on Mondays.

    @Anja Pelzer That was a lot of work for your April dates!!!

    @Jannette Nieuwboer Don't worry. You'll catch up. Keep up the great work!

    @MoniqueN. That little space will be filled soon!

    @Lynda DiGregor Did you replicate the technique from the Freaky Filter class with the same images?

    @Susan Ewart So many ideas, and only 12 pages to work on!!! 🙂  As for the notes, I so wish I could write prescriptions for the Campus. For some members, this is cheaper and better than therapy/meds (and in a serious way too). As for the size, it does not matter which one shows. Points and pixels are like inches and centimeters. It does not change the length of a piece; it is just a different unit. And sometimes, it is a little glitchy I find. I tend to always use Pixels for a unit because that is what I started with when I used the JASC versions, and then they added Points as a unit, but for me, I think in pixels.

    @Dan Greenwood We'll call you when we have our first FA meeting 🙂


    Hi Carole, In answer to your question, if I understand what you are asking. I used one of the finished projects from the Freaky Filter class. It fit the October month with Halloween.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    After the "font" discussion back to my calendars and these months are almost done now. I didn't like the black date numbers and have changed them to a middle/dark grey color for all the months; the outlines of the boxes are very thin and I kept those in black to keep them visible. In the lesson from today was the option to color the boxes mentioned and I gave it a try but didn't like it. All my pages have a gradient and then some part of the boxes has a slightly different color than another part, which didn't look great even with the opacity lowered or a blendmode. But I wanted something to fill those boxes and it should not be very obvious too. After some trying different options I took the same photo as in the page and in the scripts I have inside PSP I choose the find all edges. I know how to do this manually, but the script is much quicker. After that I put the resulting image in the date boxes and played with the blendmodes and opacity until I liked what I got. More work now to do this for all the other months! 




    56 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    After the "font" discussion back to my calendars and these months are almost done now. I didn't like the black date numbers and have changed them to a middle/dark grey color for all the months; the outlines of the boxes are very thin and I kept those in black to keep them visible. In the lesson from today was the option to color the boxes mentioned and I gave it a try but didn't like it. All my pages have a gradient and then some part of the boxes has a slightly different color than another part, which didn't look great even with the opacity lowered or a blendmode. But I wanted something to fill those boxes and it should not be very obvious too. After some trying different options I took the same photo as in the page and in the scripts I have inside PSP I choose the find all edges. I know how to do this manually, but the script is much quicker. After that I put the resulting image in the date boxes and played with the blendmodes and opacity until I liked what I got. More work now to do this for all the other months! 




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  13. 4 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I love your choice of background.  I'm still deciding on backgrounds.

    Thanks, these are just colors taken from the photos. I'm not sure if I will change the backgrounds. I'm afraid it will take away from the photos. I have to think about it.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Ever such creative work submitted by talented ladies and gentlemen.  Some will know that  3 weeks tomorrow I will be flying home, which  had meant   that throughout the summer I had been  busy plodding away with calendars, cards  and advent calendars.  This year I made 3 different calendars, insects, landscapes and  mammals.  It just so happened that I used the very first set of templates for this calendar.  So I thought I'd post Jan and Feb, as I am not actually participating this year.   I created my own rounded date boxes.


    I love what you did  with the background of the calendar grid. Excellent idea.

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