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  1. Every Wednesday a group of women pickleball players meet after playing pickleball and have lunch together. After that we play table games...usually something different each week. Overall, it is the group that traveled to a pickleball clinic in January and we have a trip planned for March, 2025. Now you know why there are pickleballs in a layout for table games.
    8 points
  2. South Carolina is my home state...born and raised there. The University of South Carolina has seldom done well in sports but our women's basketball team has done very well. They won the national championship for the third time in 2024 and they are undefeated in the 2024 season. Needless to say, this season was outstanding for our fams. Dawn Staley is the coach and she does not refer to spectators as fans...they are fams...and the atmosphere feels like family. 2024 was a big year for women's basketball everywhere. The women's games were drew more spectators than the men's games (National Championship) and tickets for the women's games demanded and received a higher price. All of this is huge for women's sports!
    8 points
  3. great layout around here here is mine using some things from my Build a kit
    7 points
  4. My friend, Ann. We showed up to pickleball with the same shoes and shirt and same color headwear...Twins!
    7 points
  5. I have another one from Storkow (say: "shtorkoh") , fonts are Bebas Kai and Brixton. Pls click image as there is no border yet again . And again this is 6x8 inches waiting to be migrated onto an 8x10 bg to match the preceding pages.
    5 points
  6. I choose some photos of the Blue Mountain Rige: with a Cassel Template and a Cassel paper cass-MultiPhotoFrame3-6x6.pspimage (Template) cass-GradientStripes-Beach-02.jpg (border)
    4 points
  7. I was out feeding the birds and using the Merlin app on my phone to record birdsong which the app identifies. I have a new "lifer" bird- the Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Myrtle variety). Here are the details for my layout: Template-cass-corner-slip in background paper=PSBT First title font=Agency Photo=Cornell Labs Merlin Bird ID 2nd title font=Brave Hearted + Curlz MT Paint splash=treed-Have A Nice Day Journal Card sketch-cass-pencil sketch 2 Bird info: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust-Maine-Nature Notes Date stamp-cass #4 Since the text is reduced I'll post it separately, also.
    4 points
  8. Thanks so much for sharing, so inspiring! 💗💗💗 Love it.
    3 points
  9. Week 15 At last I managed to get a half way decent photo of a goldfinch – two of them waiting for me to stop peering at them so that they can get on with eating the Niger seeds.
    3 points
  10. I’m only privileged to the presence of Warblers during Spring and Autumn, as they don’t nest here, only pass through. Warblers offer wonderful diversity, with more than 50 species in North America. They also offer interesting challenges , with completely different patterns in Spring and Autumn. ID ing them in the Autumn can be a real challenge. This one is a young Autumn Myrtle’s Warbler which I took on the 26th Sept last year. The Myrtle species has a distinctive white throat. The bird you have showcased is a Spring mating male. I have never used the Merlin app. I’m sure it can do a good a job, but it’s not infallible. I believe it knows which birds are near to you, based on sightings submitted by bird watchers. The app can be helpful, but it’s not diagnostic. I’m not saying that it didn’t correctly ID the bird. To use it in order to create lovely scrap pages, with interesting information, it has served your purpose. The bird groups I use, doesn’t allow any comments, where the Merlin app ID’d the bird. They say it’s not a proper or acceptable documentation.
    3 points
  11. I've got a lot of older layouts about my dogs throughout my life! I've had 4 dogs. One from the age of 9 to about 23. It was another 22 years before I got another dog. Less than 2 years later, I got a 2nd dog and had them for quite awhile. After they passed, I waited 18 months before getting my current dog. She will be my last. I found training a dog in my 60's was not as easy as training a dog in my 40's!!! Here are 2 layouts about them.
    3 points
  12. Thank you for posting the journaling. What an interesting bird, with the adaptation to eat waxy berries. I like the slipped-in look and great touch with the music notes. I was watching some peculiar behavior of crows in the school field behind my house.....after confirming with the binoculars....someone left their black sneakers in the field!
    3 points
  13. I have no photos of pets because we never had one. When I grew up I lived in postwar Rotterdam and in the new apartment building where we lived it was forbidden to have animals (cats and dogs mostly). Once I had a hamster but that wasn't a great succes either. Later when I was married my husband wanted to have an aquarium with some fish and we had that for a couple of years. One summer we went for a holiday and couldn't find someone to feed the fish. So we dropped them in the little pond we had in the garden fully convinced they would not survive in the "wild"! To the delight of the children they survived and had made babies! They stayed there and we had many offspring over the years until the one day a grey heron had discovered there was a nice meal to be had in our garden. Both of our children are allergic to cats and dogs and nobody had ever heard of a labradoodle in those days. Luckily my daughter has overcome her allergies and there are 2 dogs in her family which my granddaughters love very much. I enjoy them when I visit there and it was quite funny when I visited last year the dogs suddenly realized that I had come and they went a bit crazy to great me and begged for a cuddle and a treat. I think they will do something similar when I arrive on Tuesday! I haven't time to search for some photos or supplies for this theme but wanted to tell my story anyway.
    3 points
  14. Over the course of this past winter, and previous winters I have taken no end of photos of the delighful Chickadees at the National Parks where I snowshoe, and hike. The background photo is one of last year's apple blossoms. When I hear them I get out the seed, many will come and take food from my hand. They have become accustomed to me. I can only take photos of them feeding using my mobile photo, which pretty much basic, and takes crappy pics. My camera is to cumbersome to use one handed.
    3 points
  15. Slowly the native migratory birds are returning. THis one is a white throated Sparrow. I'd say that all native sparrows are considered song birds. I haven't done a proper frame in quite a while. Colours used came from the photo. One of last night's little projects.
    3 points
  16. Cats...I have had many. These are a few:
    2 points
  17. I created these layouts for the Alphabet Book challenge. Mac belonged to my parents when I was born so he was my first pet.
    2 points
  18. Wow! they are gorgeous!
    2 points
  19. What can I say Mary, other than your pages are exquisitely created.
    2 points
  20. I have been playing with layouts for the last week or so. The going has been rather slow, but since there is no rush, I continue to tinker and adjust until it's time to let them go! The eclipse layout uses photos from a photographer who was mentioned on the radio as having spectacular pictures online. So I checked, grabbed a few and tried the Grid layout, which was not a great success. Each time I've tried it, the pix just don't snap to grid readily. So I leave it, out of frustration. The photog is Steve Biro. The actual blacking out of the sun in its totality was amazing, of course, but we then had a new "light" shining on us suddenly which threw us right off! It turns out it was one of the planets that was illuminated. Wish I had a photo of that! The other layout is based on a United Church decommissioning that took place on Sunday last (14th). Another small rural church has closed (near my home town). I attended to show my respects, took some pix, and observed the loss the folks there were experiencing. It was very sad. The Catholic church, not far away and the one I attended as a child, is experiencing a spurt of new attendance and the danger of closure has passed, yet again.
    1 point
  21. Cornell Labs Merlin only identifies the birdsong and provides the photo. My information, as I documented, is from: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust-Maine-Nature Notes
    1 point
  22. I had forgotten about that. Now that you have mentioned it, I remember now. Always a pleasure to share what knowledge I have with you and everyone else here.
    1 point
  23. Sue, in addition to what you teach us about the natural world, I love your frames. You turned me on to the transparent frames in PSP Picture frames. Thank you. Guess that's what started me on developing multiple transparent frames of various opacity.
    1 point
  24. Here is more from Storkow. I seem to have a sweet spot for it. Ths is 6x8. I will slab it on an 10x8 later to match the preceding pages, but by now I'm thinking that 6x8 is one great format. Sorry for the missing border. Looks irritating.
    1 point
  25. I thought the surf looked bigger than the ones I saw in the Florida Gulf near the shore. That was actually their trip to the beach on the Atlantic Ocean in North Carolina. So, having saved it as a pspimage, I was able to change the journaling. Here is the correct version.
    1 point
  26. And another layout of that trip using elements from my kit.
    1 point
  27. I just had to try out my template for the Beach kit to see if that multiple frame held true. And it did. The font is Modern No 20. The elements are from my kit.
    1 point
  28. Sorry, it must be my old proofreader gene kicking in! 😁
    1 point
  29. You are catching all my lapses! 😉
    1 point
  30. A sea of blue as seen through Nell's ears. I ride the tramlines through the crops in the summer. You can just see the farm on the horizon. Looking at the field it is rather dirty, with the invasive yellow sow thistle. No the flowers don't give off any perfume. The flowers I showcased is a macro shot from my garden.
    1 point
  31. Here is my layout: done with: Happy Spirit Page Kit by Whispy’s D’zines https://www.mymemories.com/store/display_product_page?id=WDJA-CP-2404-223933 Take a photo
    1 point
  32. I'm finishing all the projects I was working on; I want to leave with nothing unfinished and find that when I return in May. At that point I certainly won't do so anymore. The wood elements are a wooden background from the Behold Spring by cpjess, a wooden token I did sometime ago and the letter S is made by cass-Stacked alpha script. I have the same wood texture and used that for the other letters, all with the font Book Antiqua. I used the notebook paper, done after a tutorial in Lab 14-03, to write my story about this little gem of a flower. The paperclip I have done so long ago that I have no idea from what lesson or masterclass it stems. The heart paper is in my stash and I don't know where I got that one. In making the folds I assumed the paper was identical on fore- and background. Of course the photo has a white background.
    1 point
  33. Here is my work for this month: Page layout, Open Your Eyes Done with: Remembering You Page Kit By Whispy's D'zines https://www.mymemories.com/store/display_product_page?id=WDJA-CP-2403-223678 and Page layout, Spring Song Done with: Pink And Blue Kit By Malo Scrap https://ko-fi.com/maloscrap/shop
    1 point
  34. Hi all I was inspired by Cassel on the blending photos so I thought I would give it a go using the same photos as she used. I tried playing around with different methods and this is what I came up with, one rectangle and the other circle. I couldn't find the what are you working on to post it there, sorry.
    1 point
  35. This is a photo of Sycamore gap before the tree was cut down, the beagle is Dash we looked after him as a pup for 7 months.
    1 point
  36. Flax flowers. Using adjustment layers.
    1 point
  37. I remember it well. At the time I regarded your comment as the ultimate compliment, to be mistaken for a photographer for a magazine, and magazine cover designer. Well, like the majority of North Americans, you call them gophers, so yes, it's a Richardson's ground squirrel. There are gophers, like the pocket gopher, which has external cheek pouches, for carrying food, and bedding. They are all rodents.
    1 point
  38. Just as Susan I joined in April of May 2020 and haven't seen this particular layout in a magazine challenge. It is stunning, you know so much about nature and lucky for us you show those photos and educate us here as well!
    1 point
  39. I was playing with screenshots from an Explore live cam. Today's rainy sunrise and a pretty one from another day. Used the blend mode to come up with this. The Text is the freeby from C F It is called Pastels but has that drippy look.
    1 point
  40. This is new to me. I started at the campus in May 2020. thank you for re-posting. it. It's stunning! I'm really quite blown away by it. And of Ann's friend's shot. You magazines are so real, I've mentioned before, when I started I thought you were a photographer for a magazine...that what I told my husband. BTW...my guess is that 'rump' is a gopher? On my grandfathers farm they had guns set up to shoot them....how HORRIFYING!
    1 point
  41. Thank you, @bina greene. I had no idea where I got the font from. I did a bunch of googling and finally found it on FontSpace. It's by House of Lime and here is the link: https://www.fontspace.com/spring-font-f14444
    1 point
  42. Fonts: Quimby Gubernatorial and OCR-A, scanned slide
    1 point
  43. I have a flower bed full of daffodils, one of my favorite flowers. The daffodil picture was taken yesterday and the dandelion field is behind my house. The green paper is from my kit, and the fold is from a scrap tutorial. I have been totally unsucessful in using the cass folded edge script, but by accident managed to fold the daffodil picture. I filled the fold with white like the back of a photograph. The mossy wood is from a picture my daughter sent me, and the preset wheel is filled with another wood photo from Beth. The no trespassing sign fill is from a photo of tree bark that I took some time ago. I used a brush to make the edges uneven. The yellow is a gradient, and the greenery was made in Procreate. The font is Kristin ITC cut out of the bark photo.
    1 point
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