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Rene Marker

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Rene Marker last won the day on August 24 2024

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  1. You have 3 different letters that could be used... B - Bead, C - Crochet, N - Necklace. I've been making a list in OneNote of ideas for each letter. Some work for different letters. By making the list I can figure out which letter will work best.
  2. Follow your own advice... scrap a page about it without a photo. Grab some images from the internet and make that page.
  3. Way back when I had Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego. Can't remember if it was my first DOS computer or my first Win computer that I played it on. I had Monopoly and Mom and I would sit at my computer and play it (this would have been early 90's). Sometime in the 2000's I bought a CD which had several games on it: Game of Life, Clue, Yahtzee. That got loaded onto a laptop. That laptop was eventually upgraded to Win 10 and the games still work. I think it was a Hasbro CD but I don't think I have it anymore. I still have the laptop even though I got a new one in 2023 and every once in awhile I will pull it out and play Clue. I'm sure there were other games over the years as well that got lost with the upgrades of computers. I don't have or play any games on my desktop. But I do have some games on my Samsung tablet. I have games loaded on it that I don't play much and some games I play every day. I do have to limit how much I play though. When I had my iPad, I had a game that I would play hours a day. It was called Township and you built up a town. You could rearrange things which is what I would spend hours doing. When the iPad went black and wouldn't turn on, I got the Samsung tablet. I refused to load Township on it (actually didn't want to start over). I have seen some YouTube streamers play a game called American Truck Simulator that looks fun. Several of them will play it at the same time while streaming and it can be hilarious at times. I've looked at it several times but just couldn't justify buying it. It seems to get the full benefit of it, you need to have a "steering wheel" device (Thrustmaster) and I don't want to spend the money on one of those. I guess you can use a game system controller but I don't have one of those either. So I'll just enjoy watching them crash each other when they stream!
  4. I was learning to knit about 20 years ago and I kept looking for a ripple pattern for an afghan but all I could ever find was crochet. Several years later I was cleaning out a small cabinet and tucked in the back of it was a little bag. That bag had a list of all the afghans my mom had made as well as the pattern and her circular needles! She made 23 of them over the years. I had a dream of making one of my own but I could never get the hang of one of the stitches.
  5. I added a raster layer, moved it below the photo then flood filled with a color from the photo. Then I went to Effects>Texture Effects>Texture and found a texture to use. I wanted something to show off the word since on a regular layout, there would probably be a paper layer underneath it. As a singular photo, there is no paper so I just created one. The yarn in the afghans feels a lot like the Red Heart Super Saver yarn. Those afghans can keep you really warm even with the semi-open pattern of the ripple.. I have another one in my bedroom and will put it on the bed on top of the bedspread during the winter if needed. I hate to be cold at night!
  6. Thanks Anne for that explanation. I had no idea. These afghans are knitted though. The only crochet my mom knew how to do was to tuck in the edges on the afghans.
  7. So is anybody else thinking about other letters for this challenge? As I think of something, I take the photo now so I don't forget by the time that letter comes (like the letter V). I decided to Cass Word Edge Cutout Script for the word. I'm saving them as a pspimage and am thinking about making 12x12 scrapbook pages with 2 photos per page with a little journaling about the item. But that will happen at the end of the project. Here is A. I will journal about these afghans being made by my mother in the 1980's (although I do already have a layout about this with another photo of her actually working on one of her afghans).
  8. That was 2007 when I saw the train and the animals were still in the circus at that time. Isn't it interesting how things do change though? Animals were always a big draw for the circus goers for so many years. I remember an episode of "Murder, She Wrote" that took place in a circus setting. They even had elephants in the storyline. Not to mention the fact that the 2 biggest circus companies joined together due to declining interest. Ringling Brothers was one and Barnum & Bailey was the other.
  9. @Corrie Kinkel That sort of sounds like what we call a circus. Maybe not exactly the same but the circus moves to different places. I once saw a train for a circus passing through my town. I only saw the end of the train and the cars were mostly flat bed and on them were trucks and trailers with the Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus logo. There were also cars, pick-up trucks and 4-wheelers on some of them. I did a blog post (this was back in the day that I blogged) about it. Hooked on Havanese: Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus For what it is worth, a fair even though located in the same spot every year, the rides and stands for games are brought in by companies that travel to the fairs. Back when I was in high school, a friend and I had a crush on one of the guys working in the tent that had pinball games. We talked to him every time we went during the week. He let it slip that he would be at a county fair in the next county to us the next week. We made a trip down there to see him. The fairs around here in the various counties are always on different weeks with no date overlap. At the end of the last night, they pack up and move to the next one which is usually only a 30 minute drive then set up sometimes to open the very next day. Some times they do get a whole day to set up. Most of the concession stands are private owners that travel the fair circuit during the summer. We'd see the same ones every year. Sadly, I have no photos of going to the fair or even a circus. That wasn't somewhere you took a camera when I was a kid... I was too busy trying to win goldfish.
  10. Some of mine would!
  11. "C" - clutter "D" - dust 😁
  12. The sad thing is my uncle threw out a lot of slides from the family vacations that did not include people aka the places they went. They traveled a lot and went to out of the way places that I'm sure people would love to have photos of these days. Photos were from the 1940's. Sue was livid when she heard that. She was a teacher and would have loved to have had them to possibly use in her classroom for history lessons. He never told anybody he was doing this and just presented us with what he thought we would want. I asked if I could look through the slides he wasn't giving to others and that's when I found out he had thrown them out. Thankfully, my grandfather let me go through the magnetic photo albums he had about a year before he passed away. He told me to take whatever photos I wanted for my genealogy work. When I took the albums back, there were a lot of empty spots and I'm lucky to have photos of his cousins and Grandma's siblings and the families for all of them.
  13. My cousin, Bruce, the first grandchild for Mom's parents has so many pictures. He was the only grandchild for 3 years. Then his sister came along (Sue) and she also has a lot but not as many as Bruce. I was a year later so then I started being in the photos. Bruce and Sue did not live in our town by this time so my grandparents didn't take as many photos of them. But I was the only grandchild in town for 6 years so I am in quite a few of their photos. The last 3 grandkids (Tiger, Jack and Mark) don't have nearly the photos taken by my grandparents. Jack is the younger sibling of Bruce and Sue so was not in town. Tiger and Mark are brothers and did live in town (Tiger and I are the only 2 left in our town). When my grandpa passed away, my uncle went through all the slides they had and pulled out the ones for each grandchild. It took him over 2 years to do. He gave me a big baggie full of slides of Mom, Dad and me. I'm not sure how he divided up the Bruce/Sue/Jack and their parents slides but the amount Sue got was not quite as many as me probably because she didn't live in town. Poor Jack didn't have many at all.
  14. Paint Shop Pro is still going to be Carole's focus for the Campus but with the developer no longer going forward with new versions of the program, she has decided to expand by adding another program to the Campus. Affinity is available for both Mac and PC so this could bring in entirely new users. @Cassel I was in a chat last night and mentioned you were starting classes on Affinity. One of the gals currently uses PS (not sure which product) but is considering moving to Affinity if Adobe raises the price of the subscription. She has done a few things with it but has not explored it a whole lot. I told her to check out the Campus and the bootcamp!
  15. Well, I was an only child so they did take a lot of photos. My mom's parents were big on taking photos that they developed as slides. So between my parents and my grandparents, there were a lot of photos of me (and my 2 older cousins). Mom actually was a scrapbooker although it wasn't called that at the time. She put photos in albums for me (the ones that had black pages and ties to hold the front/back together). She journaled in white pencil about them and included birthday cards and other ephemera. She quit when I was 18. It was 2 albums that were falling apart so I took the time to transfer everything into 3 Creative Memories albums and scanned all the photos before I did.
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