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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Calendar March 2024. Adult George and April introducing Charli
    11 points
  2. 10 points
  3. Calendar 2024 February I decided to make it all about my boys
    9 points
  4. Only after I'd finished the March calendar did I realize that Easter is in March this year... So, later, I will change it to an appropriate photo. This photo will be in April then. I still used the same overlay with blend mode. Credits: (Although this is a calendar, I cannot help using some techniques I've learned here on the Campus! 😄) MarisaLerin: (marisaL-PSFeb14 Be Mine / marisaL-scatter1) ShabbyPrincess: ShabbyPrincessDesign_Promise Collection / SP_Promise_Butterfly
    8 points
  5. That works only if you already listed your home phone to the account as a recovery method. If she had she would have probably already been offered that option. I used to be very paranoid about giving out my phone number for fear of getting spammed. These days 2 factor authentications are everywhere and if you don't have a phone number associated with your account you can't get back in if you ever get locked out. (sorry for going off topic... What can I say? I'm a Geek!) Here's my final versions
    7 points
  6. I have altered the date boxes for the weeks to start on Monday. I have Carole's Custom Calendar script for 2 years now and it works great and is a timesaver too. The script gives the opportunity to choose a different format for the boxes and you can design them too. But I wanted a simple shape, nothing fancy so I can write things inside them. Therefore I have them on the full width of the page. I have spend some time to find a font that I like and that has the glyphs I want. For the time being I have put the month's name in the middle of the page, maybe I'll change it later. I will use the same font for all the months but change the color to match the pages. Font is Almond script. Now I'll have to see what the dates for all the holidays in 2024 are. Some of course are always the same, but not all. And I have to search the ones for Switzerland too, because some of theirs are not celebrated here and visa versa.
    7 points
  7. Here are the updated versions of the January and February calendars. After seeing Sue Thomas's rounded date box, I changed the one I created years ago... I am very much interested in the script Carole mentioned above. Credits: Bella Gypsy Happy Winter / bellagypsy_happywinter_wordart1
    6 points
  8. Hi, I'm using X9 version and I am missing a step somewhere. When I change my font for the month and resize it, it is leaving a copy of the old font underneath and in the original color of the background. Can anyone lead me to what I need to check or back up and fix?
    6 points
  9. Here are May, June, July and August. Not complete but started with backgrounds, photos and the Wakanda font for the month to keep it consistent. I have added a strip file I used for the 2022 Calendar workshop so I would be able to have the days of the week. I'm glad I kept it! In date order, the photos are the African Lion, the Cape Buffalo, the Honey Badger and the Caracal. I will be adding details as we go along.
    4 points
  10. Thank you so much Cristina! It appears, I have my stamp written all over my work, making it unmistakably mine. 🙂 I have also created other different shaped boxes. Including cut box effect. A certain person will know, I won't mention any names, but you know who you are. I love the theme you have used for your calendar, quite ingenious. Like Michele's theme, it goes to show that you don't have to use photos.
    4 points
  11. I remember those as well! 🙂 ... They are gorgeous. Your calendars are unique, as are your work excellence, an eye for details, photos, etc. It's always a joy to see them.
    3 points
  12. Yeah, me, too! I wondered... 😁
    3 points
  13. Nice idea to put the month in the middle. I think I maybe the size a tiny bit smaller would even be prettier 🙂 Nice font!
    3 points
  14. I want to know where to get fast food bananas flambe!
    3 points
  15. Meerkat Manor! Has anyone watched this British television programme. Produced by the Oxford scientific films, which first aired back in 2005. It ran for 3 or 4 yrs. I didn't miss an episode, one of the best natural dramas ever made. Its a drama series, following a family of Meerkats in the Kalahari desert. The kardashian family isn't a patch on the Whiskers family.
    3 points
  16. So far, I have only updated the month of January. Just to be different this year, I added Cassel's Alpha Beads. The basic is a freebie, and I changed the font/color following the Alpha Beads tutorial. Credits: Overlay: ps_melo-vrijhof_162544_textures-painted-paper2-paint-paper-09_cu Font: FoglihtenNo07 https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-10-module-06/ Edited: I mentioned it before, but I'll mention it again. All photos are/will be from Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels. I downloaded them years ago and use them whenever necessary.
    3 points
  17. July and August with some of the dates in another color. At first I wanted to make all the weekend days for all the pages in the same color, so it would be coherent. That didn't work because the backgrounds of my pages have different colors and besides white and black there wasn't one color suitable for all. Therefore I took a color from each page for the weekend dates for that page. If a month has special days like X-mas I'll give them a different color and probably a short text. Family birthdays will be added later on. Now I'll go back to my other pages for adjustments. I post every day the pages of that day and lesson. When we are at the end of the workshop the last pages will be completed and I'll have to go back to update the earlier ones.
    2 points
  18. I completed January. The script is Samantha Upright from Creative Fabrica. I spent quite a bit of time deciding on the font. I used the directional tube script to make a garnet and then ran Vector Tube. I used Layer Styles to add an outer glow to January.
    2 points
  19. I don't get that either. Film makers film the harshness of nature and do nothing. I couldn't stand by and just watch. I watched a show about a pride of lions and one the the babies got separated and they filmed in and kept saying if it doesn't reunite with the mother it will die (which I think it did in the end) and it was getting weaker and weaker. It was heartbreaking. I'm not naïve about the harshness of nature, but we humans created a lot of natures struggles so we should be trying to save, fix or help anything that needs it and quit saying that it's cycle of nature. I can believe that statement in a time long before mankind, but not now.
    2 points
  20. I have to get this script! ... I created a simple date box years ago, but if I want to do something different, this script will be handy.
    2 points
  21. This is my idea for one of my calendars. But, I need to ask for help, once again! Because I moved the month over, and I extended and moved the Calendar dates a little bit, is there anyway to set move permanent guides for all of my templates so I don't have to set the manually for each of them. Because I work on a laptop, (we live in our RV and haven't purchased a good desktop computer yet, my rulers are really hard to see. Which makes setting the guides up uniformly (twelve times) really hard! I appreciate any feedback. thanks bunches!!
    2 points
  22. Thank you for feeding my font addiction! It's gorgeous, especially with the extra glyphs.
    2 points
  23. @Julian Adams Looking better and better! @Carolyn Rye That is a good start. With upcoming lessons, you will likely revise those pages! @Jannette Nieuwboer I am sure he will be proud to display that calendar! @Cristina Oh, it is fun to see those beads in use! @Chris Schults Looking forward to your projects. Some participants might be waiting until the end to show the COMPLETED pages so it is ok for you not to post anything yet 🙂 @Anne Lamp Oh no! I hope you find a solution. I have no idea how I can help. @Corrie Kinkel I think I might feature that particular script in the Campus blog next week. So others can choose to customize their date boxes even more if they want. @Shirley There are lots of cat lovers in this group. That calendar will be a star!! @Ernest Moore Are you actually EDITING the text or are you typing on top of it? If you are typing over it, it is not much of an issue as you can delete the other layer. Can you do that?
    2 points
  24. Oh Anne, that is awful. I just went through some computer woes that took my husband two full days and much research (just to talk to a human) to get it resolved. Once he talked to a real, actual human it was fixed in less than a minute! I wish you luck and a speedy recovery of your e-mail account and all other computer woes. Sometimes, computers are just plain evil!
    2 points
  25. As suggested by Sue Thomas I have added shadows to the images on this project. I also learned that adding drop shadows as a new layer really helps. When I first tried to add a drop shadow, it wasn't to my liking. But another try just added a second shadow ti the first not a replacement. Then I saw the little box to add the drop shadow as a new layer. Now I can experiment until I get the effect I want. I also changed the images to the proper size as outlined in the instructions. My first go had some images the wrong size (too large). With the resizing the project looked wonky so I had to adjust the images to make it more balanced. Thanks for the learning opportunity.
    2 points
  26. Hi I am in. Take some time. But here I am.
    2 points
  27. I'v improved the januari and added the februari On the photo of the green woodpecker is a copyright, it is from Ad van Duren nature photografer. I do not have to pay for it as it is for private use. I may use more of his photo's he promised me. I will make a logo to him in exchange. And he wil have a copy of the calendar!!! Now I have to make an extra effort.
    2 points
  28. I don't have decorated yet. After Dec 5th I'm going to and that is after we had "Sinterklaas" although we no longer celebrate this. I have kept that "rule" for so long now that it doesn't feel right to start before. Of course I have a couple of those little lights dotted around the living but that has more to do with the fact that it is getting dark so early now. Since we moved to this much smaller house 6 years ago, we don't have the space any longer for a big tree and we don't have much storage space either. But on top of our cupboards I always have garlands with small decorations and lights, we have a sweet little fake tree (no photo) and I can't go without Pointsettias. The rest of the deco varies, depending if we have company or go somewhere else. One item is always present and that is the candle holder that my youngest granddaughter made 6 years ago, although we now have battery operated lights for it. Outside I mostly have some lights in a plant on the patio and maybe I do a wreath with light and fir-cones on the table outside. On the front we have not much space and there is a streetlight directly in front of our house. Next to the frontdoor we do have a light but we almost never use it thanks to that streetlight; no problem there finding the keyhole.
    1 point
  29. I especially like the June one 🙂
    1 point
  30. Sorry, it was the best I could do! 🙃
    1 point
  31. I am afraid that you might have to reset your program. Try to go to File > Preference > Reset Preferences and Reset the workspace. That will lose all your customization, unfortunately. See if that solves the issue.
    1 point
  32. I used a script in PSP to make the calendar with the numbers and month, in the script I can choose the fonts
    1 point
  33. I'm a sucker for anything with meerkats! Love it.
    1 point
  34. When adding photos to the calendar grid, it can be a bit tricky, as for me I have to have their face, more specifically an eye/eyes unobscured by the grid. In this one I used two photos, adding the hare in the bottom right corner. Making sure everything was in proportion. I'm hoping that if I hadn't mentioned it, everyone wouldn't be any the wiser, thinking it was one photo.
    1 point
  35. January & February 2024. First attempt
    1 point
  36. I think I used everything in the original sizes. The photos are all mine except the clouds in the center circle. The font is Edwardian Script ITC.
    1 point
  37. Having fun with my Daily Look today. Lots of clip art and some of the game characters. The font is Mrs.Monster Academy.
    1 point
  38. Just a little fun with the Daily Look today. A mixture of a bunch of clip art and characters from the game. The font is Mrs.Monster Academy.
    1 point
  39. We recently had some chats going on about good programs to watch, many of them on PBS (Canada & US). After watching this two-part documentary by Ken Burns I had to make something to express how profoundly moved I was by this series. He has been making documentaries for 40 years, and his productions are all extraordinary, whether they are light-hearted or heart-breaking. This one had me in tears. He uses the bison as a theme for the near-genocide of a species, and then ties it nicely into the way indigenous people have been treated. It's a hard watch, but so worthwhile.
    1 point
  40. Just wanted to submit something to the Fall themes. Nothing very complicated, just playing with overlays and backgrounds and blending. Not everyone observes Halloween, so just an autumn layout.
    1 point
  41. The background was from C F. The candle is extracted from a pic I took years ago.
    1 point
  42. I purchased this template, Blended Clusters 10_03, by MsFish at Gingerscraps today.
    1 point
  43. All Components are from Creative Fabrica. The Cat one had Christmas lights that I change the color of the bulbs to orange for Halloween.
    1 point
  44. And here is my Spring use of the pspimage I created.
    1 point
  45. Yesterday was a beautiful day so I was out taking some photos. I got lucky and one of the farmers was out harvesting his soy beans. The two field photos are from the ones I took then. The other pics are "borrowed" from online shopping sights (I know, shame on me) The background paper was created from two papers I downloaded from Creative Fabrica.
    1 point
  46. Now that the fairytale months have arrived, I can't stay behind. NO Halloween here. Nevertheless, I am in a fairytale mood. The scrap kit is from Adrienne's design AI. To be able to place the stairs against the mushroom I had to make the base of the mushroom a little wider with the warp tool. I just installed some windows in it too. It came from a castle. The grass just comes out of our picture brush.
    1 point
  47. I still have 2 native Aster plants with some flowers on. The little skipper turned up on the 10th October. I was pleasantly surprised to see, and be able to photograph it. Last night I worked on finishing off creating rectangle, and square frames using Carole's frame punches. Now I have all the punches framed, ready for use. I used one them in this page, also used the wood token 2 tutorial to date the page.
    1 point
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