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Chris Schults

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  1. I still have a wacom volito2. Used it from Windos ME. But I works still in W11 too. But nowadays hidden under a pile of paper. One with list of passwords and several with psp tricks. Did not used it much, only when I need to correct little pieces in an image in PSP.
  2. We had a tiny bit of snow. Blooming Camelia and Magnolia in the garden. Lilys of the valley and tulips in lots of gardens. Most narcissus are gone. The frogs already making love for 3 weeks. What a noise, mostly in the night.
  3. Our first together dog was a chinese shar-pei, named sheng-si means raw silk. When you stroke the coat feels soft, but when you move in the opposite direction it feels very rough. Next 2 dogs (Shar-Pei) had already a name. Then we got a english bulldog, her name is Vaya. Sounds good according to my wife. And reminds on Vaya con dios. Later a 2nd bulldog, named Bentley, we can not afford the car. so we named the dog.
  4. I followed the lessons a tiny bit 🙂 Last week I had a very small operation. They placed a voice prosthesis after I had a laryngectomy in june last year. And after that I catched a nasty cold. So in very nearby future I start with making masks learned in this workshop. I looked now at the most beautiful works from you all.
  5. I made at last a first start for the dutch month of March. In this case the echo-script did not do what I wanted, but in a few days I give it antoher go. I am a bit ill. A very bad cold. Bad for me because I have to breath through a hole in my neck, after laryngectomie. It's going better already, but it makes me very tired some days.
  6. You're right. I had to stop then. I used the complete script/ Bit in doubt about removing text inside. The light blue bit but also some dark pieces. And I replaced the lady a bit. Saw anothe rmistake Januari I used more capitals in text. And removed it above the days.
  7. The first Februari attempt. Carnival month starts on the 19th, is my wife's birthday too.
  8. Revisited Januari and at last made first attempt for Februari (Months in dutch language). Can just place one image, very compressed too.
  9. At last, my first attempt. Strangest month ever made for a calendar. Use the echo script and just a lonely tree, because it is still cold in January in the northern hemisphere The original file looks to big in size, was nearly 2 Mb So resized it till about 0,28 Mb
  10. We used inkscape more for making svg files to use on black cat cougar cutting machine. There for it is very good.
  11. Hi I am in. Take some time. But here I am.
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