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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2023 in all areas

  1. Kayaking to Remember Summer. Shots taken by friends, Carole's alphabet.
    9 points
  2. I was just trying something I had this banner template on my PC, but no name was mentioned just a number 1. The strawberry Alpha is from Mirana. Strawberry background is from Janet Kemp. This is what was coming out of my hands. I liked it and show you.
    9 points
  3. My granddaughter would turn 30 today if she had not so dramatically past away. She died on an brainattaque.
    8 points
  4. I'm in a Halloween mood and was inspired by the Grunge Masterclass. For the body of the spider, I used the VectorStoke part of the video. The eyes are from the google eyes tutorial and the legs were created from vector lines. The web is from a Janet Kemp graphic. I used the fur texture on the black spider, the second one I used a black and orange wave pattern and the third is the wave pattern with fur added. The background is a Resource Boy green Gradient. The mouth is just a dozi brushess.
    7 points
  5. Here is my work for day 5. I was late for the whole workshop.
    6 points
  6. Template by MissFish, Showoff #2. There's a long story about this layout. Several years ago, Saffan's sister passed away. He came to pickleball the day he learned of her passing and, of course, was very sad. He asked me to be his sister and I am still his sister to this day. I introduced him to pickleball and gave him the shirt he is wearing. He gave me the shirt I am wearing as a birthday gift and also gave Judy her shirt. Judy is struggling with dementia and I have become her caregiver. In his typical kindness, Saffan included Judy in the gift giving. She was thrilled. So, you see...it really is about T-shirts, pickleball and love!
    5 points
  7. Another zoo layout. I create the template with Carole's multi-photo frame script. The Zoopendous day was taken from a photo frame by Gina Day, A Day At The Zoo, September, 2017 Digital Scrapbooking blog train. The elephants at the bottom are from the same kit. I erased the grass that was a part of the border and I deleted one elephant.
    5 points
  8. Another layout of our zoo trip and birthday celebration for Judy. She was copying the giraffe on her buttom. Template 175 by Lady 22, Bourico Casper.
    4 points
  9. I began this layout some time ago. I often let them sit and go back to them with renewed energy. I played with this on a long time. I placed the text above the background paper, which I made. Then I used the burn blend mode. I think the text looks like it is a part of the background...not just sitting on top. The original color of the text affected how each blend mode appeared. I changed the colors many times.
    4 points
  10. Trying to work a bit more regularly on some kind of layout when I have the time. I saw one I liked on Curio Pantry so I thought I'd try something similar. I'm neither a photographer nor a scrapbooker, so I really need some kind of inspiration (or push). It's so-o-o hot here, temperatures higher than all through the summer, but my thoughts are already on autumn and its marvellous colours. The only things that are mine are the photo - my niece's daughter many years ago - the strips of coloured paper with the ends cut out (one with Carole's new punches which I just HAD to have), and the "tag" at the bottom. Everything else is from somewhere online.
    3 points
  11. Bonnie what a nice gesture with the shirts and you must be very fond of Judy to become her caregiver. I hope you can cope when her dementia is getting worse. From experience, which I wish I never had, I can tell you that it is a long and hard responsibility to take on. My mam had this awful condition and it has taken more then 12 years before she died. So from helping out in the beginning it became a heavy burden in the end and there were days that I really hoped she would die in her sleep. In the first place for her, because she was so unhappy in the last stages of her live and that was so painful to witness. She died 16 years ago now and I still can have a nightmare about it; it has replaced to some extend the happy memories of her. So take good care of Judy and of yourself too.
    3 points
  12. I made the paper using what I learned in the Meli-Melo creative scrap tutorial and added a texture and some extra blur. Doing/re-doing these tutorials is really helping me. The font is Ambrogio and I used the Outer Bevel 3-D effect.
    3 points
  13. The beauty of observing and shooting these entertaining creatures, is that I can create a story behind the shots. Umpteen times they will pack their cheeks and disappear down their holes to their burrows to fill their larders. In the bottom photo you will see him packing a piece of carrot in to the cheek. Stretching the skin, to reveal the pink skin, something I hadn't noticed before.
    3 points
  14. I bought the new Punches in the store earlier. I simply had to have them and try them out. What photos shall I showcase tonight I thought. Anyway, this is what I came up with, using one of the new brushes, as a label. I also used one of Carole's corner punches on the strip. Instead of putting a frame a round the photos I embossed the background paper around them for a change. Of all the Blisters the Epicauta sp. is my favourite, and I call them velvety greys, not only do they look velvety, they feel ever so velvety to the touch, as does the tan blister. The velevety grey's legs also reminds me of the parts of a Meccano set. Julie, we had the same idea, I too used a photo of one of the Blister Beetles on a Goldenrod plant. It's one of the Blisters favourite flowers. And one of the last flowers to bloom here.
    3 points
  15. I wanted to get in here early on this month's projects. This is a simple one, an ode to one of my favourite months. The quote comes from a poem called "September" by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885). She was friends with Emily Dickinson and Harriet Beecher Stowe. If you wish to read the whole poem, just google her. It's quite lovely. As a child (and teen), we had to learn "memory work", usually poems or passages from Shakespeare (in high school). Those things are deeply embedded and don't fade away. Every year, as I pass the corn fields or the orchards near me, the poem leaps into my mind. Even when I was a "big city girl" for many years, I would recite it. The background has a texture of wet autumn leaves applied, and I used it again for the font on the title. The image is from online with added borders. The label is from DS, colour adjusted.
    3 points
  16. Here's my Wild Cat Calendar for September. Template from Cassel. Photo from FreePix. Information from The Wildcat Sanctuary, Sandstone, Minnesota. I used the pattern Wood Tile 01 to fill the photo frame, the top strip and the calendar grid. I have this posted on Facebook in its full size, so it is printable. (I have it on my refrigerator door @11x8.5")
    3 points
  17. Just finished relooking at the Grunge Magic MasterClass with all those creative ideas. I tried out one but as I am on PSP 2021, I understand from the class that the Brush Variance size increments are not effective until PSP version 2023. However I used the Bokeh brush instead for my example and finished off with the Mosaic Texture Effect and got quite an interesting design as a result.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. I love how you have different pics for each stamp.
    2 points
  20. Thank you, Corrie. Everyday is a challenge but there is also so much kindness from others. I praise God every day for the kindness of others.
    2 points
  21. Hi Michelle, Orzo is just roasted barley so it could be a lot easier on your stomach. It certainly is missing all the chemicals you find in coffee that cause problems for a lot of people. The hardest thing with orzo is finding somewhere that sells it. With lockdown and Brexit issues it stopped being sold quite as freely in the UK. I love it because it looks like coffee so I don't feel as if I'm missing out as much.
    2 points
  22. Michele I love both of your pages, the colors are gorgeous and it is sometimes amazing what you can find on Creative Fabrica. I'm a fan of them and often take a look, not always for freebies but for inspiration too.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Carole and I were talking about her corner and frame punches, and we agreed, that they are unique. You won't find them anywhere else, not even in photoshop. I use them a lot, not only on strips or labels, but I will quite often punch out a quarter of a page or more, which will give a lovely effect. I can't remember who it was, but someone commented how large the punch was, and never thought to use them in that way. Michele, your pages are always fun, the colours and effects you use are as Jannette said a feast for the eyes, and brighten up anyone day, with your choice of colours.
    2 points
  25. I found this beautiful stained glass image in Creative Fabrica (can you believe it's meant to be a mouse pad?). I used it to make the background paper by applying 100 Gaussian blur on the original, adding the Mosaic Antique effect, and then another little blur. The text was made using the text cutter option for the font (Andalusia). Then Inner Bevel on both the text and the main pic.
    2 points
  26. Template from this month's Lab. A pickleball celebration of my birthday. One photo cropped to make 3. This was the only picture of me taken that day.
    2 points
  27. Creating a magazine cover is another way I like to showcase my photos, and I enjoy creating them. They are quick and easy to create, as they don't require shadows, textures. Whilst getting all the information that a scrapbook page will contain. Title, date, location and so on. They are flat pages. Although the toads are amphibians, I still added them to the cover. The snakes are reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. The Plains Spadefoot toad are small, this one was an inch and a quarter, as I measured it. The other one wasn't much bigger at 2 inches. I love everything about snakes. This on I picked up to take a portrait shot, looking around for a non busy background.
    2 points
  28. For our 12th-year Anniversary Celebration, we will be hosting a TREASURE HUNT for you and add an entry to win great prizes. All the clues will be available on this page, on September 7th. If you are stuck, you can ask questions in this thread. To keep it interesting, I would ask that nobody give the direct answers or the direct URL for any clue. I don't want anyone to get frustrated, but I also want you to visit the Campus (don't worry, there is no walking involved). Have fun!
    1 point
  29. My Dad whistled for me and I scurried home ASAP. Some things you did not mess with!
    1 point
  30. I thought every family had their own "family whistle". The one that brought kids, dogs and best buds running for home.
    1 point
  31. I have been through this with my mom. People said it changed me, that I was going through the motions of life and not living life. I drove over 850 Kms a week going to where she lived and back. I couldnt work because I was helping with her healthcare. When I was at my mom's I just wanted to go home, when I was leaving my mom's (either in an assisted living home or hospital) I just wanted to go back. At one point my mom was living in my home and we had lots of stairs and she was prone to falling, especially during the night. It became too stressful and dangerous, and the medical people thought I was suffering from exhaustion as I barely slept worrying she'd get up in the night and fall down the stairs ( I often woke to the sound of her crashing to the floor). We got her into assisted living (1 hr 20 min away and that's when 850 kms came to be-but less stressful for me). In the end I was glad I had the time with her. The burden can be very heavy and I had all the same thoughts as Corrie and the guilt that comes along with it. Her mind and her sense of humour was all there but her body was betraying her. I never really thought about "old age" until then. Aging is cruel.
    1 point
  32. I doubt Michele. There are two reasons for stomach issues with coffee. That's the caffeine and the burning. When you come to know that's the caffeine then you have to be careful with black tea and chocolate too. That contains caffeine as well. ☕. Less than in coffee. But what was said already it is caused by burning too. A third cause is that your stomach is too sour. I don't know how that is called in English. It seems to me important to know precisely from what your trouble is caused. Let us know when you come to know.
    1 point
  33. W = Wiener Coffee. Recept: hot strong coffee, sugar to taste, A chunk of chocolate and cream on top. Instead of the chocolate one Mozart Gugel. That's a delicious chocolate made in Salzburg.
    1 point
  34. V = Very hot. A tongue in cheek comment about how now McDonald's and other have to put this on there cups after getting sued by someone that spilled hot coffee on themselves. (who would want a cup of hot coffee luke warm?)
    1 point
  35. You show us all the different and often unexpected ways to use them in your layouts. And everyone comments on them, so your style is as unique as the punches themselves. A good combination wouldnt you say?
    1 point
  36. As I said on the FB page, I really love your use of the punch in the bottom right corner. Besides being pretty, it really does balance out the composition as a whole.
    1 point
  37. Day 5 Also o pages yet, but I have made the postage stamp and postage stamp sheet. And of course with my favorite on it
    1 point
  38. Day 4 I haven't had much time yet, but I did make the tag
    1 point
  39. My final TorontoTravel Tale - page 7 & 8 open book. Title font is Bungee Inline, backgrounds are photos with reduced opacity and using exclusion on the left page under the cass-hanging photos script, and hard light on the right page. My girls had a great time and Canada may never recover! ?
    1 point
  40. This is my next double page. Again, the Marissa Lerrin RV stickers on the road.
    1 point
  41. so many wonderful places and photos from all the travels I love to see them all here is my last day , playing with the cutout- tutorial
    1 point
  42. Just finished Day 6 a little while ago. I used the extra Template from Day 6. Photos are mine, and Mom volunteered to wear the hat for a few minutes. Background papers are from Digital Scrapbooking (Jessica Dunn).
    1 point
  43. I am humbled by this whole group and the experiences I have here. Do you think Carole knows just how special this place is. I think back to how lucky I felt when I opened the Corel email and saw the bootcamp...just as I was about to give up on learning PSP. I never imagined all the other things I would be learning from everyone here, such interesting lives you all lead and such cool places you all go. I was out photographing today and I had a bee (fuzzy one, with beautiful colors) almost the whole time. I heard myself apologizing to it on occassion when i got it it's way. Thank you for the information about the hummingbirds. I was going to ask you how to entice them back to the yard. Love how you worded that last sentence, about Mother nature. You are quite right about next spring. I will be out there looking at the possibilities and I will start earlier too. And like you, when I'm in the photo "zone" I can be at it for hours. Summer is short so I'm trying to prioritize the flower photos now while they are out. Soon it will be winter and that will be time to go back into the photo studio and to learn the other stuff I want to be learning.
    1 point
  44. Hello everyone, thought I would share something that I created today.. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, he has been gone sixteen years.
    1 point
  45. My mum died just before her 70th Birthday. 23 yrs ago. I don't know about you, but as I have got older the more I miss her. Out of the blue I would ask her a question pertaining to something I was doing at the time. Or something that I'm doing would remind me of a memory of her.
    0 points
  46. My mom died young in 1971. That's so many decades ago, but I still talk to her and miss her terribly some days. I only wish we'd had more picture-taking back in those days so I would have more pictures to look at.
    0 points
  47. I agree totally,, my mom passed in 2011. I must I have never felt so alone when she passed, even now some days are still hard.
    0 points
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