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  1. This first Quick Page uses a photograph of a statue of a crocodile. This photo was taken at Gethsemene Gardens in Christchurch. Sadly, these garden are no longer. My next Quick Page shows a cruise ship docked in Circular Quay on Sydney Harbour, Australia. For the non-scrap page, I chose a photograph taken of my parents on the occasion of their engagement, probably in 1946. Jeni
    8 points
  2. Meanwhile, I finished one for Lesson Three. This is actually one photo that I chopped into 3 sections, reduced the opacity of the background and added a frame using inner bevel.
    7 points
  3. My first Quick Page has an image of the TSS Earnslaw on Lake Wakatipu, coming in to drop off passengers at Walter Peak Station, across the lake from Queenstown, New Zealand. . My second Quick Page shows my friend, Joan, and me at Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia. My Facebook Quick Page has a photograph of a tiny lighthouse in Coopers Creek, Otatara, Invercargill, New Zealand. I found a tube of some flip flops, called jandals here, in New Zealand. Jeni
    7 points
  4. My day 1 QP 2024 Dragonfly. The alpha is actually named dragonfly.
    7 points
  5. Again, I used another layered quick page. Colourized some of the papers, and removed the flower elements replacing them with my own elements which I created goodness knows when.
    6 points
  6. I did this yesterday and then got distracted this morning with the new QPs and forgot to post Lesson Two. Here it is...
    6 points
  7. Day 2 Diamond Extra QP I used the PencilSketch2 script on this little t-pot I have. After the script, I chose to add the max gaussian blur(the the background layer) and then repeated over and over until it was basically a solid color yet still textured. I chose to not use the diagrams or the hatch as I wanted a clean, yet old-world look. Then I used the the original photo as a layer above the sketch layer and reduced the opacity(of the photo layer) to bring the sketch layer through even to look like a sketch, but with help from the photo layer to make it more solid. Font is Humilde Regular from CF (probably). side note on this font. If I chose to use Bold on the top tool bar I would lose the descenders, instead I added a stroke in black and then, rasterize so I could use Paint Behind (blend mode) with the color of the QP background to make it more readable. The quote is by Hector Hugh Munro and I have used this quote in my "rubber stamp" days.
    6 points
  8. here is my day 2 I forgot to notice the font recolored and added a fish dingbat Quickpage by Marisa Lerin with a picture of my mom with her doll font Blankenburg
    5 points
  9. I made very little changes to the Quickpage--only changing the brown paper with a gradient and the background with a gradient blend.
    5 points
  10. Day 1, using the Diamond Extra template. I used a photo from the distant past, a Carousel from Burnaby Village Museum (in British Columbia). I even gave a donation to save/restore it many years ago and they have a book with the names of everyone who donated and my name is in it. This carousel was also featured in a stamp set of Canadian carousels and the photo they used is the horse that I have showcased in the past. This is my busy (several extra jobs) week at work so I might be sporadic with my postings. I'll try and keep up though. The font is Cowboy Kids, either Creative Fabrica or Google fonts, all is mixed up together now in my font viewer.
    5 points
  11. busy QP by Cassel photo is mine showing me QP by Marisa Lerin Facebook cover - filled with picture tubes
    5 points
  12. I hope it's ok for me to post, even though I didn't register for this workshop. After scrolling through the lovely pages submitted, and read Donna's comments on her page, I realized that I have a few layered quick pages, which I've had for a while. I must confess I have never used them, well until now that is. I deleted quite a few elements, added a little texture to the papers. The colour palette was prefect, so I didn't have to change anything in that department. It ook me less than 15 mins to complete the page. As I also changed the photo slots to masks. I'm going to go through the other layered quick pages, adapting them my liking, to be used. On the 15th April I was in a state of euphoria, when I heard a chorus which I wasn't familiar with. I have the Canadian Toad and the Plains Spadefoot toads. Currently their dulcet chorus is constant day and night, all around, but especially at the dugout, and other standing water. It took most of the day, but eventually I spoted 2 of these frogs out in the trees. Having a distinctive sound I was able to track down where is was coming from. They are tiny, less than an inch in length. It's hard to believe they can freeze, and their tiny hearts will beat again when they thaw! A type of antifreeze in their blood protects them. Most other frogs bury down in the mud. They are a type of tree frog which is also a unique trait. I posted a photo to a Sask macro nature photography facebook group which I'm a member of, requesting an ID. I wasn't the only one to be excited at my find. As I'm told they are hard to find.
    5 points
  13. I live in a condo development on the outskirts of a city, and we moved in during the month of October. The one saving grace that showed up in the Spring, was many flowering trees, which surprised and delighted me! Sadly, most have died off after 5 years here but this one, located right in front of my postage-stamp sized patio is a rather late bloomer but stands out with deep magenta blooms amid the pinks and whites. Luckily, it seems to have avoided the infestation that killed off the other cherries. The birds love it, also.
    4 points
  14. Marisa Lerin layered quickpage: I like the layered quickpages because I can change the colors and graphics. I added a Zebra, dirt and fur texture; the stripes and the plaid are from Cass Stripes2 script; the photos are from my daughter. The fonts are from Creative Fabrica--Animal Kingdom and Butterfly--with a layer style and bevel applied.
    3 points
  15. A photo from Dan Mish featuring our beautiful Shawungunk Ridge, locally referred to as The Gunks. Lake Minnewaska is a well-known resort. The fonts are Dingo Nursery on the left and Eras Demi on the right.
    3 points
  16. This is a scraplift. I liked the layout I saw (AMarie on Digital Scrapbooking) and wanted to replicate it. For no purpose at all. Just an ode to Spring when the blossoms are so wonderful. (Photo from Pixabay) I have started using a symbol (a wee bunny from a card from the 1940s) as my stamp or signature. There is a reason for the choice, but I am not going to share that. 😏 (Image reposted after I fixed the hard edges on mask that Sue pointed out. (So much for new "improved" vision, huh?)
    3 points
  17. We have typical April weather for Europe, rainy, suddenly summery 25°C and then suddenly 0°C (32°F) again in the morning. But today at 11:30 a.m. it is only 3°C ( 37,4°F), so very cool for the end of April! I took these photos last weekend: Spring in our streets
    3 points
  18. Ah, well, my next one is ready, also. I couldn't resist the blossoms in my front yard. My iPhone XS photo. There's a freeze predicted for Thursday. But, then again, our safe planting date is always the end of May so freezes are not unexpected. 😞
    3 points
  19. My weeks for this challenge starts on a Saturday, even though Week seventeen is early, I wanted to showcase this photo which I took yesterday, as the temps are starting to rise. Yesterday was 18c, today is 22c. The remaining ice on the Lake won't be there for much longer, even though it is' doing its best to linger for as long as possible. I went to Danielson Park yesterday for a hike, on my way back, whilst crossing the dam, I stopped to take this photo.
    3 points
  20. Being silly with my daughters, (l-r) Debbie and Laurey. Laurey is famous for wearing flip-flops all year-round.
    3 points
  21. Continuing Lesson One, here's great grandson Logan. My daughter Laurey is his grandmother; her daughter Ilana, married to Maverick, is his mom. I added a starry banner from Marisa Lerin and the font is Stencil. I played with the colors a lot using the Change to Target brush which preserves textures.
    3 points
  22. Ready for 1st QP and 1st QP Extra. Didn't change anything. The font is Cursive Serif.
    2 points
  23. @Ann Seeber Nice match of the colors on Logan's page. @Sue Thomas It is ok to post as you clearly indicate that you created the page. Without that clarification, some participants might be wondering where that page was! @Anja Pelzer Wow, you are busy working on all three projects. That is a good indication that it does not take long to complete! @Susan Ewart That carousel photo couldn't be more perfect for that page! It is interesting how you created a background. @Anne Lamp That dragonfly alpha looks great but it seems a little hard to read when it is small. @Jeni Simpson I see that it didn't take much time to complete three projects! @Bonnie Ballentine That is a very cool wordart/title about growing old. Where did you get that?
    2 points
  24. Do you know anything about the dragonfly, which I assume you took the photo? It's a Skimmer, (family Libelludae). They are the quintessential dragonflies, flashy denizens of ponds and meadows in Summer. Over a hundred species. This one is a male. I get a lot of Skimmers, mostly the Twelve-spotted skimmers. Great shot!
    2 points
  25. I used a Marisa Lerin Quickpage downloaded as a PSD so that I could change the colors to match my picture. The photo was sent to me by my grandson when he was in Thailand. The background is one that I used in my kit which was white. I used a gradient overlay and blend mode to change the color. The quote is from a good friend who asked me to help edit his book. We used this picture and quote in John's book.
    2 points
  26. Here's my first part of Lesson One: a new photo from my California family. Great-grandson Raja is now 8 mos! Deb is my oldest daughter, Aaron is her beau, Anna and Will are her children, TJ is married to Anna and Lucy is married to Will. Raja and Magic are Will & Lucy's children. The lettering on the banners is cass-alpha-graduated-dimension. The font used is Children Funny.
    2 points
  27. Darn! Thanks for your good eyes, Sue. I missed that!
    1 point
  28. Julie, thank you! I just adjusted the photo so you can see more of the landscape. Check it out!
    1 point
  29. The Gunks! That's a funny name. Great layout.
    1 point
  30. Any layout that uses an old photo is always something special to me. Love seeing them.
    1 point
  31. Thank you! I did make a point of clearly specifying that it was a layered quick page, from an outside source from Marisa Lenin scrapbooking I believe. I tend to rename my resources. I have several of them. I wish I had been using them sooner, as they are easy to edit, colourize even delete unwanted layers. I'm able to complete a page within around15 mins.
    1 point
  32. I have never studied them, I just know I love seeing all the large and small ones around the ponds, and even in the areas close to water. I have taken a bunch of photos of them over the years because I think they are so beautiful.
    1 point
  33. That is so interesting Sue. I did not know they froze and thawed. It's very interesting and so cool that you found them, especially the one amongst the leaves.
    1 point
  34. Happy Birthday, Carole!
    1 point
  35. Beautiful, Michele. It's so delicate and feels like warm spring hug (from Mother Nature).
    1 point
  36. For quickly done, you did a great job.
    1 point
  37. Before: After: Done very quickly. I'm sure I could do better with a little more effort. I also removed an age spot from my forehead. 🙂
    1 point
  38. You did a grand job removing the cables. I find the scratch remover is a very handy tool.
    1 point
  39. I'm going to follow Mary's lead on this challenge. This little beauty showed up this morning, he immediately reminded me of Ann, and the page which she posted. Last Autumn I had dozens of them, but then they weren't in their Spring attire. A handsome Spring male Myrtle Warbler. The tools that you would use to remove glare in glasses can also be used in other projects, which is what I did here. I used the clone tool to clone the bird to open grassy space in the main photo. I also cloned out the bird poop on the wood. I promoted to a new layer. Created a mask to remove any details that I had missed. Copied a section of the grass area, paste as a new image. Edited the background. Copy and paste the bird onto the edited grass. I decided to frame it. I have included the original photo which eables you to see what I did.
    1 point
  40. I use the scratch removable tool to remove wires from pictures. This is an example. I also played with glass texture on the one on which I had removed the wires.
    1 point
  41. Week 16 All the conifers in the garden have new growth. The photo is of new cones on a fir tree - I just thought they were cute.
    1 point
  42. They were forecasting snow for today, so yesterday I decided to take a drive to the areas where I knew I'd be guaranteed to see Native Crocus. As for today, it is snowing with 70km winds, which has also blown in a large flock of migratory Robins, up to a hundred I'd say. Large Flocks of Robins always turn up on snowy days at this time of year. Some will stay, but the majority are only passing through. Thank goodness, as I wouldn't be able to afford to feed them all throughout the summer. 😉 Pulsatilla nuttalliana, known as prairie pasqueflower or prairie crocus. The first of the native flowers to bloom.
    1 point
  43. Week 15 At last I managed to get a half way decent photo of a goldfinch – two of them waiting for me to stop peering at them so that they can get on with eating the Niger seeds.
    1 point
  44. There are a million ways…. from your own photos. Just a woods with a creek photo, say, then blown up to the smallest side being 3600 pixels (or whatever size you’re after). Backgrounds can be blurry with the resize. Crop to,size. Put your zip line or camping photos on it. a photo of a parking garage wall, a stucco wall, an elevator door…..resize, place on a colored paper and mess with the blending modes, maybe “multiply” then move the transparency slider to 40% and see what it looks like. You can use packing peanuts, a park bench back, old wooden storage barn, peeled paint fence or wall. I used my wood floors, and also a painted wall where you could see the puckers of the paint roller. As long as the “original” is over 12” square, it will work. (I use 16” as my parameter) photo of Kraft paper, waxed paper, butcher paper, florist paper, cardboard box panel, packing paper (even if it’s been crumbled). Then add color. And blend modes, use those sliders! as long as it’s for your own use, these are sometimes popular: scan or take a photo of newspaper, wrapping paper, wallpaper. When you have it, start looking at textures. effects-texture, texture. Add one that is subtle, but not too subtle. I find this the trickiest. Post your results!
    1 point
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