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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Module 2 of the Basic Scrap Course-A family photo from Summer 2023. Kit-Marisa L - Shopping Mini Kit; Photo-Granddaughter Alycia Wilson, Great Granddaughter Sonya Anne, and Alycia's friend, Andrai Arm-Madrid. Brad - Choose-to-Shine kit; Title Alpha-cass-Licorice; Label - Marisa Lerin; Staple - LinJane; Flowers-DiHiller; Ric Rac-Janet Scott; String-Janet Kemp, Marisa Lerin; Striped Background-opacity 25%; Small text - Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold.
    6 points
  2. Andy, Fran, Judy and I shared a fun filled day recently. We shopped a flea market and thrift store and broke bread in a small, local eatery. We also shopped an old-fashioned General Store. Andy and Fran were high school sweethearts and continue to fall deeper in love with each passing day. For the background I used a photo of leaves; selected about a 2 inch square. Using the pick tool I stretched it to fill my layout, then applied a gaussian blur. I extracted the leaf at the top, duplicated it. I used Selections...select selection borders for the photo. I also inserted a heart for the "o" in love.
    6 points
  3. Project 5. The font is Ernestone Script from Creative Fabrica. The picture is my mom with her first grandchild, the mother of Noah and Felix from earlier projects.
    5 points
  4. I took some time out from the scripting curse to make this layout. The mushrooms are growing a plenty at the moment thanks to the still mild temperatures and lots of rain. Although I live in a village the mushrooms are on every piece of grass around the trees. One day there is nothing to be seen and the next it's full of lovely, nice and crisp new ones. I had a photo of autumn leaves and used it as a background with a big blur and some blendmodes. I made a co palette from that photo and all the colors are from it. The plaid is made using the script cass-plaid 3 and the big brown leave in the righthand corner is done with cass-embroidered patch. I have one corner lifted out of the frame and I have always a problem doing this kind of things, because my hands are not stable enough anymore, but in the end I got something acceptable. Al the other leaves come from my stash and again with blendmodes to tone them down. Fonts are Madelyn Calligraphy, Bavire and Leaves Baby for the leaf dingbats + Arial.
    5 points
  5. It means too wonderful, great to be described with words. I use it if I can't find the right words to describe its exemplaryness.
    3 points
  6. oooooh, I like that word..."ineffable". I dont know what it means, but I like it. 😁
    3 points
  7. Halloween in Maryland 1955: A small Chesapeake Bayside community in the summer the population would be around 900 and, in the winter it would be around 100 folks. The night before Halloween was called "Mischief Night". All the youngsters would go out looking for metal trashcans and take their lids down to the point where the boats entered the harbor. There was a very tall flagpole there and all the lids would be "run up" the flagpole. If it was a breezy night (as usual) you could hear them clanging all over town. If we got our candy the next night, the following morning all lids were returned.
    3 points
  8. We started out with more mallard ducks then geese here. We also watched them eat our grass seed and our tulip and iris. Soon we had over a 100 land in our yard every day and their discard piles started to cover all sidewalks, patios, and our yard. John was afraid for our puppy and started picking up their leavings. He told me he collected over 800 droppings. We finally hung some balloons and sprinkled red pepper around. It does help a little. And the mallard ducks you ask.... they are all gone.
    3 points
  9. Yule is the pagan festival of the winter Solstice , which marks the longest night. For 12 days there would be feasting, dancing, gift giving to celebrate the return of the sun. Burning an oak log, that would burn for 12 days. The 12 days between the winter solstice and the beginning of the next solar year. It was considdered a sacred period, belonging to neither the old year nor the new year. They would gather greenery to fetch into the house, ivy, mistletoe which grew on the oaks, holly and berries to decorate their homes. The longest night would be between the 20th -23rd December, depending on the year. Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival, celebrated on the 17th December. It honours Saturn, the agricultural god, which was derived from the pagan winter solstice rituals. Pope Julius chose the 25th December, in 336AD as the date when Christmas was first celebrated in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival. First called the feast of the nativity. The custom spread, and arrived in the UK some time at the end of the 6th century. When I was a child, we decorated the house with all the greenery we could find outside. Mum, my brother and I would find the holly tree with the most berries, hazelnuts, pinecones, conkers (are nuts, the seed of the horse chestnut tree) we used to play conkers. Mosses, ivy, mistletoe, we would drape them over the mantelpiece, and on the windowsill as decorations. For a tree, we gathered large branches, decorated them by weaving ivy around them, and decorations like babbles and tinsel, nothing elaborate, also we made paper chains , and lanterns. We did have stockings to hang up over the mantlepiece on Xmas eve.
    3 points
  10. I have been playing and having a go at making cut out corner brushes. Not easy or quick to do so all credit to Carole who does all the hard work of making some for purchase. I would love it if Carole made a script to make creations easier. Anyhow, I used some images from Creative Fabrica to make the corner brush and the word clipart. Hope all that celebrate Halloween have a fun day.
    3 points
  11. Thank you, I too had to look what ineffable means and I'm lost for words with all the praise I got for this layout. For me it just started with the photo I took last Saturday and from there it has grown. I have said it before, besides all the scrap related things I'm expanding my knowledge of the English/American language too, so thanks to everyone who helps do that.
    2 points
  12. Hi Carole, Thanks for the quick reply. I managed to get a rounded gold font with 3D_Effects>Inner Bevel. Photo, Gem & Goldmats: Doska Burgundy-gold papers: Creative Fabrica Pink paper:. Kit "Potpurrie" S.i.S Doily: CKH "Autumnsong" Gingerscrap DD sept 23 Goldheart cluster: PNGAAA Font: Oliver
    2 points
  13. That is so kind of you Jannette, many thanks. Yes, the tri coloured bumble wasn't intended to be the star of the photo, but the flower. It just happened that the bumble came along in the Knick of time to be showcased too. That's the problem with sizing down from a very large file to 600 pixels. The image becomes very degraded. In 6 weeks I will be going home to fog, cold and rain. I really don't miss the British weather. Summer has gone, it has been replaced by Winter, with a week or so of Autumnal weather. Hard to believe a week last Thursday I was in shorts and T shirt cycling trails, and then kayaked last Sunday in glorious weather. The snow arrived on Wednesday. Woke to -10c this morning and more snow. I wish I could grow a nice thick winter coat like my horses do.
    2 points
  14. Hello Carole, is it ok if I open a separate topic for each module or should I show all modules in the same thread? Is there another gallery for me where I can post my work and forward it from there to this thread, like with Bootscamp (storage space)? Regarding this module, I still have the question of how to outline text with a color. I didn't find anything in the PSP help, nor did I search for a tutorial in the forum.
    1 point
  15. Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that I was sick for a bit.. Did not have covid, but a really bad cold.. Was to the doctor, have been given meds for lung infection. She wanted me to go to hospital for x-rays but I said, no.. Starting to feel better,, but still have a cough that will not go away. Have had this for over a month now, just starting to feel like myself. I was on bed rest for a couple of weeks and my wonderful husband took great care of me. Anyway, just thought it was time that I popped in to say "Hello"..
    1 point
  16. After I used pics from this cam Cassel suggested I share the link. Right now there are no Osprey there as the winter in South America and should be back in early April . Explore has many wonderful live cams and some of them are active all year round. https://explore.org/livecams/ospreys/audubon-boat-house-osprey-nest Here is one that is live now. https://explore.org/livecams/african-wildlife/tau .
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Halloween is a holiday that has evolved over time and has both pagan and Christian roots. The holiday originated from the Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated on the night of October 31st. The Celts believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead became blurred, and ghosts could return to earth. The Catholic Church later designated November 1st as All Saints’ Day, a day to honor saints and martyrs. The night before All Saints’ Day became known as All Hallows’ Eve, which eventually became Halloween. Today, Halloween is celebrated in many countries around the world and has become a secular holiday that is often associated with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations. I know this to be true as in school we had to dress as a character on the 31st (I was a gypsy) and as saint (I was Saint St. Cecilia) on Nov 1st.
    1 point
  19. I'll have to post it on facebook for better viewing. Thank you.
    1 point
  20. Spectacular Corrie. Lots of techniques and I love the word art type quote. Your photo is beautiful. Such an interesting mushroom.
    1 point
  21. Lovely, it gives instantly a feeling of summer, which I can use because as Jannette already said we have autumn weather which over here means, rain, wind and fog but the temperatures are still rather mild for this time of the year. It's a pity that with this compression the leaves on the background are almost invisible.
    1 point
  22. In the "Save As" dialog box, there is a slider to adjust the compression.
    1 point
  23. Halloween stems way back to the Celtic, Gaelic pagan festival of Samhain, 2,500 yrs ago. Which is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. The winter half of the year began with the feast of Samhain, (pronounced sow-win) which was on the 1st November, and marked the end of harvest. Celts believed that on the night before the new year (1st November) the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. So on the 31st October they celebrated it. It was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth on the 31st Oct. The entrance passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the hill of Tara is aligned with the rising sun. The Mound of Hostages dates back 4,500 -5,000 yrs old. Which may suggest that Samhain was celebrated long before the Celts arrived in Ireland 2,500 yrs ago. Samhain, is the forerunner of Halloween. Back in the eight century Pope Gregory the third, designated 1st Nov as a time to honour saints. Soon after called All Saints Day. Which incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before all Saints Day was known as All Hallows Eve, and then later known as Halloween.. Traditionally Halloween can not fall on the same day each year, because of the equinox and solstice fall on different days each year. By the time of the first written references to Samhain came into being in the middle ages, it was already being celebrated on 31st Oct or 1st Nov. It was in the late 18th century America made the move to change Halloween into a holiday, more a bout community and neighbourly get togethers than about harvest, witchcraft and ghosts. They changed Halloween to parties for adults and children to celebrate the day. Of course in my opinion it has been commercialized to the hilt. I wonder how many children, and adults would actually know the history or origins of why they celebrate Halloween if they were to be asked. Don’t get me started on Christmas, which dates back to pre Christianity. A pagan festival, once again associated with the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, which falls on the 21-22 December. I Have books on such topics, which I have picked up over the years, after visiting ancient burial sights, castles etc. Even Stonehenge, which is familiar to almost everyone around the world.
    1 point
  24. I researched and found something interesting about Halloween in Quebec. Here is an article: https://www.decouvertemonde.com/fete-dhalloween-dans-le-monde It seems that the expression "La charité, s'il vous plait" would be a catholic-related phrase. I found interesting the explanation about the colors used at that time too. I guess you would have to use Google translate to read that whole page.
    1 point
  25. This is a common concern. In fact, it is NORMAL. It is described at the end of that article: convert one copy of the text, so it will resize as you expect.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Here ya go. In the city. Barred Owl n my neighbor's patio yesterday late afternoon. (I had a Hawk up in a tree on my patio last week during chipmunk time (4-6pm) but alas, no camera.) In both instances, my neighbor and myself, we were sitting under a patio umbrella reading on our ipads. The owl was clacking its beak menacingly (and noisily), but the hawk was doing something with its feather which made an unusual noise, not loud, just something I couldn't place.
    1 point
  28. I like this technique, but every time I follow the instructions in the handout from the tutorial, I have to fiddle around and do things differently to make it work. Eventually I get it and then it works. This one is using a photo of a woman I know who celebrated her 100th birthday last year. I made a layout for her, but not this one. She's still going strong! The text 100 years has an outer glow applied. The rest is just elements I have in my files.
    1 point
  29. Hello, maybe just under the wire. I think I posted the sandwich and project 1 and 2, but I am not sure.It appears they were oversized even thpough I had reduced them to 600x600. So I will post all five here. It has been both an enjoyable and not so enjoyable refresher. I had to do a lot over and over, but I guess that is how you learn.
    1 point
  30. I made this pic myself in my backyard. On a sunny autumn afternoon, I found this may be a lost bumblebee on a leave resting. Or what insect it might be. I made this project in PSP 2018. For the background, I used the plugin RENDER. 2 colors green out of my photo. The decorative edge is from a mask, SN frame 10. The same 2 colors green. I gave it an orange highlight from the plugin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - gradient glow and a bevel. I've been thrown out. PSP closed due to the many times I tried.
    1 point
  31. I have a few ground squirrels that will come and take food out of my hand. It's a wonderful feeling, when they trust you enough to do so.
    1 point
  32. Template 203 of Lady 22, AKA Bourico Casper, Digital Scrapbooking. Font: Raccoon Cookie Alpha from Creative Fabricia.
    1 point
  33. My friend, Jo, owns this plant and celebrates every year when it blooms. Template 003: @Sas_templates_wintertime Kit by Saskia Veldhoen at Digital Scrapbooking. Font in rectangle: Raccoon; title font: Kristen ITC The text in the rectangle reads: Night-blooming cereus is the common name referring to a large number of flowering ceroid cacti that bloom at night. The flowers are short lived, and some of these species, bloom only once a year, for a single night, though most put out multiple flowers over a period of several weeks, each of which opens for only a single night.
    1 point
  34. Project 5 I was both happier and more frustrated with this project than any of the others: happier because I remembered so many of the initial steps without repeat watching of the video and frustrated because I just could not get that journaling text to behave. I wanted to enlarge it just a bit more but finally gave up and left it after so many tries of at least getting it within the selection and the right color font. The project itself is very special to me, as is this young lady. She was our first grandchild--and for the next 13 years our only granddaughter, as 6 grandsons were added to our family. Then in 2021, we were blessed with our second granddaughter--and Quinn finally got her girl cousin. Quinn is everything I said and more, so this was indeed a work of love. I've decided to print and frame and give it to her as part of her Christmas present. Oh, the 2 words at the end are We love you in French. Because her maternal grandfather is French, both Quinn and her mother were raised fluent in both French and English.
    1 point
  35. Hi Carole, I put module 3 right below. Tomorrow I'll take a break. I have implemented all the tips in the videos, they really save time. Fonts: Nouveau Rose JNL, und Oak. The Chrysantheme-Doodle is from Freepik.
    1 point
  36. What a learning curve!! . Merge down to keep the squares and then mirror, brilliant . The text was a major headache, my accept icon had gone walkabouts and I couldn't get rid of the box of the long wording ! No way could I get my paper to show in the patterns box to do the heading hence the black text ! I had reverted to PSP X8 from 22 as the pick tool wasn't working on that one! User error I am sure and tomorrow is a new day. This has been an amazing journey with an excellent tutor and amazing new friends. Take care all, until the next time Oh the papers were Mary Frans again from the Nitwits site The bees were Creative Fabrica
    1 point
  37. I have got to Day 11 and I certainly have learnt so much and enjoyed doing this. Thank you so much to Carole. This day has been dedicated to my darling dog of 17 years - Bundy. He was our family and was loved by so many. I was so happy to be able to do this page for him.
    1 point
  38. I extracted the stork from another photo and saved it as a new image. then inserted into my layout, duplicated and made the duplicate black. like a silhouette. I then adjusted the silhouette using the perspective tool and scaling tool. Reduced the opacity and used Gaussian blur several times
    1 point
  39. Thanks Carole, I really enjoyed the PSP refresher course!!
    1 point
  40. Carole, thank you so much for having these classes. I hate to see it end. They really helped me a lot. And what a great bunch of people you all are too. 🙂 Here is my last Lesson 11. Thanks for looking.
    1 point
  41. Day 11 Thank you, Carole, for a fun bootcamp! You rock! A cat will always find an empty box and then...fill it...as Poppy is demonstrating in this photo...in January, 2012. Fonts are Brush Script MT and Monotype Corsiva. Brad in title: Sheila Reid, Furry Friends Kit, elements. Metal pawprint brad. Digital Scrapbooking. Paw print: Christina C, Cattitude Kit, paw print 1. Digital Scrapbooking.
    1 point
  42. Sorry, I'm behind but I have difficulty understanding the speech in the videos I didn't understand some passages, but I'll post anyway.
    1 point
  43. We love visiting White Sands National Park, located in New Mexico. The white dunes are incredible, and even on a warm day outside, the sand is still cool because it is made up of gypsum. Have you ever been to this National Park?
    1 point
  44. I am submitting black and white photos that are part of my father's collection. They were taken in the 1920s-1930s. I did not try to fix these, except for blemishes that would have been distracting.
    1 point
  45. Hi, It was a lot of fun, no problems arose this time, and I figured out a few things myself (I like to sharpen straight away when I reduce it). I just wish I had known where you can bend text, for example into a semicircle. The "Peak-Blues" kit is from Tiny Turtle, the photo is mine and the fonts are Oliver and Orlando Samuel.
    1 point
  46. Love Halloween .... Characters are from www.hiclipart.com. It is a great site for free png files.
    1 point
  47. I found this kit on Gingersnaps and couldn't resist using it with a Halloween theme for the Bootcamp. Meet the Creepy Family that's coming for Halloween! Everything on the layout came from that one kit, called ID-Face in the Photograph. The kit has 11 folders filled with embellishments and 3 of papers but none of the extras like alphas or journal cards. The papers are a little odd as they are divided into texture, outdoor and indoor shots. There is very little color in this kit. The font for the title is Before the Rainbow enhanced by the Ripple Distortion Effect.
    1 point
  48. Zaduszki, it's not Halloween. It's pretty different activity, Carole made letters, template/frame. I added automn leaves ans fire wich is always visible during our acivity on a cementery.
    1 point
  49. Spooky 2 masterclass is my favourite Halloween masterclass.
    1 point
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