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  1. Frame is from Cassel, the reading dragon came off the internet. Rest was just "Moi". Font was Fraktur BT at 550 Pixels.
    14 points
  2. Project 4. Background started out as an internet image for Flamingo Wallpaper you can purchase for your home (in what room would you put that LOL???) which I completely transformed to make a pattern for my paper. Butterflies were from ps_elif-sahin, watermelon heart from Janet Kemp, Barcode from Marisa Larin, the striped ribbon was modified from one got from Flolinette-PBS, the other I can't remember but it was modified and originally from digitalscrapbook.com. The dragonfly, I found on the internet.
    13 points
  3. My mom and Auntie Rita's daughters say I remind them of her. Sadly, Auntie passed when I was about 10 years old so I didn't really get to know her. I will be printing this page for each of her four children.
    13 points
  4. Project 3. I know it is difficult to read the postcard at 600 dpi so I'm throwing in a small size copy of that element. The angel(s) came from Janet Kemp, The background was from a Tutorial Project, the striped paper was a modification of a Flolinette-PBS paper, the font was Blackletter 686 BT. The background for the bigger text is an original photo taken while we were steaming FAST through the Red Sea to get on station for the start of the Desert Storm campaign which I heavily modified, by changing hues, and mirroring a selection (small copy attached of original).
    13 points
  5. This time it's JJ's turn for a haircut. He ended up getting his photoshoot in the car as he was so BAD in the barbershop! 😭😘😄
    13 points
  6. Challenge, using the same photo twice. I simply changed the photo to black and white, with some minor tweaking. The other background paper was created using the blend mode, HSL on two papers. I did mirror the original photo to give the page balance.
    13 points
  7. OK..this one was fun.... Note: the background is a combination of two papers from Merisa Lerin and the crayon border was from Janet Kemp. Got all three at digital scrapbook.com.
    13 points
  8. Template 6 by Lady 22. She has started sharing some of her templates at Digital Scrapbooking. She also shares on her own web site. Word art, paw prints and paw print heart from Creative Fabrica. This is Poppy as a kitten. She is now 12.
    13 points
  9. This was my fourth attempt to finish this assignment. When I went to the file folder to find and add the next element, it would shut the program down. After the 3rd time, I ended up restarting the computer. Finally, it went pretty quickly/smoothly and I finished. If you can check out the frames on each of the photos, you can see that it is not a solid frame. Using the flood tool, I had to click each spot to get the white to attach, and as you can see, the white still did not fill in on all the spots. Not sure why this happened, but it was consistent thru all 3 prior attempts as well. But in the end, I liked the camo effect so didn't mind that it didn't work as it should have. My grandson will love that I did this assignment for him.
    12 points
  10. Here is my Project 4. I used some pictures of Weaving tools that I turned this summer. I am not a weaver, but I belong to an organization that has Woodturners, Weavers/Spinners and Gourd Artists so we cross paths quite a bit. Most of the papers I used came from DigitalScrapbook.com (formerly Pixel Scrapper).
    12 points
  11. I've been busy lately with another project so this is a sparse layout from me. I needed a little PSP time so my brain could reset for the other project that I'm running into more challenges than expected. the little photo is framed with a cutout. I actually extracted the flowers and vase then made the selection around them and added the cutout. the good part was I didnt need to be perfect with the extraction as it blended in with the background. I got lucky on that. I also used the pencil sketch 2 script. I played with the opacity of the layers and used a mask to make the centre yellow part show through a little more. I turned on the photo layer that the sketch leaves intact to allow the the color to come through. maybe a little too much though.
    12 points
  12. Day 5. Our little Boy was around 10-11 months old when this photo was taken. Such a missed little boy.
    12 points
  13. My day 5 project. The walnut photo is one I took in my yard a few years ago after a bad ice storm. The background papers were created using one of my frosty window photos and then a bunch of editing.
    12 points
  14. I finally got lesson 3 finished (durned everything else took up to much time lol. Sisters. I had a niece take this pic for me at my one sister's yard sale because she was moving a long way away.
    12 points
  15. Here is my Project 4 - Adventure Park - I downloaded the kit Carole offered: By the Stream so I chose a photo taken by my grandson Tyler-John on his trip to Bali, Indonesia in July. The title font is Harrington; the frame is from Jessica Dunn's Nana's Kitchen kit, the background paper and the stamp format from By the Stream. EDIT: @Corrie Kinkel I added a sand texture to the brown paper and found some baby turtle clipart to replace the original.
    12 points
  16. I have only sporadically worked with PSP over the last couple of weeks. And I was not satisfied with anything I attempted to do. Watching yesterday's Master Class made me feel more connected again. Then, in one of those moments that sometimes happens, I came across some info and pix of the "Galapagos Island" of the Indian Ocean with its rare botanical specimens found no where else. Of course, as is the case everywhere, this unique place is under threat due to many factors, including its location in a geopolitical hotspot. I had never heard of this island before. There must be some fortunate and intrepid travellers in the world who have gone there. I won't be going, but it's dazzling to see the many images available. The trees alone are worth looking at. Dragon's Blood and Desert Rose to name just two unusual ones (pictured in layout). And I know my shadow on the tag is a bit wonky. But I did what I could to make it appear a little lifted.
    12 points
  17. Here's my monthly Wild Cat Calendar for September featuring the Iberian Lynx. The text is small so I'm posting it here, also: "The Iberian lynx, a wild cat that used to be common across the whole of the Iberian Peninsula which includes Portugal and Spain, but from the 1960s its numbers plummeted. Habitat loss, poaching and road accidents all helped to push the species to the brink of extinction. "Now, the cat is coming back according to a report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The increase is largely thanks to conservation efforts that have focused on increasing the abundance of its main food source - the also endangered wild rabbit, known as European rabbit. Programs to free hundreds of captive lynxes and restoring scrublands and forests have also played an important role in ensuring the lynx is no longer endangered. "Francisco Javier Salcedo Ortiz, a coordinator responsible for leading the conservation action, described it as the "greatest recovery of a cat species ever achieved through conservation." Arial font used throughout. Photo of lynx modified by Art Media Pencil behind calendar grid. Information from BBC News. I posted this full size (8.5x11) on Scrapbooking with PaintShop Pro on Facebook if you want to print it.
    12 points
  18. I also managed to get Day2 lesson done and my all time favorite sandwich is a BLT with lots of bacon and tomato on wheat toast. And no meal is complete around our house without dessert. ☺️
    11 points
  19. My daughter and Heidi have been BFF for over 30 years. They celebrated their 50th birthdays in Savannah, GA where Beth lived at the time. If you haven't heard of the Savannah Bananas baseball team, you should check out their hilarious videos on YouTube. They are so popular that you have to enter a raffle to get their tickets even if they are playing in Cleveland. I made the background using FF. The glitters are from ones that I made in the past using the cass glitter script. The stripes were made with cass stripes 2 script. The bananas and running shoes are from Canva. The saying is from Creative Fabrica. I converted the hearts to a vector using selection to path script and then my diamond tubes using VectorTube. The saying was selected and filled with my pink glitter pattern. The heart was a vector shape converted to a raster and filled with the pink glitter. I chose the colors based on Heidi's love of pink and of glitter (my kind of girl!). The photos are from Beth (I didn't get a good one of them wearing their banana costumes).
    11 points
  20. Day 7 - Project 3 On our recent trip to France we got to tour a number of places. One of them was Monet's garden in Giverny. Here are some of the many pictures we took while there. I'm getting used to the shortcut Ctrl-Y (for the drop shadow) this time. Thanks
    11 points
  21. Day 7. Happiness is Bundy. Our little boy gave us so much joy.
    11 points
  22. I like using photos for backgrounds and this one I have left it as is to show the Gordon River and the Wilderness surrounding it. I tried several different glitters but ended up using a wooden texture. I still have text to add - just have to find my notes on the photos!
    11 points
  23. Day 5 - Project 2 Sadly this dogwood tree is no longer there. It was on the lot next to mine and they tore that house down for a parking lot (shades of Joni Mitchell). 😢
    11 points
  24. For some reason, I am having difficulty posting, every time I go to the bottom of the page to reply to topic, I get the entire page come up, so I am replying to Carole's comment this time. For Day 5 Project 2 I have chosen to use a photograph I took years ago at a dam in Central Otago. I often take photos to create textures and I loved the cobwebs on this old lock. I decided to use a copy of the same photo, with a Sheilsoft script, a soft ultra tone, then altered this copy's hue, saturation, and lightness. I used Jessica Dunn's Spring Skies mini kit, altering the colours to suit. The green polka dot paper was quite bright and I felt it took over this image so I adjusted the green to a more muted grey/green. I also adjusted the white paper's hue, saturation, and lightness, not changing the white, and changing the flowers instead. The stitching is from Marisa Lerin from Digital Scrapbook, the key from Sheila Reid, also from Digital Scrapbook although I used the artistic effect chrome to brighten the key. I have been playing with the Beginners' Scrapbooking projects and had created something for this particular layout, and decided to do something different for the bootcamp.
    11 points
  25. Project 2 We travelled to Paris and London this summer and this was one of the sites we visited (Royal Mews). The Royal Carriages were quite spectacular. Love to use these shortcuts, but might not remember them for long. It's lucky they are listed with the menu options. Made a few changes based on feedback from Cassel. Shifted the elements and changed to gold text. Thanks for the suggestions. PS Cassel - Regarding the Lace Spools from yesterday - No I have not made Lace, just make the spools so far. I used to Knit and Crochet, but now my time is mostly taken up by woodturning. Thanks
    11 points
  26. 11 points
  27. My little sandwich with a rose to dress it up with!!
    11 points
  28. Day 3 and I did enjoy displaying this photo of our beautiful little boy, Bundy. He passed the rainbow bridge almost 2 years ago now and we still miss him every day.
    11 points
  29. 11 points
  30. I love monoline fonts like this one. They look great with inner bevels. The elements are from my older stash so I can't give the proper credit.
    11 points
  31. Day 9 - Project 4 I absolutely adore this photographer's work. If you're on Facebook, you should check out his page. He goes under 501 North Photography and has some amazing pictures of the Aurora Borealis. I decided to share some of his barn shots. I created an uncharacteristically (for me) muted layout so the pics could be the real stars. I used a bunch of supplies from the ALFLT Blog Train Jan 2021. The title font is Xpressive and the text font is Sugarstyle Millenial.
    10 points
  32. Project #6-Busy Bees format. I used the kit Carole offered from True Heart Digitals/DSS Oct 22. The lotus flower is from png.tree. The fonts are Copperplate Gothic and Curlz MT. I changed the colors of most papers, and the embellishments are from my stash.
    10 points
  33. Day 7 - Project 3 The papers and flower are from a mini kit by Marjan De With that I obtained in the Nov 2018 Blog Train. I made the scatter using Cassel's Punch Confetti script. For the glitter, I took a maroon glitter paper from Marisa Lerin, added a layer on top with the foreground/background gradient using the maroon and green from the papers, and changed the blend mode to Hue. The title font is Romantic Crafty and the text font is Segoe Print.
    10 points
  34. The background here was 2 Instant Effects on my photo - Sepia and Albumen. The font is Distress.
    10 points
  35. I made a "road trip" this week (unexpectedly) and ended up in a county (Ontario) to the east which is predominantly agricultural. I passed an old barn which was set in the middle of corn fields with only a rutted track to get to it. On the way back, I had to stop and try the track (which was, fortunately, dry) and get some pix. I have always loved old barns. They are a throwback to an earlier age of settlement (here in Canada) that speaks to the richness of community despite the distances. Men and women gathered to help new neighbours in a "barn raiser" that took not much more than one day of labour by everyone involved. Most of them are now gone, but occasionally a real remnant can be found. The background image is treated as Sepia Effect with an Overlay blend against the blue background. The frame on the colour image is from ET Designs.
    10 points
  36. Project #4 I continue to use my photos from California and to me it is amazing to see the wide variety of flowers there when I take a stroll through the neighborhood where my family lives. All the papers are from Rachel M Hailey; the butterflies are from the Meadow bundle by Jessica Dunn and the scatters from Marissa Lerin. The fonts are Impact and My Butterfly. No pinky shears for me, I like scallops more. I mirrored the layout from the lesson because my photos are more tilted to the right and this way is more pleasing to the eye, at least to mine. As always the most time goes to selecting the photos which is a pleasure!
    10 points
  37. Day 6 I've used bees in the past, so this time I switched to butterflies. All of the butterfly photos were taken by me at a beautiful butterfly house. The single monarch is an extraction from a photo sent to me by my grandson. I made the background papers using FF and changing the colors for the papers. The stripes were made with cass stripe 2. I made the scatters using cass script scattered elements. The stars, flowers and butterflies were from my kits. The font is Cute Dots from CF.
    10 points
  38. Hi everyone! I am so late getting started with this bootcamp, but I will try my best to keep up. Just finished Day 1 lesson. I have PSP Pro 2023 Ultimate and I prefer a dark gray background to work with and I always have the materials and layers palate available and just move them out of my way as needed. I have tried to teach myself how to use it & have a basic knowledge of some of it but I know I have a lot to learn. Looking forward to all the lessons. I have included a screenshot of how mine is set up with a photo of my very spoiled dog, Dozer.
    10 points
  39. I didn't read the directions carefully but here is my take of the challenge. Jerry and I play with each other once a year or once every 2 years. (He lives in Georgia; I live in VA.) We have learned to play together and do pretty well. This photo is from last week at the Georgia Golden Olympics. We competed against 70-75 year olds and were undefeated. We won the gold medal for the age group 80-85. This was our first 80+ tournament. We hope to competed in Des Moines, Iowa next year in the National Senior Games.
    10 points
  40. Nice catch. I didn't think about that. The postcard addition was a last minute after-thought and I missed it.
    10 points
  41. Day 5. Decided to add and tag and a crown.
    10 points
  42. LESSON 3 - NEW FUR KID ON THE BLOCK 😉 This is the photo I showed earlier of Brandy guarding the aquarium with the White Skirt Tetras. (I made a flair button using a template from Marisa Lerin and a photo of the tetras.) I used the kit Carole offered cpjess-Behold-Autumn and I incorporated some cat accessories from the Gina-Jones-Every-Day-is-Caturday kit. I reduced the opacity a bit on the background paper. The title font is Bauhaus 93, the Fur Baby banner is from Gina Jones. The scatters are from the Autumn kit.
    10 points
  43. Day 3 ~ When my favorite aunt turned 90, the family got together for a wonderful party. This is a picture of my cousin and his grandson. I used a kit by EmeraldJay from the PS September 2024 blog train. The fonts are 11S01 Black Tuesday and January Is Coming. And, yes, @Donna Sillia, I am now seeing my errors. 😄
    10 points
  44. The background is a photo taken from the jetty to the island with a light blend mode (I do like the way the blend modes work in 2023!) I added in the 2 boats, seagulls and sprinkles. Another interesting day with 2023 and a full reinstall - and now thankfully everything seems fine again.
    10 points
  45. Hi everyone, I seem to have missed the email for Monday (Day 2) but since I am a returning student I'm sure I'll make out OK. I just got a new laptop and am still getting things set up, but here is my attempt at Day 1 project 1. I am a woodturner so the picture is of some Lace Spools I was asked to make this summer.
    10 points
  46. I revised the template from the Lab and used a mini kit from Marisa Lerin called Field Notes 9
    10 points
  47. Lab 14-9 or Sketch 13, you decide. I started out doing something for the sketch challenge and ended up watching the tutorials for the most recent Lab (14-9). the items are: Striped Ribbon (2) Tight Diagonal The Striped Ribbon turned into the frame around the outer edge. I added a texture (blinds) and some noise and then duplicated and made a frame that I beveled. This is a quick and very easy to do tutorial. I kept my layers separate so I could decide on the background color (dark green looked better than white - it looks like black lines in the frame, but it's actually a dark green). The Tight Diagonal is really cool and easier than I expected. I did graphic of a hawk line drawing I found at Creative Fabrica. Then I used a blend mode and lowered the opacity as it was really busy and dark. Remember this tutorial when you do the Build A Kit next year, it will make for great papers. The hawk flying in and the hawk head are from Creative Fabrica and I changed the color of the feather on the head, used a blend mode, lowered the opacity and used the eraser tool to grunge it up a bit. Fonts are from Creative Fabrica; Gravity Wanders (Title and the journaling) and Gudea (yellow quote), Gudea might not be from CF. Background paper is Brook Gazarek (Digital Scrapbook). The birdbath I had took off the pedestal for a crow that had a bad leg a month ago. It turned out to be the favorite of the birds and squirrel this yr. This hawk flew in and stayed in the bath (it was hot out) for more than 20 minutes. The magpies gathered and watched very intently and then a lone little blue jay flew in to a branch 3 feet above the hawk and gave it a good talking too. All the birds were well behaved as this was big bird. When the Merlin flies in, the magpies endlessly taunt it and nip at the tail feathers. It's a much smaller bird. It was very exciting. I don't know what kind of hawk it is.
    10 points
  48. I was fortunate to receive a recent photo of my great-nephew who is about to start his Aviation School training (his long-term dream) at Sault College in Northern Ontario. As always, more challenging to make a "male" layout, but I can live with this version. He has worked so hard and done so much preparation for this venture.
    10 points
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