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Story Time Workshop (2022)


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Susan (#81468), it might be wordy, but it is a great story to share.


Harmony (#81473), that is a very interesting story about your name. I hope Harmony never experienced depression!


Julie (#81481), you are definitely allowed to be honorary Irish!


Anne (#81488), do you prefer us to call you Anna-Marie from now on?


Diane (#81491), I hope you document all those other stories you share with your sister. If nothing else, record your conversations!


Cindy (#81494), that is a sad story, but it is still a story to be told.


Pirkko (#81504), too bad you were too young to enjoy the Olympics!!! :)


René (#81509), do you often use that accent on your name? If that story your dad told is not accurate, I wonder why he was so insistent on that name?


Lynda (#81511), I assume those photos are yours? It is amazing when we still have such old photos on hand!


Gerry (#81514), I thought you would add a note as to why your name is pronounced the way it is (with a hard G). I am curious.


Bonnie (#81518), that is hilarious!!!! Maybe we can call you Pickleball too, although you are older!


It is so much fun to read all your stories (and yes, I read them all, as long as they are in English or French). Keep it up. If you haven't posted yet, don't be shy!

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Hi, here I am again. I used a text processor now. I was not finished introducing myself completely so here is the second part. It takes a while as my prototypes turned out to be wrong. I wanted to line it out on the right and line the cluster left but the letters mixed up. So this very morning I started over. So I'm one day behind. Carole no worries about the texts in English I did properly file them so I always can change them and keep the layout. It didn't work out how I planned it, but it is what it is now.







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Carole, yes I always use the accent when I'm handwriting my name. There is another story about my name that I should do as a companion page to this one now that I think about it!  But when things started being computerized, the accent couldn't be used since in those days there weren't all the fancy fonts. And, even using a typewriter, it couldn't be used. So I transitioned to Rene'. Used the apostrophe behind the e. Even now with some fonts, I cannot use the accent since it isn't in the font character map. So I mainly use the apostrophe even now... and I had forgotten the code to type the é (had to figure it out).


As for Dad liking the name, he did probably meet someone with the name when he was in the Navy and really liked it. His ship was in the Mediterranean for a few months before it transitioned to the south Pacific. Oddly enough there were 2 people in my small town with the name in the 50's. A father and son.

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Hey Carole,


The B&W photos are family archives. The church and the duplex are internet. I took a photo of the duplex a while back while visiting but I couldn't find it so that photo is from a real-estate site. After all these years the buildings haven't changed much. The church is now a "cathedral" instead of a lowly church.  :-)



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Day 2. I had font issues using the provided template and even after starting over when I figured out the problem, I ended up with a corrupted file and neither of my PSP versions would open it. I did find and was able to get a version of the file with papers only. (And, yes I had been saving it throughout the process. The final save of the file didn't work and corrupted the file). I lost all of my journaling and shadowing. So 4 hours in, I started over using a template from Scrapping With Liz (Recyclables 44 available at The LilyPad) and a retired kit by Bella Gypsy called Kaleidoscope. And, I actually like the final version better than the first version so I guess that is a win!


I again used the warp brush on element shadows. I use Forte font filled with a paper from the kit for my title and again used an inner bevel instead of a drop shadow. I am finding I really like that effect for titles.

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Jannette I very rarely have problems like I had yesterday. And, in all of my years scrapping, I've never started a layout over. But the template issues just frustrated the heck out of me yesterday. I finally figured out what the problem was and checked today's downloads before I even started a layout so that I don't have the same problem. Success today!


Day 3. I was not a child that got into trouble. The first 3 prompts just don't apply to me and if I did something as a child I have no memory of it! I had to think awhile but did come up with a trick my dad played on a younger cousin. I was 18 and helped to get things together for the trick so I went with it for my layout. I used a kit by Traci Reed at Sweet Shoppe Designs (I'm With The Band) for my papers and elements. I did use the title tutorial as well. I used the Cooper Black font for it.

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Finally I have something to show. I did the Story Time Challenge, as it was called then, two years ago and I will not repeat the stories I told, so I'm going another route and will tell you more about myself. I probably will use the extra templates for the Diamond members but maybe I will have to turn to the quickpages if I really run out of time. I said before that there is so much going on here at the moment, good and bad that I find it difficult to concentrate on this workshop when time allows me to do so.


This is the story of how I came to love photography and I used the day 1a template with a kit called Golden Hour from cpjes with one of my own photos as a background. The camera came from my stash and the font is Perfect Script. And now up to day 2.

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Here is my Day two Story Time page.  I used mostly elements from Digital Scrapbook "At the Fair" bundle from Sept 2014.  The fonts are Algerian (1972) and Gill Sans Ultra Bold.  My win today was remembering how to use the freehand selection without having to watch the video again.  I'll take the small wins, they will add up to a big win one day.  What's that saying...Save your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.


I am really enjoying reading everyone's stories.  I laugh along with the funny ones, want to to reach out and hug you with the sad ones and am generally amazing at all your life stories.  You are an immensely interesting bunch that I'm glad to be a part of.  I look forward to reading them tonight when I get home from work.


Forgot to add:  this is a really busy page for me.  Wonder if it will grow on me.



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When I realized that today is the 30th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew, I thought back to the events before and after. We had no idea what was about to happen.


For the record, I was not at a "hurricane party." I dragged a rocking chair into the kitchen, which didn't have windows, with my cat in her carrier.


Carole: The gremlin problem returned. I was getting an error message about vector incompatibility while trying to save in pspimage format. I am working in PSP 2023. When I checked the compatibility for saving, it defaulted to PSP compatible, which is actually not an option when setting it manually. I reset it to 2022, and the problem was resolved.

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Here is day 2.

I followed the tutorial 'knitting' in the Lab to make the background. The playing card with the picture is a free template from Carole, and for the ric rac ribbon I also used a script from Carole.

The elements come from PNGWing. The blue background is made with a free overlay and I made the background with the text on it myself.


So many beautiful pages and stories have already been posted, too many to comment for me, but I read them all!

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