When you are a kid, the world is your playground, and you will have explored it in many ordinary and extraordinary ways. That also means cuts and bruises for most of our childhood. Although I had my share of bruises and scratches, I cannot say I was an accident prone child (unlike my own kids), but I do remember one particular incident that caused quite a commotion.
Remember when … ? – Toys
When you are a child, your most prized possession is probably your toys (unless you might have a pet, but I didn’t). Were you keeping your room tidy? If so, I am sure your parents really appreciated that. I was not so tidy. I would not clean my room regularly, and even when my mom would tell me to tidy up, i would procrastinate as long as I could. What would you do if your child kept all the toys everywhere they should not be? Well, my mom had her way.
Remember when…? – A kiss
Maybe I should have told this story around Valentine’s Day, but I had… forgotten!
In 1984, I happened to meet Bob, at a goodbye dinner for the summer students at work. Bob came along with his brother Don, who was my colleague’s boyfriend at the time. Bob was a fun guy, and he was single, like I was.
Remember when…? – Diapers
Babies in diapers when you travel means a lot of stuff to bring, and potential surprises along the way.
When the kids were young (age 3, 2, and 10 months), we decided to go visit relatives in Toronto. That meant a really long drive, with a stop in Montreal, to visit my mom and stay overnight. Because the youngest one was only 11 months old, we had someone babysit him at home. We knew he would not enjoy the trip, and it would have made it even harder for us.
Remember when…? – In bed
The bed is a place we go every day, at least once a day (sometimes more). We spend hours and hours there, in fact, we spend between a quarter and a third of our life in a bed! It is no wonder that we can have stories surrounding that place.
Remember when…? – Surgery
When i was a child, i was pretty healthy in general. I caught the measles when i was in grade 1, then chicken pox when i was a teen (yeah, not fun when you are that old!). However, i was told that i had sore throat often when i was very young but i don’t remember that part.
Remember when…? – That name
Everyone has a name, whether we like it or not. And most of us share that name with other people, some famous, some unknown. Names appear in waves, becoming popular for a few years, then be unheard of, until someone revives it and we think “that is an old name”, but then, we get used to it all over again.
Remember when…? – Listening in school
School is a big part of most people as we probably spent a few years there. For some, school was fun, for others, not so much. But either way, there are surely a few things you remember from school.
When i was in grade 4, there was a new school being built closer to us but for some geographical divisions, i was not transferred to that school. That annoyed me, but when i finished grade 5, i was granted my wish.
Remember when…? – In the field
Nowadays, kids tend to stay indoor and play with their techno games and toys, but 50 years ago, those didn’t exist and kids were actually playing outside. I guess it helped that i lived in an urban area since there were many kids around too.
Playing outside didn’t require much as far as toys, equipment or facilities. We would play hours with the most rudimentary objects, and we still had fun!
Remember when…? – Bad neighbours
I spent the first 10 years that i remember, in the same apartment, on the same street, in Montreal. I had friends all around: in the house on the left, the house on the right, the houses behind, the houses across the street, and more.
Most neighbours on that street were quite friendly except for one. But it was not one person, it was one household.