Different programs will use some native file types that are not usable in other programs. This is often a question that is asked of PaintShop Pro users who find Photoshop supplies. Can I use them? Some file types are commonly used in most graphic programs (ex: .jpg, .png). Others might be usable in a limited number of programs even though they are native of one (ex: .psd files that are Photoshop format but can be used by PaintShop Pro). Yet, at other times, some files need some tweaks to be used in a different program.
Remember when…? – Coccyx
How often do you think about your coccyx? This is a body part that is "used" every single day, but we rarely think about it. I guess it is just like anything else: you notice its existence when it hurts. And boy, did my coccyx ever hurt!
Have Fun with Dingbat Fonts
Many graphic artists, scrapbookers, and crafters are font-aholic. They love getting those fun, interesting, and different fonts. They collect them by the hundreds, and maybe by the thousands. Fonts are used, typically, to transpose the characters from the keyboard to the monitor (and into whatever program) so you can read a message. Even though dingbats fall in the "font" category because they are associated with keyboard keys, they are not characters that will make a legible text: they are designs of various kinds.
Remember when…? – Stamps
Many scrapbookers know about stamps as those tools that are used with ink, but i have been a philatelist, which refers to postage stamps, not those used with ink.
How to create and use presets in PSP
Most tools in PaintShop pro have a multitude of settings and depending on what you want to achieve, those settings will differ. However, you might want to replicate the same effect in the future and you don't want to waste time trying to figure out the perfect settings, every time. That is where presets come to your rescue.
Remember when…? – Book
If you have been following this series, you might remember that we moved when i was in grade 6. Back in that time, the most common day for moving was May 1st. Leases were always from May to April. I don't know what was the reasoning behind having that date as a general day for moving but it always caused issues, especially for families with kids in school: we had to change school and environment for only 2 months!
File types you can use with PaintShop Pro
Whatever program you are using in your everyday activities on the computer, you probably know that each one seems to have their own native file types that cannot be shared with another program, even if they are for similar purposes (graphic work, video editing, text, etc.). Occasionally, products might be available online and look exactly like what you want, but after downloading them (or worse, purchasing them), you find out that it is a file format you can't use with your program. Let's have a look at what file types you can safely acquire to use with your PaintShop Pro.
Remember when…? – Burn
We all hear of some old lady's trick for treating this illness or that condition. Some of those do work, while some of them are mostly urban legends that are still shared around, and passed as truth. When I was a kid, my mom worked with a lady whose son was a doctor. One day, she heard of a "new" tip to treat burns.
Remember when… ? – Kitten
As you might remember, when i was young, we were not allowed to have pets in the apartment, due to the lease regulations. But I always loved animals so when we moved to a different apartment, I got a nice birthday surprise.
More content for your Paintshop Pro
Paintshop Pro has had many versions in the past. The most recent version is X7, and was released in September 2014. Most new releases have come with various content, as far as brushes, picture tubes, frames, masks, gradients, and more.