In handwriting, there are different types: cursive and block are the most common ones. But when children start school, which one do they need to learn?
Remember when…? – Boys and girls
It might not be as common now, but when i was young, there were classes where there were only boys or only girls. In fact, we had two schools, side by side (almost) and one was identified as "the boys school".
Theme of the month – School
In early September (sometimes August too), is when the kids get back to school or go for the first time. This is often a period of mixed emotions. Some kids are happy to use all new supplies, happy to see the classmates from the previous years, happy to take the school bus for the first time. However, there are also some concerns about which teacher will be there, and for the parents, seeing our little ones leave home, on their own, for the first time (almost).
Remember when…? – Penguins
In class, I often asked questions, think of something else, and bring other students to sigh in despair. I was the curious one, and if I didn't understand, I would never settle to pretend I did. I would keep asking and asking and asking again. In a way, I guess it helped me learn, but it also got me a few odd looks!
Remember when…? – Motorcycle
When I was in my teens, my parents separated. Since my mom was working full time, she had arranged for me to stay at relatives over the summer. That year, I stayed with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Remember the story where a storm caught us off guard while my cousin and I had our stamp collection spread out in the veranda? Check it out here. That is the summer that holds so many stories.
What is new in X8?
As for many years so far, Corel has released a newer version of PaintShop Pro. This is now the version X8. This version includes many new or improved features. In this blog post, I will list and detail the features less geared toward photographers, but more useful for scrapbookers, card makers and other graphic artists using PaintShop Pro for other purpose than photo editing.
Remember when…? – Potato
As a child, one can see the world in a very different way, since we have only limited knowledge and understanding of how things work around us. That is likely the case for most kids when it comes to... plumbing!
Getting free digital supplies
Although any hobby can become expensive if one buys everything in sight, it does not have to be. Digital scrapbooking is one of those hobbies where you CAN spend a fortune in programs, plugins and supplies, but there are ways to gather supplies for free.
Remember when…? – Laundry
When you are a kid, you might see things in some houses that you never saw in your own place, and those can seem particularly strange or magical (depending on what those are). Since I lived in an apartment on a second floor, my grandmother's house was a big kingdom to explore!
4 reasons to use BIG photos
When you create layouts traditionally, you are mostly limited by the size of the printed photos you have on hand. It is quite unusual for a paper scrapper to have a photo that will cover all or most of their 12x12 layout, but if you are a digital scrapbooker, you have that option as many digital photos are now quite large, or if that is not the case, you can always enlarge them (but that will require some extra steps). Why or when would you want to use a very large photo on your layout? Let's have a look at a few such reasons.