Add text in a silhouette

If you have a photo that you used to create a silhouette, what will you do with it? Of course, you can simply add it to another background to show it off, but you can do even more. You can use it to add text in a very creative way. Let's see how you can take an ordinary photo and make something new using Paintshop Pro X8.

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Remember when…? – Medals

As I have mentioned before, I was not a particularly athletic child. I liked sports to some extend, but I never had that drive that some other kids had. Sports were fun, mostly if they were individual as I was not much of a team player. I preferred to compete against myself, at my own speed and level.

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Remember when…? – Soccer

I have not been involved much into sports when I was a kid. Yes, I would play some sports at school, and for a while I was doing gymnastics but when I was 11, I had a coccyx accident which basically stopped me (I was not that good anyways). In school, one sport I remember playing was soccer, and that was probably just for phys ed class.

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Remember when…? – Blister

As a kid, we likely don't have much knowledge of how things can hurt or why and that is why we usually relied on Dr. Mom. When you were a kid, did you understand why you had a stomach ache? Or a blister? Or why removing that scab would make that scratch bleed again? I didn't.

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Theme of the Month – Halloween

Whether you are celebrating Halloween or not, you can hardly ignore it with everything that appears in the stores, from treats to costumes, and everything that seems to pop up on the neighbours' front lawn. It does not require you to participate, but you might still have stories to tell.

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Creating a Silhouette with PaintShop Pro

Although silhouettes are often sought by photographers, one has to be at the right place at the right time, with the right lighting. This is not given to everyone. And sometimes you might want to use a silhouette based on an element or person in your photo. Unless you have a subject in front of a very light background and uniform background, you can’t just adjust the brightness to get silhouette in one step. It is fairly easy if you are to use some of the tools in Paintshop Pro. Here is a simple tutorial on how to achieve that result.

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Remember when…? – Heating

Kids will do things that are not always logical in an adult's mind, but maybe it is because kids don't rely on logic to do what they do. They just feel like doing something? They do it. That's it. And when I was a kid, I was probably no different. Even to this day, I am still wondering why I did some of the things I did.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.